Auchenipterinae Bleeker, 1862

Birindelli, José L. O., 2014, Phylogenetic relationships of the South American Doradoidea (Ostariophysi: Siluriformes), Neotropical Ichthyology 12 (3), pp. 451-564 : 534-536

publication ID 10.1590/1982-0224-20120027

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scientific name

Auchenipterinae Bleeker, 1862


Auchenipterinae Bleeker, 1862

Euanemini Bleeker, 1858: 39 (see also Bleeker, 1858: 49, 189) [type genus: Euanemus (= Auchenipterus )].

Tracheliopterini Bleeker, 1858: 39 (see also Bleeker, 1858: 49, 250, 257) [type genus: Trachelyopterus ].

Pseudauchenipterini Bleeker, 1862 (in Bleeker, 1862 -1863): 6 [type genus: Pseudauchenipterus ].

Astrophysi (=Asterophysi) Bleeker, 1862 (in Bleeker, 1862 - 1863): 7 [type genus: Asterophysus ].

Auchenipterini Bleeker, 1862 (in Bleeker, 1862 -1863): 14 [type genus: Auchenipterus ].

Ageneiosi Bleeker, 1862 (in Bleeker, 1862 -1863): 14 [type genus: Ageneiosus ].

Trachycorystidae Miranda Ribeiro, 1911: 352 [type genus: Trachycorystes ] .

Included taxa. Ageneiosus , Asterophysus , Auchenipterichthys , Auchenipterus , Entomocorus , Epapterus , Liosomadoras , Pseudauchenipterus , Pseudepapterus , Pseudotatia , Spinipterus , Tetranematichthys , Tocantinsia , Trachelyichthys , Trachelyopterichthys , Trachelyopterus and Trachycorystes . Diagnosis. The subfamily Auchenipterinae is diagnosed by the following characters: urogenital opening at the tip of anterior anal-fin rays in males (#46: 1>2, exclusive), lateral line sinusoidal (#115: 0>1, reversed in Spinipterus , present also in Centromochlus ), accessory cartilage present between third and fourth basibranchials (#190: 0>1, reversed in Asterophysus , present also in some non-Auchenipteridae catfishes), six branched pelvic-fin rays (#276: 0>1, reversed in Entomocorus , and modified in Asterophysus , Auchenipterichthys , Auchenipterus , Epapterus , Pseudauchenipterus , Pseudepapterus , Trachelyichthys , Trachelyopterichthys , Trachelyopterus , Trachycorystes , present also in some non-Auchenipteridae catfishes).

Remarks. The subfamily Auchenipterinae is considered to be composed of Tocantinsia plus four monophyletic clades ( Fig. 68 View Fig ). Clade 1: the Asterophysus / Liosomadoras is supported by three characters, including the frontals not participating in the orbital margin (#64: 0>1, also present in Auchenipterichthys , Auchenipterus , Epapterus , Pseudepapterus , Trachelyopterichthys , Trachelyopterus and Trachycorystes ), epiotic not participating in the border of the cephalic shield (#84: 1>0, present also in some specimens of Trachycorystes ) and spines widespread on the posterior cleithral process (#268: 1>0, also present in Trachelyopterus porosus , coded as innaplicable for Asterophysus , which lack spines on the posterior cleithral process). Clade 2: the Pseudachenipterus / Pseudotatia clade is supported by five characters, including a distal vesicle on the distal portion of the anterior anal-fin rays in mature males (#48: 0>1, exclusive, coded as missing data for Pseudotatia ), dorsal face of the lateral ethmoid not participating in the cephalic shield (#59: 1>0, also present in Centromochlus heckelii ), fenestra between the lateral ethmoid and fontral present (#60: 0>1, coded as missing data for Pseudotatia ), fenestra between frontal and orbitosphenoid present (#77: 0>1, also present in Centromochlinae ), and anterior margin of the pectoral girdle elongate with acute tip (#249: 0>2, also present in Asterophysus , Centromochlus , Entomocorus , Gelanoglanis , and Tatia ). Clade 3: the Trachelyopterus clade, also including Auchenipterichthys , Trachelyichthys , Trachelyopterichthys , and Trachycorystes , is supported by two characters, including eight or more branched rays in the pelvic fin (#276: 1>3, also present in Asterophysus , Auchenipterus , Epapterus , Pseudepapterus , and reversed [i.e., rays equal to seven] in Trachelyopterus ), and last unbranched caudal-fin ray in the ventral lobe articulated with hemal spine (#307: 0>1, also present in Tetranematichthys , reversed in Trachycorystes ). Clade 4: the Auchenipterus clade, also including Ageneiosus , Entomocorus , Epapterus , Pseudepapterus , Spinipterus , and Tetranematichthys , is supported by nine characters, including the breeding tubercles on the maxillary barbels (#25: 0>1, reversed in Ageneiosus , character coded as missing data for Spinipterus ), transcapular process at an angle of approximately 45° relative to body axis (#92: 0>1, reversed in Entomocorus , character coded as missing data for Spinipterus ), ventral process of infraorbital 1 present (#98: 0>1, also present in Centromochlus , character coded as missing data for Spinipterus ), ventral rows of neuromasts dorsal to lateral line absent (#117: 1>0, condition also present in Gelanoglanis ), maxilla of mature males elongate (#134: 0>1, also present in some species of Trachelyopterus , character coded as missing data for Spinipterus ), gill-rakers moderate in size (#183: 0>1, also present in Glanidium , Centromochlus , Tatia , Tocantinsia , reversed in Auchenipterus , Epapterus , Pseudepapterus , character coded as missing data for Spinipterus ), dorsal-fin spine capable of rotating anteriorly (#241: 0>1, also present in Liosomadoras , and in some species of Trachelyopterus , character coded as missing data for Spinipterus ), anteromedial process of basipterygium partially or completely united to basipterygium (#283: 0>1, also present Gelanoglanis , reversed in Entomocorus , character coded as missing data for Spinipterus ), lateral process of basipterygium short (#285: 1>0, also present in Auchenipterichthys , Gelanoglanis , Tatia , character coded as missing data for Spinipterus ).

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