Syzygium borneense (Miq.) Miq.

Soh, Wuu-Kuang & Parnell, John, 2015, A revision of Syzygium Gaertn. (Myrtaceae) in Indochina (Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam), Adansonia 37 (2), pp. 179-275 : 204-206

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Carolina (2021-08-16 21:14:56, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-04 01:40:09)

scientific name

Syzygium borneense (Miq.) Miq.


13. Syzygium borneense (Miq.) Miq. View in CoL ( Fig. 10 View FIG )

Flora van Nederlandsch Indië 1(1): 453 (1855) . — Eugenia borneensis Miq., Analecta Botanica Indica View in CoL 1: 24 (1850), t. 7. — Type: Indonesia, Borneo , Gunung Pamatton, Korthals s.n. (lecto-, L![L0009408], here designated) (see Note 1).

Eugenia cinerea Kurz, Preliminary Report View in CoL on the Forest and Other Vegetation of Pegu, Appendix B: 50 (1875). — [ Syzygium cinereum Wall., Wallich Numer. List View in CoL 3576 (1831) (K-W!), nom. nud.; Merr. & L.M.Perry, Journal of the Arnold Arboretum 19: 107 (1938); P.H.Hô, An Illustrated Flora of Vietnam (Câyco Viêtnam) 2: 49, fig. 3734 (1992)]. — Syzygium cinereum (Kurz) Chantar. & J.Parn., Kew View in CoL Bulletin 48: 596 (1993); P.Dy Phon, Plant Use in Cambodia: 377 (2000); K.D.Nguyen, ( Myrtaceae View in CoL ) Checklist of Plant Species of Vietnam 2: 902 (2003); M.F.Newman et al., A Checklist of the Vascular Plants of Lao PDR: 245 (2007). — Type: Peninsular Malaysia, Penang, Wallich Numer. List 3576 (lecto-, K-W! designated by Chantaranothai & Parnell (1993: 596); isolecto-, E!, OXF n.v., L!), syn. nov. (see Note 1).

Eugenia microcalyx Duthie View in CoL in Hooker, Flora of British India 2: 493 (1878). — Type: Peninsular Malaysia, Malacca, Maingay 727 (lecto-, K!, designated by Chantaranothai & Parnell [1994: 45]).

Eugenia pseudosubtilis King View in CoL , Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal 70: 123 (1901). — Type: Peninsular Malaysia, Perak, XII.1884, King’s Collector 6946 (lecto-, BM!, designated by Chantaranothai & Parnell [1994: 52]; isolecto-, K!).

Eugenia pseudosubtilis var. platyphylla King View in CoL , Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal 70: 124 (1901). — Type: Singapore, Botanical Garden, VIII.1892, Ridley 3962 (lecto-, K!, here designated).

Eugenia pseudosubtilis var. subacuminata King View in CoL , Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal 70: 124 (1901). — Type: Peninsular Malaysia, Penang, V.1881, King’s collector 1793 (holo-, K!; iso-, NY!).

Eugenia ixoroides Elmer, Leaflets View in CoL of Philippine Botany 4: 1426 (1912). — Type: Philippines, Palawan, Puerto Princesa, Mt. Pulgar, V.1911, Elmer 13165 (holo- PNH†; iso-, A![69716], GH![69717], K!).

Eugenia litseifolia Merr. View in CoL , Journal of the Straits Branch Royal Asiatic Society 77: 215 (1917). — Syzygium litseifolium (Merr.) Merr. & L.M.Perry, Memoirs View in CoL of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 18: 191 (1939). — Type: Malaysia, Borneo, Sarawak, Native Collector 260 (Bur. Sci.) (holo-, PNH †; iso-, K!).

Eugenia irregularis Craib View in CoL , Bulletin of Miscellaneous Information (Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew) 1930: 167 (1930). — Syzygium irregulare (Craib) Merr. & L.M.Perry View in CoL , Journal of the Arnold Arboretum 19: 107 (1938); P.H.Hô, An Illustrated Flora of Vietnam (Câyco Viêtnam) 2: 52, fig. 3742 (1992); K.D.Nguyen, ( Myrtaceae View in CoL ) Checklist of Plant Species of Vietnam 2: 905 (2003). — E. microcalyx Duthie var. irregularis (Craib) M.R.Hend. View in CoL , The Gardens’ Bulletin Singapore 12: 207 (1949). — Type: Thailand, Phangnga, takuapa, Kapong, II.1929, Kerr 17128 (lecto-, BK!, designated by Chantaranothai & Parnell (1994: 45); isolecto-, ABD, BM!, K!, TCD!).

Eugenia operculata Roxb. var. avicennifolia Craib, Florae Siamensis Enumeratio 1: 654 (1931). — Type: Thailand, Surat, Koh Samui , IV.1927, Kerr 12646 (lecto-, ABD n.v., designated by Chantaranothai & Parnell (1994: 52); isolecto-, BK!, K!).

Eugenia pseudosubtilis King var. orientalis Craib, Florae Siamensis Enumeratio View in CoL 1: 657 (1931). — Type: Thailand, Chumphorn , Siepyuan, XII.1928, Kerr 16240 (lecto-, BK!, designated by Chantaranothai & Parnell (1994: 52); isolecto-, ABD n.v., BM!, K!, TCD!).

[ Syzygium ribesoides Wall., Wallich Numer. List 3553A (1831) (K- W!), nom. nud.].

