Pterostichus phangxipang Fedorenko, 2019

Fedorenko, D. N., 2019, New species of Pterostichus subgenus Circinatus (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Pterostichini) from Vietnam, Russian Entomological Journal 28 (4), pp. 358-369 : 366-367

publication ID 10.15298/rusentj.28.4.03

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Pterostichus phangxipang Fedorenko


4. Pterostichus phangxipang Fedorenko View in CoL , sp.n.

Figs 4 View Figs 4–7 , 8–9 View Figs 8–15 , 16 View Figs 16–20 , 21–22 View Figs 21–30 , 37–38 View Figs 37–42 .

MATERIAL. Holotype ♂ ( ZMMU) labelled: ‘N[orthern] Vietnam, Lao Cai Prov [ince]., Hoang Lien Son Mt. Ridge, env. Fansipan [= Phahg Xi Pang] Mt, Tram Ton,h=1950–2100 [m], 15–30.VII.2007, leg. D. Fedorenko’ . Paratypes ( SIEE), ♂, 4♀♀, same data; 2♂♂, ♀, with label: ‘N-Vietnam, Lai Chau Prov. env. Sa Pa (Lao Cai Prov.), Hoang Lien Son Natn. Park , 22.34754°N / 103.78049°E, h= 1920– 2070 m, 19.IV–1. GoogleMaps V.2013, A. Prosvirov leg.’; ♀, labelled: ‘N Vietnam, 20 km SW Lao Cai, Sa Pa , h~ 1800 m, 7.XII.1996, leg. M. Kalyakin’ .

DIAGNOSIS. Distinctive in the combination of one discal elytral seta; pronotum cordate and quadrisetose, with posterolateral seta inserted much anterior to obtuse and round- ed basal angle, sides straight in basal half, apical bead widely obliterate at middle, lateral bead extended slightly inside base; inner, deep and impunctate, basal sulcus only present; elytral base with a vestigial humeral tooth and a distinct lateral bead, parascutellar striole mostly obliterate; only meso- and metatarsomere 1 indistinctly sulcate; metatrochanteral seta and distal femoral seta vestigial.

DESCRIPTION. Body ( Fig. 4 View Figs 4–7 ), BL 11.2–13.2 mm. Dorsum without iridescence due to superficial yet distinct microsculpture consisting of transverse meshes, very small and moderately transverse on pronotum while narrow on elytra.

Head: Frontal sulci rather shallow, more so (to obliterate) posteriorly. Labrum (sub)sinuate apically.

Pronotum cordate and large, broadest a third from apex; sides rounded in apical two thirds, straight in basal third, PW/ PL 1.07–1.10 (mean 1.08, n=5), PW/HW 1.39–1.43 (1.41). Base truncate, narrower than apex, PB/PA 0.75–0.85 (0.80), basal angles obtuse and rounded; apex evenly sinuate between apical angles; these slightly projecting, slightly acute and fairly sharp. Disc convex and smooth, with indistinct or hardly traceable line running inside and parallel to lateral groove; median line fine, slightly deeper at almost indistinct basal and apical transverse impressions, obliterate basally and apically. Basal sulci moderately deep and smooth, running parallel in basal two fifths. Lateral bead fine, extended inside basal sulcus.

Elytra elliptic, broadest medially, EW/EL 1.54–1.63 (1.60), EW/PW 1.13–1.22 (1.18), with an indistinct preapical sinuation, apices rounded separately each, and sides slightly less rounded in basal 1/5 to 2/5. Base long, with a distinct lateral bead inside a vestigial humeral tooth; basal ridge convex slightly apicad, humeral angle obtuse and sharp. Striae deep, impunctate or almost so; intervals slightly convex. Parascutellar striole missing, sometimes vestigial. Discal seta d2 about 3/5 distant from base. USS: 16.

Underside smooth, except for mesepisternum moderately and more or less densely punctate, metepisternum and sides of basal three abdominal sternites finely and more sparsely punctate. Prosternal medial groove deep and often slightly broadened anteriorly; prosternal process obtuse and blunt in lateral view, with declivity wide and more or less convex.

Legs: Only meso- and metatarsomere 1 with a blunt lateral carina and a vestigial or no sulcus just above.

Aedeagus ( Figs 8–9 View Figs 8–15 , 16 View Figs 16–20 , 21–22 View Figs 21–30 ): median lobe distal to basal bulb rounded in cross-section, with apex in dorsal view slightly acute, apically rounded; right margin with a conspicuous tooth just apical to a wide and deep groove which is oblique to the right. Right paramere rounded, hemispherical on right (outer) side and membranous on the reverse. Everted and inflated internal sac ( Figs 37–38 View Figs 37–42 ) dorsal and spiral.

NAME. Toponymic noun referred to Mt. Phang Xi Pang.

DISTRIBUTION. Known from the type locality only, Mt. Phang Xi Pang , northern Vietnam .

HABITATS AND HABITS. The specimens collected by the author were taken under bark of dead trees, standing or not quite fallen, in a cloudy forest.


Zoological Museum, Moscow Lomonosov State University


Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium













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