Harttia absaberi, Oyakawa & Fichberg & Langeani, 2013

Oyakawa, Osvaldo Takeshi, Fichberg, Ilana & Langeani, Francisco, 2013, Harttia absaberi, a new species of loricariid catfish (Siluriformes: Loricariidae: Loricariinae) from the upper rio Paraná basin, Brazil, Neotropical Ichthyology 11 (4), pp. 779-786 : 780-783

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.1590/S1679-62252013000400005



persistent identifier


treatment provided by


scientific name

Harttia absaberi

sp. nov.

Harttia absaberi View in CoL , new species

Figs. 1-6 View Fig View Fig View Fig View Fig View Fig View Fig

Holotype. MZUSP 85805 View Materials , 60.4 mm SL, Brazil, Mato Grosso do Sul State, Três Lagoas, ribeirão São Mateus, tributary of the rio Sucuriú , rio Paraná basin, 23 Sep 2003, O. T. Oyakawa, J. C. Nolasco, J. L. Birindelli & C. N. Kikuchi.

Paratype s. All from Brazil. Rio Paraná basin. Mato Grosso do Sul State. MZUSP 22848 View Materials , 2 View Materials , 58.4-63.9 mm SL, Três Lagoas , córrego do Bebedouro , tributary of the rio Sucuriú , 22º21’5.2”S 51º53’52.9”W, 11-23 Nov 1964, Excursão Departamento de Zoologia. São Paulo State. DZSJRP 2741 , 1 , 67.6 mm SL, Ipeúna, rio Passa Cinco , Fazenda Palmeira, no date, Equipe Laboratório de Citogenética UFSCar. MZUEL 5007 , 2 , 66.2-67.4 mm SL, same locality as DZSJRP 2741. MZUSP 58674 View Materials , 3 View Materials , 59.2-74.1 mm SL, Ipeúna, rio Passa Cinco , no date, Equipe Laboratório de Citogenética UFSCar. MZUSP 85806 View Materials , 36 View Materials , (2 c&s), 44.1-63.9 mm SL, same data as the holotype. MZUSP 87921 View Materials , 2 View Materials , 58.1-60.3 mm SL, Itirapina, rio Passa Cinco , 22º22’19”S 47º46’55”W, 19 Jan 2002, E. N. Fragoso GoogleMaps .

Diagnosis. Harttia absaberi is distinguished from its congeners, except Harttia rhombocephala Miranda Ribeiro, H. longipinna Langeani, Oyakawa & Montoya-Burgos , H. punctata Rapp Py-Daniel & Oliveira , H. duriventris Rapp Py-Daniel & Oliveira , H. dissidens Rapp Py-Daniel & Oliveira , H. trombetensis Rapp Py-Daniel & Oliveira , H. fowleri (Pellegrin) , and H. surinamensis Boeseman , by having the abdomen completely covered by plates. From the above-mentioned species it can be distinguished by having only one preanal plate versus two or three, usually two, in adults specimens. In addition, H. absaberi can be distinguished from the above-mentioned species by possessing the plates of the gular area in broad contact with the canal plate and partially contacting the border of the lower lip. In the gular area of above-mentioned species, a small area remains unplated or naked, and the plates never touch the canal plate. Moreover, H. absaberi can be distinguished from its congeners by having a thin series of small plates on the upper lip versus upper lip completely naked in all other species, except Harttia duriventris , which possess around five small plates on the upper lip.

Description. Measurements and counts of plates in Table 1. Body dorsoventrally depressed and elongated, widest at cleithrum. Dorsal profile moderately convex from tip of snout to end of parieto-supraoccipital, straight to dorsal-fin origin and gently descending to e ndofcaudalpeduncle.Ventralprofile straight from tip of snout to caudal fin.

Head moderately rounded. Snout tip pointed in dorsal view. Posterior margin of parieto-supraoccipital bordered by four plates. Eye roundish and small. Dorsal flap of iris present. Interorbital region straight. Lateral margin of head in nuptial males covered by numerous and thick odontodes, usually slightly turned posteriorly.Tip of snout with small, oval and naked area extending backward and joined with naked region of anterior area of upper lip. Anterior area of upper lip with thin line of small plates with odontodes. Lips rounded with papillae on edges. Inner surfaces of lips covered by papillae, more numerous and smaller in lower lip. Posterior border of lower lip almost reaching anterior margin of scapular bridge. Premaxilla with 31-58 [33] bicuspid teeth, both cusps with same size, dentary with 29-36 [32] teeth, inner cusp slightly longer than outer. Maxillary barbel reaching up to 1 / 4 of lower lip length, and sometimes joined to lip by small flap of tissue. Infraorbital series with five plates, last one contacting inferior branch of sphenotic. Inferior region of orbit delimited by infraorbitals 3-5. Canal plate roughly rectangular, completely covered by odontodes and bearing section of laterosensorial system canal ( Fig. 2 View Fig ). Bifurcation of infraorbital and supraorbital canals at middle of sphenotic bone. Parietal branch terminal opening on supraoccipital.

