Bathyaulax monteiroii ( Cameron 1909 )

Kaartinen, Riikka & Quicke, Donald L. J., 2007, A revision of the parasitic wasp genus Bathyaulax Szépligeti (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Braconinae) from Africa and the Arabian Peninsula, Journal of Natural History 41 (1 - 4), pp. 125-212 : 183

publication ID 10.1080/00222930601121221

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Bathyaulax monteiroii ( Cameron 1909 )


Bathyaulax monteiroii ( Cameron 1909) View in CoL

( Figures 9 View Figures 8–13 , 84, 86 View Figures 84–87 ) Iphiaulax monteiroii Cameron 1909

Material examined

Holotype: Male ( ZMHB): Iphiaulax monteiroii Cameron 1909 . Mozambique, Delagoabai [no date], R. Monteiro.

Additional specimens examined

Angola: 1 female, [no date or locality] ( BMNH) .


Male: Length of body 9 mm, of fore wing 12 mm.

Antennae with 97 flagellomeres, terminal flagellomere acuminate, 2.2 times longer than wide. Height of clypeus:inter-tentorial distance:tentorio-ocular distance51.0:2.6:2.0. Width of face:width of head:height of eye51.0:2.0:1.0. Height of face:width of face51.0:1.5. Sculpture on face granulate to rugulose, on clypeus similar. Frons depressed, smooth, with medial longitudal groove. POL:transverse diameter of posterior ocellus:- shortest distance between posterior ocellus and eye51.1:1.0:2.5. Length of eye in dorsal view:distance of occiput and posterior margin of eye51.6:1.0.

Mesosoma approximately 1.8 times longer than maximally deep.

Fore wing: length of veins r:3-SR:SR151.0:2.0:3.4. Length of veins 2-SR:3-SR:rm51.0:1.8:1.0. Length of veins m-cu:2-M51.0:2.5. Length of veins 1-CU1:2- CU151.0:5.7. Shape of vein 1-SR+M straight but angled near vein 1-M. Swelling in vein 3-CU1 1.5 times thicker than the other part of the vein.

Legs: Length of fore femur:tibia:tarsus52.1:2.5:1.0. Fore basitarsus 4.0 times longer than deep. Length of hind femur:tibia:tarsus52.3:3.2:1.0. Hind basitarsus 4.5 times longer than deep.

First metasomal tergite 1.3 times longer than wide; raised median area anteriorly smooth and depressed, posterior half and lateral areas strongly strigated, and with median longitudinal groove. Second tergite 2.0 times wider than long; raised median area longitudinally strigated, antero-medial triangular area clearly raised and smooth. Sublateral areas smooth. Third tergite 2.0 times wider than long; with strigated transverse furrows on anterior and subposterior margins, raised median area smooth. Antero-lateral areas raised and smooth. Tergites four and five similar to three, but antero-lateral areas more narrow. Tergites six to eight smooth.

Orange-brown except for the following which are black: Frons and vertex, antennae and apex of mandibles. Wings fairly evenly darkened, with a hyaline zone in fore wing below pterostigma. Apical 1/6 of pterostigma darkened. Hind wing darkened with hyaline area on marginal cell.













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