Syzygium tetragonum (Wight) Wall. ex Walp.

Soh, Wuu-Kuang & Parnell, John, 2015, A revision of Syzygium Gaertn. (Myrtaceae) in Indochina (Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam), Adansonia 37 (2), pp. 179-275 : 260

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Carolina (2021-08-16 21:14:56, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-04 01:40:09)

scientific name

Syzygium tetragonum (Wight) Wall. ex Walp.


50. Syzygium tetragonum (Wight) Wall. ex Walp. View in CoL

Repertorium Botanices Systematicae 2: 179 (1843); D.D.Soejarto et al., Seed Plants of Cuc Phuong National Park: 429 (2004) [misidentified as S. cinereum ]. — Eugenia tetragona Wight, Illustrations View in CoL of Indian Botany 2: 16 (1841). — Type: Bangladesh, Silhet, F. de Silva s.n. in Wallich Numer. List 3550 (1831) (holo-, K-W!; iso-, E!, BM!, M!, P[P00589407]!). (fide Noltie [2005: 362]). Eugenia subviridis Craib , Bulletin of Miscellaneous Information (Roy-

al Botanic Gardens, Kew) 1929: 117 (1929). — Type: Thailand ,

Chiengmai, Doi Sutep, Kerr 3503 (lecto-, ABD n.v., designated

by Chantaranothai & Parnell (1994: 113); isolecto-, BM!, K!). Syzygium nienkui Merr. & L.M.Perry , Journal of the Arnold Arbo-

retum 19: 228 (1938). — Type: China, Dai Land , Dung Ka ,

23.IX.1932, Chun & Tso 43905 (holo-, A![A00071314]; iso-,

NY![405592], US![ US 00118278]). [ Syzygium ficifolium Wall., Wallich Numer. List 3558 (1831) (K-

W!), nom. nud.]. [ Syzygium rameum Wall., Wallich Numer. List 3595 (1831) (K-

W!), nom. nud.]. ADDITIONAL MATERIAL EXAMINED. — Vietnam. Lam Dong: Da Chay, 19.III.1997, Averyanov, N.Q. Binh, P. K. Loc VH 2934 (P). — Lao Cai: Chapa, 23.I.1964, Schmid 4 (P). — Ninh Binh: Nho Quan, Cuc Phuong National Park, 1.IX.2003, N.M.Cuong M.V.Xinh & N.H. QuangMC 78 ( CPNP); idem, 22.V.2000, Soejarto & N.M.Cuong 11541 ( CPNP), 11579 ( CPNP) and 11589 ( CPNP); idem, 18.XI.1999, Soejarto, N.M. Cuong, N.Q. Binh, N.T.Hiep & M.V.Xinh 11035 ( CPNP); idem, 23.X.2000, N.M.Cuong, M.V.Xinh & D.T.Kien NMC 1121 ( CPNP). — Vinh Phuc: Mt. Tam Dao , 3.III.1938, Pételot 6303 (A); Mt. Tam Dao , 20.II.1940, Pételot 5303 (P). DISTRIBUTION. — Bhutan, Nepal, India, Bangladesh, Burma, Thailand, Vietnam and South China. In Indochina , documented in Vietnam only but may be present in Cambodia and Laos ( Fig. 39 View FIG ). ECOLOGY OR HABITAT. — In primary or secondary forest, along rivers to 1450 m. CONSERVATION STATUS. — IUCN Global Status: Least Concern ( LC); IUCN Regional (Indochina) Status: Data Deficient ( DD). PHENOLOGY. — Flowering: January, March, May, November. Fruiting: February .


Tree 6-8 m tall. Glabrous.

CHANTARANOTHAI P. & PARNELL J. A. N. 1994. - A revision of Acmena, Cleistocalyx, Eugenia s. s. & Syzygium (Myrtaceae) in Thailand. Thai Forest Bulletin (Botany) 21: 1 - 23.

NOLTIE H. J. 2005. - The botany of Robert Wight. Regnum Vegetabile 145. IAPT, Institute of Botany, University of Vienna, Austria.

Gallery Image

FIG. 39. — Distribution of Syzygium syzygioides (Miq.) Merr. & L.M.Perry (), Syzygium tetragonum (Wight) Wall. ex Walp. (), Syzygium thorelii (Gagnep.) Merr. & L.M.Perry () and Syzygium thumra (Roxb.) Merr. & L.M.Perry () in Indochina.


Royal Botanic Gardens


Cuc Phuong National Park


Forest Research Institute, Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education











