Mecometopus hauseri, Bezark, Larry G., Santos-Silva, Antonio & Galileo, Maria Helena M., 2016

Bezark, Larry G., Santos-Silva, Antonio & Galileo, Maria Helena M., 2016, New South American species of Cerambycinae, and notes on Corimbion balteum Martins (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae), Zootaxa 4107 (4), pp. 587-594 : 588-590

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.4107.4.6

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Mecometopus hauseri

sp. nov.

Mecometopus hauseri View in CoL sp. nov.

( Figs. 1–3 View FIGURES 1 – 7. 1 – 3 )

Female. Integument dark-brown, except for: frons and genae dark reddish-brown; mouthparts reddish-brown; antennae reddish-brown, lighter toward apex; area under bands with white pubescence on basal half of elytra reddish-brown; distal third of elytra reddish-brown, distinctly lighter toward apex; ventral side of profemora and protibiae dark reddish-brown; tarsi reddish-brown, distinctly lighter toward distal tarsomere.

Head. Frons finely, densely punctate; with short, moderately abundant yellowish-white setae (more whitish depending on the angle of the light source). Area between antennal tubercles and about middle of upper eye lobes with sculpture and pubescence as on frons. Vertex finely, densely punctate; area between middle of upper eye lobes and its posterior margin with short, moderately sparse yellowish-white setae; area close to the latter with wide, transverse band of dense, yellowish-white pubescence; area between the latter and margin of prothorax with very short, sparse brown setae. Area behind eyes finely, abundantly punctate (punctures coarser than on vertex); with narrow band of yellowish-white pubescence close to eye, glabrous on remaining surface. Genae 1.2 times longer than frontal length of lower eye lobes; finely, abundantly punctate (punctures coarser than on frons); with short, decumbent, moderately abundant yellowish-white setae. Antennal tubercles with sculpture and pubescence as on frons, except for glabrous, smooth area close to apex. Longitudinal sulcus distinct from clypeus to about level of posterior margin of upper eye lobes. Submentum with yellowish-white, slightly dense pubescence interspersed with short, erect setae. Distance between upper eye lobes 1.15 times length of scape; distance between lower eye lobes 0.85 times length of scape. Antennae 0.95 times elytral length; almost reaching middle of elytra; antennomere III filiform; antennomere IV slightly enlarged toward apex; antennomeres V–VI enlarged toward apex; antennomeres VII–XI about as wide as apex of antennomere VI; antennomere III with erect, thick, dark, sparse setae ventrally; antennomeres IV–V with erect, thick, dark setae at apex; antennal formula based on antennomere III: scape = 0.94; pedicel = 0.34; IV = 0.68; V = 0.65; VI = 0.56; VII = 0.47; VIII = 0.34; IX = 0.31; X = 0.28; XI = 0.37.

Thorax. Prothorax 1.1 times as long as wide. Pronotum moderately finely, densely punctate; with decumbent, short, moderately abundant, yellowish-white setae throughout (whitish, slightly denser near base). Lateral sides of prothorax with sculpture and setae as on pronotum, but with distinct band of white, dense setae close to base. Prosternum moderately finely, densely punctate; with dense white, pubescence. Mesosternum with moderately dense, white pubescence (sparser centrally). Mesepisterna with dense, whitish pubescence. Mesepimera almost glabrous. Metepisterna with dense, white pubescence, except for small area at apex with sparse, yellowish, short setae. Metasternum with dense, white pubescence laterally (except for narrow area close to apex with yellowish setae), this area narrowed from anterior margin to apex; remaining surface with short yellowish, moderately abundant setae. Scutellum with dense, white pubescence. Elytra finely, densely punctate. Basal two-thirds of elytra with short, yellowish-brown, moderately abundant setae (distinct only depending on the angle of the light source), except for: small area between humerus and scutellum, with slightly longer, whitish setae; oblique band with dense, white pubescence, enlarged from lateral side to near suture, not reaching lateral margin and suture; curved band of white pubescence, starting about middle of lateral side (not reaching lateral margin), following up suture to near apex of basal quarter (setae gradually sparser toward anterior margin). Distal third of elytra with wide, transverse, white pubescent band, remainder of elytra covered in abundant, yellowish-white setae. Elytral apex obliquely truncate; outer angle rounded. Pro- and mesofemora with short, whitish setae throughout; dorsal surface of metafemora with short, whitish setae on basal half, yellowish-brown, slightly conspicuous on remaining surface; inner and outer apex of meso- and metafemora triangularly projected; metafemora surpassing elytral apex by about one-third of its length.

Abdomen. Distal half of ventrites I–II with dense, white pubescence, and remaining surface with yellowishwhite, moderately sparse, short setae; basal third of ventrites III–IV with yellowish-white, moderately sparse setae, mesal third with moderately abundant white setae, distal third with band of dense, white pubescence; ventrite V with short, moderately sparse, yellowish-white setae.

Dimensions (mm). Holotype female. Total length (including mandibles), 7.10; prothoracic length, 1.75; anterior prothoracic width, 1.15; basal prothoracic width, 1.10; largest prothoracic width, 1.60; humeral width, 1.70; elytral length, 4.70.

Type material. Holotype female from BOLIVIA, Cochabamba: Villa Tunari (Hotel los Tucanes; 16º58.392’S / 65º 23.793W; 320 m), 5.IX.2000, M. Hauser, S. Gaimari, and D. Yeates col. ( LGBC, to be deposited at CAS). Etymology. This species is named after Dr. Martin Hauser, California Department of Food and Agriculture, who has provided the first author with numerous cerambycids for study.

Remarks. Mecometopus hauseri sp. nov. is similar to M. centurio Chevrolat, 1862 , but differs as follows: prothorax longitudinal; bands with white pubescence on basal half of elytra not parallel. In M. centurio , the prothorax is transverse, and the bands of white pubescence on the basal half of elytra are parallel. Mecometopus hauseri sp. nov. can be included in the alternative of couplet “10”, from Martins & Galileo (2011) (translated):

10’(6). Elytra without triangular macula of pubescence on basal half. Bolivia............................. M. hauseri sp. nov. - Elytra with triangular macula of pubescence on basal half..................................................... 10


California Academy of Sciences















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