Syzygium cumini
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Carolina (2021-08-16 21:14:56, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-04 01:40:09) |
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Syzygium cumini |
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22. Syzygium cumini View in CoL (L.) Skeels
Bulletin U.S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Plant Industry 248: 25 (1912); Merr. & L.M.Perry, Journal of the Arnold Arboretum 19: 108 (1938); P.H.Hô, An Illustrated Flora of Vietnam (Câyco Viêtnam) 2: 45, fig. 3721 (1992) [as S. cumini (L.) Druce, nom. illeg.]; V.D.Nguyen, Medicinal plants of Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos: 286 (1993); M.C.Le & T.H.Le, Forest Plants (Thực vật rừng): 319, fig. 270 (2000); P.Dy Phon, Plant Use in Cambodia: 378 (2000); K.D.Nguyen, ( Myrtaceae ) Checklist of Plant Species of Vietnam 2: 903 (2003); V.S.Hoang, N.Khamseng & P.J.A. Kessler, Blumea View in CoL 49: 315 (2004); M.F.Newman et al., A Checklist of the Vascular Plants of Lao PDR: 245 (2007). — Myrtus cumini L., Species plantarum 1: 471 (1753). — Calyptranthes cumini (L.) Pers., Synopsis Plantarum 2: 32 (1806). — Eugenia cumini (L.) Druce, (Report) Botanical Exchange Club and Society of the British Isles 3: 418 (1914); Merr., An interpretation of Rumphius’ Herbarium Amboinense, Bureau of Science Publication 9: 394 (1917). — Type: Sri Lanka, Herb. Hermann 1: 45, No. 185, right specimen [BM000621389] (lecto-, BM! designated by Kostermans [1981: 134] & Verdcourt [2001: 72]) (see Note 1).
Eugenia caryophyllifolia Lam., Encyclopédie méthodique (Botanique) 3 (1): 198 (1789). — Calyptranthes caryophyllifolia (Lam.) Willd., Annalen der Botanick (ed. Usteri) 17: 22 (1796). — Syzygium caryophyllifolium (Lam.) DC., Prodromus Systematis Naturalis Regni Vegetabilis View in CoL 3: 260 (1828). — Eugenia jambolana var. caryophyllifolia (Lam.) Duthie in Hooker, Flora of British India 2: 499 (1879). — Syzygium cumini var. caryophyllifolium (Lam.) K.K.Khann, Flora of Bihar, Analysis: 199 (2001). — Type: Herb. Lamarck vol. 32, sheet no. 104 (lecto-, P-LA![P00297819], here designated). — Remaining syntype: Herb. Lamarck vol. 32, sheet no. 105 (P-LA![P00297820]).
Eugenia jambolana View in CoL Lam., Encyclopédie Méthodique (Botanique) 3(1): 198 (1789); Gagnep., in Lecomte, Flore générale de l’Indochine 2: 818 (1920). — Calyptranthes jambolana (Lam.) View in CoL Willd., Annalen der Botanick (ed. Usteri) 17: 23 (1796). — Syzygium jambolanum (Lam.) View in CoL DC., Prodromus Systematis Naturalis Regni Vegetabilis View in CoL 3: 259 (1828). — Type: Icon in Rumphius, Herbarium Amboinense 1: 131, t. 42 (1741) (lecto-, here designated [based on Jambolana Rumph.]). — Remaining former syntype: Herb. Lamarck vol. 32, sheet no. 50, with Lamarck’s label (P-LA![P00297765]) (see Note 2).
Eugenia obovata Poir., Encyclopédie Méthodique (Botanique) View in CoL , suppl. 3: 124 (1813). — Myrtus obovata (Poir.) Spreng., SystemaVegetabilium View in CoL 2: 486 (1825). — Syzygium obovatum (Poir.) DC. View in CoL , Prodromus Systematis Naturalis Regni Vegetabilis View in CoL 3: 259 (1828). — Type: La Réunion, Commerson s.n. (holo-, FI n.v.) (fide Scott [1990: 40]).
