Colacus cuchimilco Figueroa and Ratcliffe, 2023

Figueroa, Luis, Ratcliffe, Brett C. & Neita-Moreno, Jhon César, 2023, A Review of the Genus Colacus Ohaus, 1910 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae: Agaocephalini) with Description of a New Species from Peru, The Coleopterists Bulletin 77 (1), pp. 58-62 : 59-60

publication ID 10.1649/0010-065X-77.1.58

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scientific name

Colacus cuchimilco Figueroa and Ratcliffe

sp. nov.

Colacus cuchimilco Figueroa and Ratcliffe View in CoL , new species ( Figs. 1–4 View Figs View Figs )

Type Material. Holotype labeled “PERÚ: LI, Cañete, / Humedales Puerto Viejo, / 7m, 12°34′34. 64″S, / 76°41′51.99″W, 21.i.2020, / M. Rodriguez leg.” and our red holotype label. Holotype deposited at the Museo de Historia Natural de la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Peru (MUSM) GoogleMaps .

Description of Holotype. Male ( Figs. 1–2 View Figs ). Length 17.6 mm; width across humeri 8.7 mm. Color black, shiny. Head: Frons with low, transverse, rounded tubercle at center; surface rugopunctate and with small patch of about 6 short, tawny setae mesad of each eye; ocular canthus rounded, not projecting laterally, apex acute. Clypeus deflexed, subtriangular, apex subacute and reflexed; sides cariniform, carina extending to ocular canthus. Interocular width equals 6.0 transverse eye diameters. Antenna with 10 antennomeres, club distinctly longer than antennomeres 2–7. Mandibles exposed, longitudinally suboval, leaf-like. Pronotum: Surface evenly convex, lacking subapical fovea, moderately densely punctate; punctures small on basal half, becoming larger on apical half and sides, weakly rugose in anterior angles. Base lacking marginal bead. Elytra: Surface weakly punctate-striae, punctures moderate in size, shallow. Pygidium: Surface completely, finely scabrous, regularly convex, glabrous on disc, extreme base either side of middle with long, sparse, tawny setae. Legs: Protibia quadridentate, distance between teeth 2 and 4 greater than between other teeth. Metatibial apex bi-angulate, lower angle broadly triangular, upper angle narrow with blunt apex and with small clump of 5 long, stout setae. All tarsomeres similar in size. Venter: Thoracic and abdominal ventrites (especially on sides), coxae, and margins of all femora with long, dense, tawny setae. Last abdominal ventrite not emarginate at apex. Parameres: Figs. 3–4 View Figs . In caudal view, the parameres are nearly lanceolate.

Etymology. The specific epithet “cuchimilco” refers to the cuchimilco, terra cotta figurines made by the Chancay people that inhabited the central coast of Peru in the current Department of Lima from about 1000 to 1470 CE. These figurines are commonly 60 encountered in archaeological sites and are symbolic 2′. Cephalic tubercle entire, not emarginate. for the current inhabitants of Lima. The specific Femora ventrally black................................ 3 epithet is treated as a noun in apposition. 3. Protibia tridentate. Pronotum with shallow, Distribution. Colacus cuchimilco is known only subapical fovea................... C. morio Ohaus from Cañete Province in the southern Lima Region 3′. Protibia quadridentate. Pronotum evenly conof Peru ( Fig. 5 View Fig ). vex, lacking shallow, subapical fovea ........... Temporal Distribution. January (1). .......... C. cuchimilco Figueroa and Ratcliffe, Diagnosis. Colacus cuchimilco is immediately new species distinguished by its completely black color in com- 4. Clypeal apex acute. Labium slightly convex bination with a quadridentate protibia. The only in lateral view, apex with 2 small projections other all black species is Colacus morio Ohaus, but (Neita-Moreno 2015: fig. 10a) ...................... it has a tridentate protibia. The only other species ............................................ C. bicolor Ohaus with a quadridentate protibia is the Brazilian 4′. Clypeal apex nearly truncate. Labium strong- Colacus rubrofemoratus Sobral, Morais, and Grossi, ly convex in lateral view, apex lacking 2 small but it has distinctly reddish brown femora. projections (Neita-Moreno 2015: fig. 29a) Natural History. Nothing is known of the life .............................. C. moroni Neita-Moreno history of C. cuchimilco.

Colacus bicolor Ohaus, 1910

KEY TO THE SPECIES OF ADULT COLACUS Colacus bicolor Ohaus 1910: 181 (original (modified from Sobral et al. 2019) combination). Colacus bicolor occurs in Catamarca and

1. Head, pronotum, and elytra black. .............. 2 Tucumán Provinces, Argentina (Endrödi 1970; 1′. Head and pronotum black, elytra light red- Martínez 1988; Neita-Moreno 2015). Although dish brown or yellowish brown................... 4 sympatric with C. morio View in CoL , the light reddish brown

2. Cephalic tubercle emarginate. Femora ventrally elytra on an otherwise black body and acute dark reddish brown............................................... clypeal apex (versus truncate) will distinguish C. rubrofemoratus Sobral, Morais, and Grossi View in CoL C. bicolor View in CoL .













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