Aperileptus vanus Förster, 1871

Watanabe, Kyohei, 2023, Taxonomic and Zoogeographic Notes on Japanese Orthocentrinae (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae), with Descriptions of Four New Species, Bulletin of the Kanagawa Prefectural Museum (Natural Science) 52, pp. 7-44 : 11-13

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https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.11283244

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scientific name

Aperileptus vanus Förster, 1871


Aperileptus vanus Förster, 1871 View in CoL

[New SJN: Munehida-tsuya-hae-himebachi]

( Figs. 3A–E View Fig , 22J View Fig )

Aperileptus vanus Förster, 1871: 78 View in CoL .

Plectiscus (Aperileptus) obliquus Thomson, 1888: 1295 .

Diagnosis. Epicnemial carina complete ( Fig. 22J View Fig ). Malar space long, 1.7–2.0 times as long as basal width of mandible, 0.4 times as long as width of face. Nervellus reclivous ( Figs. 3A, D View Fig ). T I mat. Ovipositor sheath 0.4–0.5 times as long as fore wing, 1.2–1.4 times as long as hind tibia. Width of female face 0.45–0.5 times as wide as head. Male hind femur with a dorsolateral pit ( Fig. 3E View Fig ). Fore wing length 3.5–4.0 mm.

Materials examined. JAPAN: NARO, F, Hokkaido, Sapporo City, Jozankei , 20–29. VIII. 1989, K. Maeto & M. Sharkey leg. (MsT) ; NARO, 5 F & 1 M, ditto, 29. VIII. – 12. IX. 1989 ; NARO, 3 F & 1 M, ditto, 12–21. IX. 1989 ; NARO, 2 F, ditto, 21–28. IX. 1989 ; NARO, F, Hokkaido, Kumaishi, Kenichi-gawa, Iwafuchi-zawa , 21–29. IX. 1995, Y. Ito & T. Ito leg. (MsT) ; NARO, F, ditto, 10–20. X. 1995 ; NARO, Hokkaido, Ebetsu City, Nopporo , 29. VI. – 4. VII. 1992, K. Konishi leg. (MsT) ; EUM, F, Hokkaido, Yuni , Kuobetsu-gawa R., 2–12. VII. 2007, N. Kuhara leg. (MsT) ; EUM, F, Hokkaido. Sapporo City, Hitsujigaoka , 18–25. VI. 2003, K. Konishi leg. (MsT) ; EUM, M, ditto, 9–16. VII. 2003 ; EUM, F, ditto, 19–26. XI. 2003 ; EUM, F, ditto, 14–21. IX. 2010 ; EUM, 1 F & 1 M, Hokkaido, Bifue, Kusabue-rindo , 17. VIII. – 1. IX. 2012, N. Kuhara leg. (MsT) ; NARO, F, Hokkaido, Sapporo City, Misumai, Kannon-zawa , 7–21. IX. 1993, N. Kuhara leg. (MsT) ; NARO, F, Yamanashi Pref., Daibosatsu-toge , 16. V. 1964, T. Kikuchi leg. ; KPM-NK 81109 , F, Yamanashi Pref., Yamato Vil., Sagashio , 16. VI. 2007, K. Watanabe leg. ; KPM-NK 81110 , F, Yamanashi Pref., Enzan City., Daibosatsu, Kaminikkawa-toge , 16. VI. 2007, K. Watanabe leg. ; KPM-NK 89803 , F, Nagano Pref., Outaki Vil., Mt. Ontake-san , 25. VI. – 15. VII. 2015, S. Shimizu leg. (MsT) ; KPM-NK 89804 , F, Nagano Pref., Ueda City, Sugadaira-kogen, Tsukuba University , 19. X. – 16. XI. 2014, S. Shimizu leg. (MsT) ; KPM-NK 81111 , F, Shizuoka Pref., Kawanehoncho Town, Yamainudan , 14. VI. 2008, K. Watanabe leg. ; KPM-NK 81112 , F, Kagoshima Pref., Yakushima Is., Mt. Aiko-dake , 26. X. – 27. IX. 2006, T. Yamauchi leg. (MsT) . CHINA: F (det. Sheng), Liaoning Province, Dandong, Kuandian , 23. VI. 2007 , M-L. Sheng. Leg. RUSSIA: ZISP, F (det. by Humala), Krasnoselkup , 11. VIII. 1992, D. R. Kasparyan leg. ; ZISP, F (det. by Rossem ), “Тебердинский ЗАпов. дол.р.ТебердА”, 8. VII. 1976, D. R. Kasparyan leg.

Distribution. Japan (Hokkaido, Honshu, and Yakushima Is.); widely distributed in the Holarctic region.

Bionomics. Unknown in Japan. Solitary parasitoid of Mycetophila hetschkoi Laudrock and Exechia bicincta (Staeger) ( Mycetophilidae ) ( Humala, 2007).

Remarks. This is the first record of this species from Hokkaido, Honshu, and Yakushima Island.


Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences














Aperileptus vanus Förster, 1871

Watanabe, Kyohei 2023

Plectiscus (Aperileptus) obliquus

Thomson, C. G. 1888: 1295

Aperileptus vanus Förster, 1871: 78

Forster, A. 1871: 78
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