Syzygium fruticosum DC. View in CoL , Prodromus Systematis Naturalis Regni Vegetabilis View in CoL 3: 260 (1828); Merr. & L.M.Perry, Journal of the Arnold Arboretum 19: 109 (1938). — Eugenia fruticosa (DC.) Roxb. View in CoL , [Hortus Bengalensis: 37 (1814), nom. nud.] Flora indica 2 [ed. 2, ed. W. Carey]: 487 (1832); Icones Roxburghianae no. 1440 (K!); Gagnep. in Lecomte, Flore générale de l’Indochine 2: 843 (1920). — Type: Chittagong, Roxburgh s.n. (lecto-, G-DC![in Herb. Lambert 1816, microfiche L!], here designated; isolecto- BM![ticket in Wallich’s handwriting ‘ Eugenia fruticosa View in CoL , Roxburgh’], BR n.v., K-W! (= Wallich 3559A?), P!) (see Notes 2 and 3).
Eugenia obtusifolia Roxb. , Flora indica 2 [ed. 2, ed. W. Carey]: 485 (1832). — Syzygium obtusifolium (Roxb.) Kostel., Allgemeine Medizinisch-Pharmazeutische Flora 4: 1532 (1835). — Eugenia jambolana var. obtusifolia (Roxb.) Duthie in Hooker, Flora of British India 2: 500 (1879). — Syzygium cumini var. obtusifolium (Roxb.) K.K.Khanna View in CoL , Flora of Bihar, Analysis: 202 (2001). — Type: Icones Roxburghianae no. 2070 (lecto-, K! here designated; isolecto- CAL n.v.) (see Note 2).
Eugenia brachiata Roxb. , Flora indica 2 [ed. 2, ed. W. Carey]: 488 (1832). — Type: Icones Roxburghianae no. 1978 (holo-, K!; iso-, CAL n.v.).
Eugenia calyptrata Roxb. ex Wight & Arn. View in CoL , Prodromus Florae Peninsulae Indiae Orientalis View in CoL : 329 (1834) [as synonym of Eugenia jambolanum , nom. nud.]. — Voucher: India, Roxburgh s.n., (K![Herb. Bentham], BM!, BR n.v., P!).
Syzygium pseudojambolana Miq. View in CoL , Flora van Nederlandsch Indië 1: 458 (1855). — Type: Indonesia, Java, Djokjokarta , Herb. Junghuhn 33 (holo-, L![L0329920]), syn. nov .
Eugenia tenuis Wall ex Duthie View in CoL in Hooker, Flora of British India 2: 500 (1879). — Syzygium tenue (Duthie) N.P.Balakr. View in CoL , Bulletin of the Botanical Survey of India 22: 175 (1980 publ. 1982). — Type: Nepal, Sukanaghar, Hamilton 1165 in Wallich Numer. List 3570 (lecto-, K-W! here designated; isolecto-, E!).
Eugenia tsoi Merr. & Chun, Sunyatsenia View in CoL 2: 291 (1935). — Syzygium cumini var. tsoi (Merr. & Chun) Hung T.Chang & R.H.Miao, Acta Botanica Yunnanica View in CoL 4: 22 (1982). — Type: China, Hainan, Yaichow, Namshan Ling, Tso 23006 (holo-, A![69412]; iso-, E!, K!, NY!).
Calyptranthes oneillii Lundell View in CoL , Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 64: 554 (1937). — Type: Belize, Belize District, c. 7 km NW of Belize, 21.VIII.1936, H.O’Neill 8764 (holo-, MICH![ MICH1109776 ]; WIS!).
[ Jambolifera pedunculata View in CoL auct. non L., (1753): Houtt., Natuurlijke Historie 2,2: 273, fig. 1 (1774). — Voucher: L n.v., not found] (see Note 4).
