Cyclotella petenensis Sylvestre, Paillès & Escobar, 2018

Paillès, Christine, Sylvestre, Florence, Escobar, Jaime, Tonetto, Alain, Rustig, Sybille & Mazur, Jean-Charles, 2018, Cyclotella petenensis and Cyclotella cassandrae, two new fossil diatoms from Pleistocene sediments of Lake Petén-Itzá, Guatemala, Central America, Phytotaxa 351 (4), pp. 247-263 : 248

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.351.4.1

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Cyclotella petenensis Sylvestre, Paillès & Escobar

sp. nov.

Cyclotella petenensis Sylvestre, Paillès & Escobar sp. nov. ( Figs. 1–9 View FIGURES 1‒9 )

Type: Lake Petén-Itzá, Department of Petén, Guatemala, Latitude 16° 15’ 50 N, Longitude 89° 15’ 00 W. Lacustrine sediment in Core PI- 6, sample GLAD 9- PET 06-6A-13H2-98,3-99,3 cm (39.35 m below lake floor). Core collected in February 2006.

Holotype: slide PC0612192 and sediment PC0612194 deposited at the Laboratoire de Cryptogamie , Museum National Histoire Naturelle ( MNHN) Paris, France.

Isotype: slides Zu/1094 and sediment R 1278 deposited at the Friedrich Hustedt Diatom Study centre in Bremenhaven, Germany.


Cells circular, drum-shaped, with a diameter between 15 and 60 μm. Central area tangentially undulate, representing one third to half of the valve surface. Central area occupied on the elevated part by two (for smaller specimens) to>20 valve face fultoportae in a semicircular arrangement, the depressed part appears unstructured or colliculate. The total number of central fultoportulae is strongly positively related with cell diameter. Marginal area circumferentially undulate with coarse striae of equal length, 5 to 9 within 10 μm. Marginal striation crossed circumferentially by a «ring» about two third of the valve surface, representing the transition between internal openings of alveoli and central lamina. Stria composed of a main row of large pori starting near the central part and continuing with a double row of smaller ones arranged in a quicunx (staggered). Central fultoportulae formed by a short tubulus surrounded by three satellite pores. Marginal fultoportulae (one tube + three satellite pores) on each costa. Rimoportula on a costa within the ring of mantle fultoportulae.


National University of Peking Teachers' College


Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile

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