Graphorn bicornutus, Fȧndez & Rider & Carvajal, 2017

Fa ̇ ndez, Eduardo I., Rider, David A. & Carvajal, Mariom A., 2017, Graphorn bicornutus, a new genus and a new species from Argentina (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae)., Arquivos Entomolóxicos 17, pp. 285-288 : 286-287

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.12764872


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scientific name

Graphorn bicornutus

sp. nov.

Graphorn bicornutus sp. nov. ( Figs. 1-5 View Figs )


Head: Elongate ( Fig. 4 View Figs ), longer than wide, dull cream colored, with dense, dark punctation. Eyes prominent, reddish. Ocelli small, oval, located near base of head, behind an imaginary line drawn through the posterior margins of compound eyes, but not contiguous with pronotum. Paraclypei enlarged, punctate, apices of paraclypei narrowly rounded, but not acute. Lateral margins of head concave for basal two-thirds, then curving mesad for distal third. Antennae, dull cream colored basally, becoming light orange apically, first antennomere not extending beyond apex of head. Rostrum reaching metathoracic coxae, first rostral segment extending beyond hind margins of bucculae.

Thorax: Pronotum hexagonal, dull cream colored, densely punctate, disk abruptly elevated; anterolateral margins crenulate; cicatrices immaculate, each with a small ivory callus at mesial limit; humeral angles projected, acute, each forming a strong, apically dark spine ( Figs. 4, 5 View Figs ); posterolateral margins somewhat irregular. Scutellum subtriangular ( Fig. 1 View Figs ), dull cream colored with nearly concolorous, dense punctures, with two relatively large ivory calluses, one on each side near basal angles, extending little beyond base of scutellum; lateral margins slightly concave mesially; apex broadly rounded. Coria dull cream colored, densely, dark punctate, somewhat darker near clavus, radial vein simple, not carinate or calloused; membrane smokey with conspicuous longitudinal veins. Thoracic sterna yellowish with dense light-brown punctures, a weak oval ivory callus present in middle of mesosternum. Metapleura dull cream colored with dark dense punctation, each ostiolar peritreme short, not reaching halfway to lateral margin of metapleuron, evaporatoria relatively small ( Fig. 2 View Figs ), each restricted to a very small rugose area around ostiolar peritreme and along posterior margin of mesopleuron, ostiolar plate weakly punctured. Legs yellow, with strong dark setae, tibiae and femora subequal in length.

Abdomen: Yellowish dorsally; connexiva dull, cream colored, posterolateral angles prominent, acute; each connexival segment with brownish markings mesially. Abdominal venter dull, cream colored, with dense, concolorous punctatures; transverse rows of small ivory calluses along abdominal sterna; spiracles yellowish to caramel, each placed on distinct circular ivory callus.

Female genitalia ( Fig. 3 View Figs ): First gonocoxae finely punctate. Each gonocoxite triangular-shaped, with convex sides and slightly elongated apices. Second gonocoxae small, rectangular shaped with rounded apices. Paratergites 8 rhomboid with pointed apices. Paratergites 9 triangular, swollen distally, with pointed apices.

Male unknown.

Measurements: Total length: 9.45, transhumeral pronotal width: 6.95, medial pronotal length: 2.25, medial head length: 2.11, head width across compound eyes: 1.49, medial scutellar length: 3.43, basal scutellar width: 3.43, rostral segments: I: 1.37 II: 1.34 III: 0.62 IV: 0.56, antennal segments: I: 0.52 II: 0.90 III: 0.99, IV: 0.86, V: 1.22.

Holotype: ARGENTINA, Chaco Province, 60 km NE of Resistencia, 25-I-1989, 1 ♀, CW & L. O’Brien & J. Gibmer leg.













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