[ Jambolifera pendunculata auct. non L., (1753): Lour. Flora Cochinchinensis 230. 1790. — Jambolifera chinensis Spreng. View in CoL , Systema Vegetabilium 2: 216 (1825), nom. nov.] (fide Merrill [1935: 220 & 284]) (see Note 4).
[ Jambolifera coromandelica Houtt., Natuurlijke Historie 2,2: 275, fig. 2 (1774). — Voucher: L n.v., not found] (see Note 4).
[ Calyptranthes capitellata Buch. -Ham. ex Wall., Wallich Numer. List 3560D (1831) (K-W!), nom. nud.].
[ Calyptranthes tenuis Buch-Ham. ex Wall., Wallich Numer. List 3570 [Hamilton 1165] (1831) (K-W!), nom. nud.].
[ Eugenia frondosa Wall., Wallich Numer. List 3560G (1831) (K-W!), nom. nud.].
ADDITIONAL MATERIAL EXAMINED. — Cambodia. Kampong Chhnang: Chevalier 32026 (P); 2.XII.1917, Chevalier 35782 (P). — Kampot: III.1914, Chevalier 31770 (P). — Kandal: Phnom Penh , 10.VII.1933, Béjaud 562 (P); Phnom Penh , Béjaud 570 (P). — Kompong Speu : Samraong Tong , IV.1879, Pierre 989 (P). — Ratanakiri: Bantuk , 9.I.1969, Martin 1404 (P); idem, 1.IX.1969, Martin 1404 (P). — Siem Reap: Angkor Thom , Thorel (P). — Stung Treng: Thala Barivat , 26.VII.2000, M.Monyrak 169 ( K). — sin. loc., Béjaud 363 (P); sin. loc., Béjaud 559 (P); sin. loc., 19.V.1924, Herbier Forestier du Cambodge 504 (P); sin. loc., 27.IV.1907, Magnen, Gourgand & Châtillon s.n. (P); sin. loc., IV.1907, Pételot s.n. (P); sin. loc., IV.1870, Pierre 989 ( BM); sin. loc., XII.1876, Pierre 3190 (Harmand s.n.) (P) .
Laos. Attopeu: Bolaven plateau [Attopeu plateau], Harmand s.n. (P) . — Bolikhamxai: Khamkeuth, Ban Namphao , 22.IV.2000, Soejarto, S. Bouamanivong, M. Sensanang & S.Vorasing 11378 (P) . — Champassak: Maxwell 98-431 (L) . — Khammouan: Nakai, 23.V.2006, K. Nanthavong & Ridsdale BT 493 (E); Ban Phong Tiou , 12.IV.1950, Vidal 1209 (P) . — Savannakhet: Ban Chai , 20.V.1949, Vidal 947 B (P) . — Viangchan: Muang Ban, 27.III.1932, Kerr 21278 (L); Pak Lay, Thorel s.n.; (P); Tha Ngon , 13.XI.1949, Vidal 1122 B (P) . — Xaignabouli: 1.II.1965, Vidal 4283 (P) . — Xieng Khouang: Xieng Khouang, IV.1952, Vidal 2202 (P). — sin. loc., 17.III.1956, Tixier 9 (P) .
Vietnam. Cochinchina: Pierre s.n. ( BM, P); Talmy s.n. (P). — Hao Binh: 5.V.1938, Pételot 6394 (A). — Ho Chi Minh City: Thorel s.n. (P). — Kontum: Dak Poko river, 30.III.1995, Averyanov et al. VN 1010 (P). — Lam Dong: Mt. Lang Bian, 24.IV.1919, Chevalier 40296 (P); Lang Hanh, 19.IX.1965, Martin 958 (P); Dalat, III.1932, Squires 925 ( BM, K); Lang Ang, 2.IV.1964, Schmid s.n. (P); Dalat, Schmid 1000 (P). — Quang Nam - Da Nang: Mt. Bana , V.1927, J. & M.S. Clemens 4040 (A, BM, K). — Tay Ninh: Cai Cong , 23.IV.1866, Pierre s.n. (P). — Tonkin : Mu Cua , 23.VIII.1892, Bon 5643 (P). — Vinh Phuc: Vinh Yen , IV.1931, Pételot 4679 (P). — sin. loc., 20.IV.1923, Service Général des Forêts 7 (P); sin. loc., Pierre s.n. (P) .