[ Eugenia brachiata auct. non Roxb.(1832): Duthie in Hooker, Flora of British India 2: 496 (1878) pro parte; Gagnep. in Lecomte, Flore générale de l’Indochine 2: 811 (1920)] (see Note 3).

[ Syzygium tonkinense auct. non (Gagnep.) Merr. & L.M.Perry (1938): D.D.Soejarto et al. Seed Plants of Cuc Phuong National Park: 434 (2004). — Vouchers: Ninh Binh, Nho Quan, Cuc Phuong National Park, Anon. CPNP 3998 (CPNP!) and 3999 (CPNP!)].

ADDITIONAL MATERIAL EXAMINED. — Cambodia. Kampong Chhnang:

Kralanh forest reserve, III.1914, Chevalier 31733 (P). — Kampong

Speu: Preah Khae, 8.VIII.1873, Pierre s.n. (P); Samraong Tong,

V.1870, Pierre 988 (P). — Preah Vihear: Ka Kek, II.1876, Harmand

418 (P). — Pursat: Svay Pak, 6.VII.1965, Martin 182 (P). — sin.

loc., 24.VI.1929, Béjaud 553 (A); sin. loc., 19.I.1907, Gourgand s.n.

(P); sin. loc., II.1877, Harmand 866 (P); sin. loc., Pételot s.n. (P).

Laos. Khammouan: Nakai , 27.V.2006, K. Nanthavong & Ridsdale

BT 557 (E); Ban Mak Phueang, 10.II.2005, Newman et al. LAO 29 (E); road along Nakai near Houang Nong Pa, 11.II.2005, Newman et al. LAO 59 (E); road from Nakai to Nakai-Nam Theun, 17.II.2005, Newman et al. LAO 265 (E); road along Nakai to Lak Sau, 19.II.2005, Newman et al. LAO 331 (E).

Vietnam. An Giang: Chau Doc, Mt. Cham ,. V.1869, Pierre s.n. (P). — Cochinchina: Pierre s.n. ( K); 1868, Talmy s.n. (P); Thorel s.n. (P); Thorel 336 ( BM, P) . — Dong Nai: Bien Hoa, Vinot s.n. ( K) ; Bien Hoa, IV.1912, Vinot 49 (P) ; Bien Hoa, IV.1912, Vinot 45 (P). — Ha Tay: Da Chong, 14.IV.1940, Pételot 2665 (P) . — Ho Chi Minh City: Phu My , X.1874, Godefroy s.n. (P), 8.III.1911, Robinson 1011 (P); Thorel 367 (P); Binh Quoi, VII.1959, Vu Van Cuong 1306 (P) . — Khanh Hoa: Poulo-Condor, Harmand 886 (P); Poulo-Condor ,. VIII.1870, Perry s.n. (P) . — Lam Dong: Bao Loc , 1.V.1953, Schmid s.n. (P) . — Long An: Moc Hoa, Vam Co Tay , 13.III.1971, Vu Van Cuong 1644 (P) ; Moc Hoa, 13.III.1971, Vu Van Cuong 1651 (P) . — Quang Ninh: Dam Ha, Sai Vong Mo Leng , 18.V-5.VII.1940, W.T. Tsang 29839 ( K, P); idem, 18.V-5.VII.1940 W.T.Tsang 29960 (A, K, P) . — Tay Ninh: VIII.1891, Pierre s.n. (P); 1866, Pierre s.n. (P) . — Thua Thien-Hue: Bo Giang, 28.VI.1916, Eberhardt 2772 (P) ; Bo Giang, 28.VI.1916, Eberhardt 2786 (P); Pierre s.n. ( BM); 23.XII.1971, Vu Van Cuong 1587 (P) .

DISTRIBUTION. — Widely distributed from India to the Philippines and from South China to Borneo. In Indochina found in Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam ( Fig. 11 View FIG ).

ECOLOGY OR HABITAT. — Primary or secondary forest, road side, swamp, lowland to hill forest to 800 m.

CONSERVATION STATUS. — IUCN Global Status: Least Concern ( LC); IUCN Regional (Indochina) Status: Least Concern ( LC).

PHENOLOGY. — Flowering: February-August. Fruiting: February, May, July, August, October.

VERNACULAR NAMES. — Cambodia: Pring bai (Kampong Chhnang) , Pring chanloh. Vietnam: Cham (Thua Thien-Hue) , Tram ba vo ( Annam), Tram dong (Dong Nai) , Tram khoai (Thua Thien-Hue) , Tram se, Tram trang (Dong Nai) .

USES. — The fruit is edible and the wood is used for torches and construction.


Shrub or tree, 4-25 m tall, to 30 cm dbh. Bark pale whitish to brownish; slash bark light brown. Glabrous.

CHANTARANOTHAI P. & PARNELL J. A. N. 1993. - New taxa and combinations in Cleistocalyx and Syzygium (Myrtaceae) in Thailand. Kew Bulletin 48: 589 - 610.

CHANTARANOTHAI P. & PARNELL J. A. N. 1994. - A revision of Acmena, Cleistocalyx, Eugenia s. s. & Syzygium (Myrtaceae) in Thailand. Thai Forest Bulletin (Botany) 21: 1 - 23.

Gallery Image

FIG. 10. — Holotype of Syzygium borneense (Miq.) Miq., Korthals s.n. (L0009408).

Gallery Image

FIG. 11. — Distribution of Syzygium borneense (Miq.) Miq. (), Syzygium bullockii (Hance) Merr. & L.M.Perry () and Syzygium buxifolium Hook. & Arn. () in Indochina.


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