Phrosinella (Asiometopia) kozlovi ( Rohdendorf, 1925 )

Verves, Yury & Khrokalo, Liudmyla, 2017, A review of subtribe Phrosinellina Verves, 1989, with description of Phrosinella (Asiometopia) kocaki sp. nov. from the Middle East (Diptera: Sarcophagidae: Miltogramminae: Metopiaini), Turkish Journal of Zoology 41 (1), pp. 43-59 : 44-46

publication ID 10.3906/zoo-1512-60

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Phrosinella (Asiometopia) kozlovi ( Rohdendorf, 1925 )


Redescription of Phrosinella (Asiometopia) kozlovi ( Rohdendorf, 1925) View in CoL

(Figures 7–11).

Male: Body color: Brightly painted. Head densely silvery gray pollinated, frontal vitta matt black, with fine brownish tincture and white pruinescence; ocellar triangle and antennae entirely black, palpi brownish yellow. Thorax densely light gray pollinate, mesonotum with three dark median longitudinal stripes in anterior part, which reach middle level of postsutural arena; fore spiracles gray, hind ones yellowish-white. Wings hyaline, basicosta and epaulette yellow, legs brownish black. Abdomen silver gray pollinated, in basal half yellowish brown laterally, with black dorsal drawing. 1+2nd tergite with badly developed median spot and paired lateral stripes in hind 0.6, each of 3rd and 4th tergites in hind 0.4–0.5 with square median spot and separated from it by narrow areas of light dusting paired lateral stripes, 5th tergite with shining black marginal band in hind 0.6, and silver gray dusting in fore 0.4. Genitalia shining black.

Body length: 6.0–11.0 mm.

Head: Frons at vertex 0.46–0.50×, and at level of antennal base 0.48–0.51× of head width. Frontal vitta almost parallel-sided, at level of fore proclinate orb 0.7– 0.8× wide as one of parafrontalia. Flagellomere 4.0–5.0× as long as pedicel, arista widened in basal 0.7–0.8, almost bare, microchaetose. Parafacialia at level of antennal base 0.40–0.44×, genae 0.22–0.26× of eye height. Palpi midlong, at apex widened. Two regular rows of postorb in upper part of head; vte strong, only slightly shortly as vti; ocellar triangle with a pair of very strong lateroproclinate oc, and covered with numerous erected hairs; orb 1+2, strong; fr 10–16, crossed and strong; parafrontalia entirely covered with sparse black hairs, more long in hind part of frons; parafacialia in fore part with numerous fine black setae, bare near eyes; facial ridge above long and erected angular bristles with 2 black short setae; 6–8 pairs of oral bristles, their fore 2–3 pairs strong, others hair-like; genae and occiput with numerous pale erect midlong setae (Figures 7 and 8).

Thorax: Covered with numerous erect midlong black hairs; acr 0+1; dc 2+3-4; ia 1+2-3, very fine; pprn 2; kepst 1+1; npl 2. Scutellum with 3 pairs of long and strong marginals (ap crossed), d less.

Legs: Each of 1st–4th tarsomeres of fore tarsi with a pair of very long curved apical ad and pd: each of them is accompanied by strong apical spine-like ad or filiform pd accordingly; t 2 with one ad (Figure 9).

Wings: Costal spine small, badly developed, r 5 closed at edge of wing or narrowly open, R 1 at upper side with 3–4 black hairs in basal half, R 4+5 dorsally with a row of setae in basal 0.6–08 of first section, ventrally with 2–3 basal hairs, M obtuse angled, dm-cu straight, the ratio of 3rd and 5th costal sections is 1:1.9–2.2.

Abdomen: Each of 1+2nd–5th tergites with erected pair of medial marginal bristles. Genitalia small (Figures 10 and 11).

Female: Related to male, but fore tarsi without specialized chaetom.

Material examined: Turkey: Iğdır, “Ararat” [recent: Mountain of Ağrı] below Serdarbulak , 4.ix.1960, 5000′, 1 ♂ (Guichard & Harvey) ( BMNH) ; Mongolia: Kobdo aimak, Bulgan river, 25 km NNW of Bulgan habitation, meadow, 2.vii.1980 (I. Kerzner), 1 ♂ ( ZIN) .


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


Russian Academy of Sciences, Zoological Institute, Zoological Museum

















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