Premicrodispus brevisetus

Häckel, Martin & Anichtchenko, Alexandr, 2015, Megacephala marginicollis, Acarologia 55 (3), pp. 311-320 : 311-320

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.6109396

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Premicrodispus brevisetus


Premicrodispus brevisetus

Khaustov, 2012

Material examined — 48 ♀♀, Mazandaran Prov., Tonekabon, Dohezar Forest (36°39’N, 50°40’E, altitude 578 m a.s.l.), 26.VIII.2013, under elytra of Oryctes nasicornis L. (Col.: Scarabaeidae ) collected from under bark of logs.

World distribution — Ukraine, collected from soil ( Khaustov, 2006); Iran, Gorgan province, phoretic on Oxythyrea cinctella Schaum (Col.: Scarabaeidae ) ( Rahiminejad et al., 2010), Mazandaran province (current study).

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