Pterostichus (Tschitscherinea) filum ( Tschitschérine, 1897 )

Yin, Wen-Qi, Chen, Jia-Heng & Shi, Hong-Liang, 2024, Revision of the Chinese endemic subgenus Tschitscherinea Berg, with descriptions of three new species (Coleoptera, Carabidae), Zootaxa 5481 (1), pp. 43-65 : 51

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Plazi (2024-07-15 08:51:17, last updated 2024-11-27 03:18:12)

scientific name

Pterostichus (Tschitscherinea) filum ( Tschitschérine, 1897 )


Pterostichus (Tschitscherinea) filum ( Tschitschérine, 1897) View in CoL

Figure 6 View FIGURES 1–6

Chinese vernacular name: ũdzā±Ƥ

Tschitschérine 1897: 70 (Original: Feronia : subgen. Eunema ; holotype should be in MNHN, but probably missing; type locality: “Mou-Pin”); Jedlička 1962: 228.

Material examined. Non-type material: 1 female ( IZAS): “ Sichuan, Wolong, Wulidun, 2395m, Artificial larch forest, pitfall trap. 2004.VII.22–25, Xiaodong Yu leg. RG32–4, Institute of Zoology. ”

Diagnosis. This species is different from all the other members of this subgenus by the elytral interval 3 with only one setigerous pore. It is most similar to P. jiuzhaiicus sp. nov. Their comparison was already provided under the new species.

Supplementary description. BL = 9.5 mm, BW = 3.2 mm; eyes very small, tempora strongly swollen behind eyes, length greater than eyes, eyL/tpL = 0.52, maxim width of head at outer margin of tempora, HW/PW = 0.75. Pronotum parallel-sided, PW/PL = 1.03, PBW/PW = 0.83; anterior margin slightly wider than posterior margin, PAW/PBW = 1.04; lateral margins straight before posterior angles, posterior angles rectangular, not denticulate. Basal foveae densely punctate, without outer groove, inner groove faintly depressed. Elytra with transverse microsculpture; parascutellar pore absent; humerus with small stout tooth, faintly projected out; interval 3 with one setigerous pore near anterior third, adjacent to stria 2. Metatarsus slender in females, segment 1 with shallow outer-lateral ridge; males unknown.

Distribution. This species is known only from two close localities in Western Sichuan, the type locality Moupin in Baoxing county, and Wolong in Wenchuan county. ( Fig. 54 View FIGURES 54–57. 54 , pink)

Jedlicka, A. (1962) Monographie des Tribus Pterostichini aus Osatasien (Pterostichini, Trigonotomi, Myadi) (Coleoptera- Carabidae). Abhandlungen und Berichte aus dem Staatlichen Museum fur Tierkunde in Dresden, 26, 177 - 346.

Tschitscherine, T. (1897) Carabiques nouveaux ou peu connus. L'Abeille, 29, 45 - 75.

Gallery Image

FIGURES 1–6. Habitus of Pterostichus (Tschitscherinea) spp. (1) P. spissipedes sp. nov., holotype. (2) P. spissipedes sp. nov., a male paratype from Jianchuan. (3) P. spissipedes sp. nov., a male paratype from Deqin. (4) P. spectabilis sp. nov., holotype. (5) P. jiuzhaiicus sp. nov., holotype. (6) P. filum (Tschitschérine), a female from Wolong. Scale bars: 2 mm.

Gallery Image

FIGURES 54–57. 54. Confirmed distribution of the Pterostichus (Tschitscherinea) spp. in China: Red P. spissipedes sp. nov. Blue P. spectabilis sp. nov. Black P. jiuzhaiicus sp. nov. Pink P. filum (Tschitschérine). Purple P. mulensis Sciaky. Green P. fakarci Sciaky. Yellow P. krali Sciaky. Cyan P. sterbai Jedlička. 55–57. Endophallus of Pterostichus spp., right lateral view and left lateral view: (55) Pterostichus (Cryobius) jaechi Krischenhofer, Changbaishan, Jilin. (56) Pterostichus (Morphohaptoderus) janatai Sciaky & Wrase, Pingheliang, Shaanxi. (57) Pterostichus (Morphohaptoderus) dundai Sciaky, Houzhenzi, Shaanxi. Scale bars = 0.5 mm, a (55), b (56–57).


Institut Zoologii Akademii Nauk Ukraini - Institute of Zoology of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine













