Doliops barsevskisi, Cabras & Medina, 2019

Cabras, Analyn A. & Medina, Milton Norman D., 2019, New species and new distributional record of Doliops Waterhouse, 1841 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Lamiinae) with notes on ecology and mimicry from Mindanao Island, Philippines, Baltic Journal of Coleopterology 19 (2), pp. 179-186 : 180-181

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.12520193

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scientific name

Doliops barsevskisi

sp. nov.

Doliops barsevskisi View in CoL sp.n. ( Fig. 1 A-D)

Holotype ( Fig. 1 A-B), male: Philippines – Mindanao / Mt. Kitanglad Range Natural Park / Bukidnon / July 2018 / coll. Medina . Presently in UMCRC, it will be deposited in National Museum of Natural History ( NMNH) under National Museum of the Philippine ( NMP) . Paratype. 1 male: Philippines – Mindanao / Mt. Kitanglad Range Natural Park / Bukidnon / July 2018 / coll. Cabras. Presently in UMCRC .

Diagnosis. New species is similar to Doliops ageometrica but different on the patterns of the pronotum and shape of the elytra’s transverse bands with D. ageometrica having an X shape scaly marking and widely separated elytral transverse bands. Also similar to Doliops geometrica but has different pattern of pronotum and elytra’s transverse bands with D. geometrica having a triangular basal band and very distantly separated middle transverse bands ( Fig. 1 A-B).

Male genitalia as shown in Figure 1 C-D.

Description. Dimensions: LB: 11.5 (holotype 11.5 mm). LP: 3.8 (3.8 mm). WP: 4.0 (4.0 mm). LE: 7.5- 8.1 (7.5mm). WE: 5.2- 5.6(5.2 mm).N=2 for all measurements.

Body black and shiny with greenish and reddish metallic luster. Surface with bands of pale yellow and green scales. Length: 7.5 mm, Width: 5.2 mm. Head black, finely punctate shiny; head with longitudinal median band of pale yellow and green scales between eyes and antennal bases. Genae under the eyes with oblique band of pale yellow and green scales. Labrum covered with numerous setae. First antennomere black, shiny and pubescent, without metallic luster. Basal half of the second antennomere brown with white pubescence; apical half of the second antennomere black with black pubescence and scarce setae. Basal half of the 3rd antennomere pubescent with white setae, apical half brown to black pubescent with scattered long black setae.Antennomere segments 4-8 brown with white and brown pubescence and few scattered black setae. Antennomere 9-10 black and with pubescence.

Pronotum convex, finely and sparsely punctured especially the lateral side. Black and shiny with very faint patch of pale yellow and turquoise scales in the apical margin, and long band in lateral side extending from the basal margin towards the apical margin almost confluent with long lateroventral band from basal margin to apical margin forming a half circle band.

Scutellum rounded and tomentose apically.

Elytra convex, black and shiny, and punctured with the following bands: a) Two transverse band near the base with the first band curved and confluent with the second band near suture, b) two transverse band in the middle confluent at 1 st interval or near suture. Distance between the two bands is very narrow.Apical stripe triangular not reaching the transverse band at the middle. Elytra finely punctate and tomentose. In basal part with sparse and coarse punctuation and tomentose.

Femora with light yellow apical spots and more or less tomentose. Surface of tarsomeres covered with white tomentum with sparse black setae. Tibia and tarsi apically covered with numerous setae, tomentose. Underside has the following markings of pale yellow and green scales: large C-shape patch on each side of metasternum; irregular band at each side along apical margin of ventrite I; a small patch on each side of ventrites II–IV, and a tiny spot on ventrite V.

Distribution. Mt. Kitanglad Range Natural Park, Bukidnon, Mindanao Island

Etymology. The new species is named after our collaborator and good friend Dr. Arvids Barševskis for his valuable contribution to Coleoptera fauna research in the Philippines and the establishment of Philippine Coleopterological Network (PhilColNet).


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