DISTRIBUTION. — Widespread in the tropics and subtropics in Africa, Asia, Australia to the Pacific. In Indochina, it occurs in Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam ( Fig. 18 View FIG ).
ECOLOGY OR HABITAT. — Primary or secondary forest, from lowland to montane forest, swamp and savannah, to 1200 m.
CONSERVATION STATUS. — IUCN Global Status: Least Concern ( LC); IUCN Regional (Indochina) Status: Least Concern ( LC).
PHENOLOGY. — Flowering: March to December. Fruiting: July, December.
VERNACULAR NAMES. — Cambodia: Krian (Ratanakiri), Pring (Kampong Chhnang), Pring bai, Pring das krebey, Pring kom (Kandal), Pring thom (Kandal), Pring toeuk (Stung Treng). Laos: Hai kham (Xaignabouli), Ma va (Viangchan), Sa (Xieng Khouang), Sa leng, Va. Vietnam: Cay voi rung ( Tonkin), Emao (Lam Dong), Tram ba vo, Tram goi, Tram moc, Tram voi, Tram xe (Tay Ninh), Voi rung. USES. — The fruits and young leaves are eaten by the local. The wood is used for fuel, construction and carpentry. The fruit decoction is used to treat stomach ache ( Le & Le 2000). The decoction of leaves, wood and fruit is used as antidiabetic medicine ( Dy Phon 2000). The juice from leaves is used to treat dysentery and cleaning wounds ( Hoang et al. 2004) (for further usages see Verheij & Coronel 1992).
Tree to 35 m tall, 45 cm dbh. Bark unknown, slash bark unknown. Glabrous.
DY PHON P. 2000. - Plant Use in Cambodia. Imprimerie Olympic, Phnom Penh, 915 p.
HOANG V. S., KHAMSENG N. & KESSLER P. J. A. 2004. - Trees of Laos and Vietnam: a field guide to 100 economically or ecologically important species. Blumea 49: 201 - 349.
KOSTERMANS A. J. G. H. 1981. - Eugenia, Syzygium and Cleistocalyx (Myrtaceae) in Ceylon. Quarterly Journal of the Taiwan Museum 34: 117 - 188.
LE M. C. & LE T. H. 2000. - Forest Plants (Th uc v at r ung). Agricultureal Publishing House, Ha Noi.
MERRILL E. D. 1935. - A commentary on Loureiro's ' Flora Cochinchinensis'. Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, new series 24 (2): 445 p.
SCOTT A. J. 1990. - Myrtaceae, in ANTOINE R., BOSSER J. & FER- GUSON I. K. (eds), Flore des Mascareignes 92. Institut de recherche pour le developpement, Paris, Mauritius Sugar Industry Research Institute, Ile Maurice and the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew: 1 - 55.
VERDCOURT B. 2001. - Myrtaceae, in BEENTJE H. J. & SMITH S. A. L. (eds), Flora of Tropical East Africa. Balkema, Rotterdam: 1 - 89.
VERHEIJ W. M. & CORONEL R. E. (EDS). 1992. - Plant Resources of South-East Asia No 2. Edible fruits. Prosea, Bogor / Pudoc, Wageningen, 446 p.
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Royal Botanic Gardens |
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Bristol Museum |
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.
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Syzygium cumini
Soh, Wuu-Kuang & Parnell, John 2015 |
Eugenia jambolana
Systematis Naturalis Regni Vegetabilis 1828: 259 |
Lam. 1789: 198 |
Rumphius 1741: 131 |