Abdominal region between gular area to anus covered by roughly trapezoidal to quadrangular plates, without forming any regular pattern. Plates near gular area extensively contacting canal plate. Plates near anal plate larger than those in gular area. Abdominal scutation varying ontogenetically: specimens up to 30.0 mm SL with scattered small patches of odontodes, more concentrated near urogenital pore, and two small preanal plates, specimens between 31.0 to 33.0 mm SL with same number of preanal plates, with numerous small patches of odontodes, specimens above 35.0 mm SL with abdomen covered by plates only posteriorly to scapular bridge and one preanal plate, specimens larger than 43.0 mm SL with abdomen completely covered by plates and one large preanal plate. Plates of gular area contacting canal plate.

Two series of plates between parieto-supraoccipital and nuchal plate ( Fig. 3 View Fig ). First plate of dorsal series located laterally to nuchal plate, last plate contacting first dorsal procurrent ray of caudal fin. Mid-dorsal series with 11 plates, first located laterally to first plate of dorsal series. Median series with 27-29 [28], not keeled, plates bearing lateral-line canal. Mid-ventral series with 15 plates, first contacting posterior portion of cleithrum, last laterally to fifteenth plate bearing lateral-line canal. First plate of ventral series just above ventral-fin insertion, last one contacting first ventral procurrent ray of caudal fin. Anus surrounded anteriorly by one trapezoidal plate. Lateral abdominal plates between pectoral and pelvic-fin base 6-10 [8]. Three pairs of post-anal plates. Post-anal plate 1, very large and roughly triangular, latero posteriorly to anus, contacting each other at midline via broad suture ( Fig. 4 View Fig ). Pairs of post-anal plates 2 and 3 separated by first pterygiophore of anal fin.

Dorsal fin I,7, its origin on vertical above pelvic-fin origin. Spinelet half-moon shaped, approximately with same width of base of second dorsal-fin spine. Dorsal-fin spine articulates with pterygiophore via specialized chain-link structure ( Fig. 5 View Fig ). Tip of last rays of dorsal fin surpassing point of insertion of last ray of anal fin when adpressed. Pectoral fin I,6. Tip of pectoral-fin spine and first two branched rays surpassing insertion of pelvic-fin spine. Odontodes covering partially dorsal region of cleithrum, spine and first three branched rays of pectoral fin. Pelvic fin I,5. Tip of pelvic-fin spine and first three branched rays surpassing insertion of anal-fin spine. Caudal fin I,12,I, with three to five supracaudal plates on its base, median plate bearing lateral line canal. Two procurrent rays on base of upper and lower caudal-fin rays. Dorsalmost caudal-fin ray with short and thick filament. Anal fin I,5. Tips of first and last basal radials of anal fin lying below hemal spines of vertebrae 14-18, respectively. Hemal spines of vertebrae 14-18 bifid, hemal spines of vertebrae 14, 16, and 18 very large. First anal-fin pterygiophore roughly square shaped and not covered by skin.

Color in alcohol. Dorsal region of body dark yellow to light brown, with five transverse dark brown bands, first at origin of dorsal fin, second starting at end of last rays of dorsal fin, followed by third and fourth in middle of caudal peduncle, and fifth at origin of caudal-fin rays. In some specimens, including holotype, anterior and posterior margins of bands more intensely pigmented. Ventral region light brown. All fin rays with dark brown spots, interradial membranes hyaline. Base of anal-fin spine with dark brown spot. Dorsal surface of upper lip ligth brown, snout tip greywish.

Geographical distribution. Harttia absaberi is currently known from three localities in the upper rio Paraná drainage: rio Passa Cinco, a tributary of the rio Piracicaba, rio Tietê drainage, São Paulo State, and two small creeks tributaries of the rio Sucuriú , at Três Lagoas, Mato Grosso do Sul State ( Fig. 6 View Fig ) .

Ecological notes. The ribeirão São Mateus, where the holotype was collected, is a small creek with sand bottom, clear water and about 1.0-2.0 m width and 0.5 m deep, which drains to the rio Sucuriú. The rio Passa Cinco is a relatively large river about 5.0-10.0 m wide and 1.0-2.0 m deep, with fast flowing clear water with sand in the bottom and stretches with rocks.

Etymology. The specific name, absaberi , is a patronym that honors Aziz Nacib Ab’Saber, whose contributions represent a landmark in the knowledge of geography, ecology and geomorphology of the Brazilian territory.











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