Hologymnetis reyesi Gasca-Álvarez and Deloya, 2015

Gasca-Álvarez, Héctor Jaime & Deloya, Cuauhtémoc, 2015, A new Mexican species of Hologymnetis Martínez (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Cetoniinae: Gymnetini), Florida Entomologist 98 (1), pp. 100-100 : 100-

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.1653/024.098.0116

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scientific name

Hologymnetis reyesi Gasca-Álvarez and Deloya

sp. nov.

Hologymnetis reyesi Gasca-Álvarez and Deloya View in CoL , new species ( Figs. 1–6 View Figs View Fig View Figs )


Holotype male labeled “ MEXICO, Colima, 11.3 mi S. Colima. vi.27.1983. B. K. Dozier ” and deposited in Florida State Collection of Arthropods, Division of Plant Industry - Entomology, Gainesville, Florida 32608 USA.


HOLOTYPE. Male ( Figs. 1–2 View Figs ). Length 17.57 mm; width across humeri 9.97 mm. Color dorsally varying from opaque light to smokey gray; pronotum usually with light brown, longitudinal line in center; elytra usually with broad, transverse, diffuse light brown ‘band’ just behind middle, with 2 black spots and usually with weakly raised costae (terminating at apical umbone) darker than background color; venter weakly glossy, darker smoky gray, occasionally with faint metallic copper reflection; punctures and other sculpturing black. Head: Surface densely punctate; punctures small to large, round to irregular in shape;setae minute,straw colored. Clypeus feebly tumescent at center; apex strongly reflexed, emarginate at center, apices usually distinctly angulate either side of center. Interocular width is 4.0–5.0 eye diameters as seen from above. Antenna with basal antennomere at apex with 10 or fewer pale, slender setae on dorsal edge. Pronotum. Surface moderately punctate; punctures small to large (larger and denser laterally), round to kidney-shaped, disk strongly punctate. Anterior margin without tubercle. Bead of lateral margin incomplete; margin just anterior of basolateral angle distinctly emarginate. Mesepimera densely punctate; punctures round to kidney-shaped,setigerous; setae pale, ofen dense, long. Elytra.Surface densely punctate (much less so basomedially); punctures varying from small to mostly large, round kidney-shaped, U-shaped near to apex. Weakly elevated sutural costa and 2 discal costae terminating at apical umbone. Pygidium. Surface with coarsely, transverse,vermiform punctures;punctures strongly impressed, kidney-shaped to elongate, setigerous ( Fig. 3 View Figs ); setae very short, pale. Venter: Setae testaceous. Mesometasternal protrusion short, broad, extending anteriorly beyond mesocoxae but not reaching procoxae; surface piceus, glossy, apex rounded, anterior surface with long, slender setae that curl around apex of protrusion. In ventral view, sides of mesometasternal protrusion slightly diverging to rounded apex ( Fig. 5 View Fig ). Last sternite at apex with fringe of slender, short, testaceous setae. Sternites completely smokey gray and with small piceous spot basomedially; punctures moderate to large (larger laterally), kidney-shaped. Legs.Femora colored similarly to venter, tibiae predomi- nantly piceous. Protibia with 3 subequally spaced teeth, middle tooth slightly closer to anterior tooth than basal. Parameres: Rounded at base in caudal view, apices with strong, laterally projecting tooth ( Figs. 4 View Figs , 6 View Figs ).




Hologymnetis reyesi is known only from the type locality at 18.181 km south of Colima, Colima State, Mexico; probably corresponding to the municipality of Ixtlahuacan. The habitat is tropical deciduous forest .

Figs. 9–13. Parameres, 9a, Hologymnetis cinerea , frontal view and 9b, lateral ETYMOLOGY view;10a, H.undulata , frontal view and 10b,lateral view; 11a, H.moroni frontal This species is named in honor of Dr. Pedro Reyes Castillo in rec- view and 11b, lateral view; 12a, H. vulcanorum frontal view and 12b, lateral ognition of his important contribution to the Passalidae of America. view; 13a, H. kinichahau frontal view and 13b, lateral view [modified from Ratcliffe & Deloya 1992].


