Fasolinka beckermigdisovae, Shcherbakov, 2011

Shcherbakov, Dmitry E., 2011, New and little-known families of Hemiptera Cicadomorpha from the Triassic of Central Asia — early analogs of treehoppers and planthoppers, Zootaxa 2836, pp. 1-26 : 12-13

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.320126



persistent identifier


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scientific name

Fasolinka beckermigdisovae

sp. nov.

Fasolinka beckermigdisovae sp. nov.

Fig. 8 View FIGURES 8 – 9

Material. Holotype PIN 2785 /3087(3115) & 3088(3096), right and left tegmina of same specimen on one rock slab, Dzhailoucho. Paratypes: PIN 2240/2904±, 3707±, tegmina, Dzhailoucho; PIN 2083/256, 2971/553±, tegmina, and 2971/ 381 ±, insect without head and prothorax, Madygen (SW area).

Description. Tegmen elongate, convex, 8.0–11.0 mm long. Surface pitted, less deeply so near apex. Interradial space narrowing apically; MA with narrow fork; RP and MA1 widely separated. CuA1 joining M at or before its bifurcation. Basal cell closed by short arculus or short M+CuA anastomosis. Marginal membrane pitted. Remarks. Both tegmina from the southwestern area have the postnodal part narrow, with the MA fork and the apex of interradial space distinctly narrower than in the tegmina from Dzhailoucho.

Etymology. After paleoentomologist Elena E. Becker-Migdisova.


Paleontological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences

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