Caraboacarus stammeri, Krczal, 1959

Häckel, Martin & Anichtchenko, Alexandr, 2015, Megacephala marginicollis, Acarologia 55 (3), pp. 311-320 : 311-320

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.6109396

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Caraboacarus stammeri


Caraboacarus stammeri

Krczal, 1959

Material examined — 7 ♀♀, Mazandaran Prov., Noshahr, Sisangan National Park (36°41’N, 51°05’E, altitude 33 m a.s.l.), 26.VII.2013, from under elytra of two specimens of Amara sp. (Col.: Carabidae ) attracted to light trap. 30 ♀♀, Mazandaran Prov., Abbas Abad, Kazemkela village (36°34’N, 51°48’E, altitude 6 m a.s.l.), 8.VIII.2013, from un- der elytra of two specimens of Harpalus sp. (Col.: Carabidae ) collected from under stones. 26 ♀♀, Mazandaran Prov., Tonekabon, Palhamdash village (36°47’N, 50°53’E, altitude 11 m a.s.l.), 24. VI.2013, from under elytra of four specimens of Anisodactylus signatus (Panzer, 1796) (Col.: Carabidae ) collected from under stones. 21 ♀♀, Mazandaran Prov., Tonekabon, Palhamdash village (36°47’N, 50°53’E, altitude 11 m a.s.l.), 24. VI.2013, from under elytra of five specimens of Diachromus germanus (L., 1758) (Col.: Carabidae ) collected from under stones. 2 ♀♀, Mazandaran Prov., Tonekabon, Palhamdash village (36°47’N, 50°53’E altitude 11 m a.s.l.), 2.VII.2013, from under elytra of Cicindela (Cylindera) germanica (L., 1758) (Col.: Carabidae : Cicindelinae ) attracted to light trap.

World distribution — Holarctic.

Remarks — Heretofore mites of the family Caraboacaridae have been recorded from carabid beetles of the seven subfamilies: Carabinae , Harpalinae , Pterostichinae , Platyninae , Trechinae , Scaritinae , and Brachininae , and in one case on beetles of the family Silphidae (Trach and Kaustov, 2012; Katlav et al., 2015). This study revealed the association between caraboacarid mites and carabid beetles of the subfamily Cicindelinae as a first record.


Mykotektet, National Veterinary Institute

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