Hologymnetis reyesi is closely related to H. margaritis . Adults of 7.— Parameres thin at middle, internal margin sinuate, latero-apithese species are externally similar in color, punctures of the frons, cal region rounded and short ( Fig. 8 View Figs ).... H. margaritis (Bates) pronotum, elytra and pygidium. However, the lighter longitudinal nar-

7´.— Parameres wide at middle, internal margin straight, latero-apirow band in the pronotum is more strongly delineated in H. reyesi . The

cal region with curved, narrow, elongate tooth ( Figs. 4 View Figs , 6 View Figs )..... parameres of H. reyesi are unique among Hologymnetis species; they.................... H. reyesi Gasca-Álvarez & Deloya n. sp. resemble most closely H. argenteola but the apicolateral tooth is much more developed and elongated ( Fig. 7 View Figs ). This key is mainly made with coloration characters of the body, In the Ratcliffe & Deloya (1992) key, H. reyesi will key out in the which could contain intraspecific variation. We propose a new identi- final couplet, where it is compared with H. margaritis by the form of fication key for current Hologymnetis species based on morphological parameres: characters, with emphasis on the form of the parameres:

Key to adults of Hologymnetis Martínez

1.— Venter largely glossy black in both sexes, sternites laterally ofen with cretaceous (chalky white) marking........................ 2

1’.— Venter brown to grayish brown or pale brassy green or blue, weakly glossy or weakly to strongly metallic; females with central third of sternites bare, piceous............................................................................................. 3

2.— Dorsum unicolorous or black, rarely strongly punctuate. Parameres elongate, apex rounded, lateral lobes formed into teeth directed posteriorly (Fig. 9).................................................................................. H. cinerea View in CoL (G. & P.)

2’.— Dorsum black or piceous patterned with cretaceous lines; lines present longitudinally on pronotum and radiating from midline on elytra; occasionally reduced or nearly absent. Parameres elongated, quadrangular, without lateral lobes, apex slightly curved (Fig. 10)........................................................................................................ H. undulata (Vigors) View in CoL

3.— Pronotum with a lighter, longitudinal, narrow band at center............................................................. 4

3´.— Longitudinal, narrow band at center of pronotum absent................................................................ 7

4.— Bead of lateral margin of pronotum complete. Elytra unicolorous. Protibia with median tooth distinctly closer to apical tooth. Parameres elongate, thin at middle; apicolateral teeth developed (Fig. 11).................................... H. moroni Ratcliffe & Deloya View in CoL

4.— Bead of lateral margin of pronotum incomplete. Elytra pattern with darkening of costae. Protibia with teeth subequally spaced..... 5

5.— Mesometasternal process with glossy apex usually sharply and transversely delineated from shaf. Mesotibial carina present at middle of tibia. Parameres with apical, median ridges that taper to a point (Fig. 12)...................... H. vulcanorum Ratcliffe & Deloya View in CoL

5’.— Mesometasternal process with glossy apex and shaf usually broadly joined by a broad, piceous region. Mesotibial carina absent. Parameres not as above............................................................................................... 6

6.— Pygidium with moderate to dense C-shaped to elongate punctures. Parameres thin at middle, internal margin sinuated, latero-apical region rounded, short ( Fig. 8 View Figs )....................................................................... H. margaritis (Bates) View in CoL

6´.— Pygidium with punctures kidney-shaped to elongate. Parameres wide at middle, internal margin straight, latero-apical region with narrow, elongateed tooth ( Figs. 4 View Figs , 6 View Figs )..................................................... H. reyesi Gasca-Álvarez & Deloya View in CoL n. sp.

7.— Clypeus slightly convex on disc; apex broadly reflexed, distinctly emarginate at center. Elytral punctation relatively large, punctures usually U-shaped. Parameres short, stout, apex quadrangular (Fig. 13).............................. H. kinichahau Ratcliffe & Deloya View in CoL

7´.— Clypeus weakly tumescent at center; apex strongly reflexed, usually strongly arcuate. Elytral punctation greatly reduced. Parameres curved, apicolateral teeth elongated and strongly narrowed ( Fig. 7 View Figs )....................................... H. argenteola (Bates) View in CoL













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