<Unknown Taxon>

Sadlier, Ross A., Smith, Sarah A. & Bauer, Aaron M., 2006, A New Genus for the New Caledonian Scincid Lizard Lygosoma euryotis Werner, 1909, and the Description of a New Species, Records of the Australian Museum 58 (1), pp. 19-28 : 28

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.3853/j.0067-1975.58.2006.1457



persistent identifier


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scientific name



Marmorosphax Sadlier, 1986

Type species. Lygosoma tricolor Bavay, 1868: 17.

Diagnosis. The following combination of characters will distinguish Marmorosphax from all other genera in the Eugongylus group of skinks as defined by Greer (1979): frontoparietals fused; supranasal scale or postnasal suture absent; anterior loreal present as a semilunar scale failing to contact upper labials; subocular scale row complete; lower eyelid with an obvious, centrally located semi-transparent disc; ear lobules barely distinguishable from blunt conical scales around upper, lower, and posterior edges of ear opening; enlarged pairs of chinshields two, third pair of chinshields divided obliquely such that they are separated by five scales; premaxillary teeth 13; live-bearing mode of reproduction confirmed in M. tricolor and M. montana.

Recognized species. Marmorosphax tricolor Sadlier, 1986, and Marmorosphax montana Sadlier & Bauer, 2000.

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