Babr nigromaculatus ( Dorogostaisky, 1922 )

Daneliya, Mikhail E., Kamaltynov, Ravil M., Kontula, Tytti & Väinölä, Risto, 2009, Systematics of the Baikalian Babr (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Pallaseidae), Zootaxa 2276, pp. 49-68 : 63-67

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Plazi (2016-04-20 03:44:28, last updated 2024-11-28 05:44:27)

scientific name

Babr nigromaculatus ( Dorogostaisky, 1922 )


Babr nigromaculatus ( Dorogostaisky, 1922) View in CoL

( Figures 8−10 View FIGURE 8 View FIGURE 9 View FIGURE 10 )

Pallasea baikali nigromaculata Dorogostaisky, 1922: 125 View in CoL , Tab. 2, Fig. 5 View FIGURE 5 ; Pallasea baikali View in CoL (partim) Stebbing, 1906: 378;

Pallasea (Pallasea) baikali nigromaculata Bazikalova, 1945: 146 View in CoL ; Barnard & Barnard, 1983: 480; P. baikali Väinölä & Kamaltynov, 1999: 951 View in CoL [“ P.baikali View in CoL S”];

P. (Pallasea) baikali nigromaculata Takhteev, 2000: 60 View in CoL ;

Babr nigromaculatus Kamaltynov, 2002: 757 View in CoL .

Type specimens. Lectotype, female, 21 mm, “fabrika Sibiryakova, 19-VII- 15 g, glubina 20 mt, draga, V. Dorogostaisky” ( ZIN, 1/88438). Paralectotypes: 3 females, 21 mm, “fabrika Sibiryakova, 19-VII- 15 g, glubina 20 mt, draga, V. Dorogostaisky” ( ZIN, 1/50202); 1 female, 21 mm, “det. V. Dorogostaisky” (LIN, 865).

Additional material examined. Kultuk (S, 51°43´N, 103°43´E), 15 m, sand, 16.06.1915, coll. Dorogostaisky (mor: 1 ZIN 1/88438);

Kultuk (S), 51°43´N, 103°43´E, 4−14 m, sand, 28.09.1997 coll. RMK & RV (mor: 1; all: 6; mtD: 1);

Kultuk (S), 51°43´N, 103°43´E, 5−10m, sand, 14.09.1998, coll. RV (all: 1; mtD: 1);

Sennaya Bay (S), 52°16´19´´ N, 105°43´40´´ E, 16−17 m, 0 5.2006, coll. J. Smith (mor: 7 MZH 53159, 53172; mtD: 3);

Peschanaya Bay (S), 52°15´N, 105°42´E (st. 91-1), 7−10 m, 14.08.1991 coll. RMK & RV (all: 8; mtD: 1);

Baikal (S/C), 8.1991 coll. RMK & RV (mor: 1 MZH 53164);

Cape Telegrafny (S, 51°35´N, 103°56´E), coll. Botkin (mor: 1 ZIN 4/88442);

Cape Ulan-Koblit (unknown locality), 18 m, mud, algae, 31.07.1916 coll. Bazikalova (mor: 1 ZIN 5/ 88444);

Olkhon Strait (C/N), 53°00´N, 106°53´E (st. 91-2), 30−35 m, 17.08.1991 coll. RMK & RV (all: 1);

Olkhon Strait (C/N), 53°00´N, 106°53´E (st. 99-65), 20 m, 28.7.1999, coll. RMK & RV (mtD: 2);

Olkhon Strait (C/N), 53°02´N, 106°53´E (st. 09-52), Kurkut Bay, 7.5-11.4 m, 0 3.07.2009, coll. MED, RV, Zagibalova (mor: 1 MZH 53171; mtD: 1)

Uzury (Olkhon Island; C), 53°21´52´´ N, 107°46´20´´ E (st. 07-17), 16 m, sand, 0 7.08.2007, coll. MED & RV (mor: 9 MZH 53167; mtD: 3);

Kocherikova (N), 53°43´N, 107°49´E (st. 07-23), 20 m, sand, 0 8.08.2007, coll. MED & RV, divers (mor: 1 MZH 53169; mtD: 1);

Davsha Bay (N), 54°21´40´´ N, 109°28´15´´ E (st. 07-31), 10 m, sand, 0 9.08.2007, coll. MED & RV (mor: 2 MZH 53168; mtD: 2);

Tukkaralagda Cape (N, 55°26´N, 109°49´E), st. 1351, 5 m, coarse sand, 15.07.1959, coll. Bazikalova (mor: 1 LIN 866);

1 km S from mouth of Malaya Cheremshana River (N), 54°00´N, 109°24´E (st. 99-39), 15–25 m, 25.7.1999, coll. RMK & RV (mor:1; mtD: 2);

Turka (C), 52°56´N, 108°12´E (st. 07-53), 10 m, sand, 12.08.2007, coll. RV & MED (mor: 7 MZH 53166; mtD: 5);

Gremyachinsk (C), 52°40´N, 107°58´E (st. 00-43), 14–16 m, sand, 27.09.2000, coll. RMK & RV (mor: 1 MZH 53163; mtD: 3);

Manturikha (S, 51°56´N, 105°46´E), st. 610, N2941, 21.08.1925, coll. Bazikalova (mor: 1 ZIN 3/88441).

Type locality. Lake Baikal, Sennaya Bay near Bolshie Koty, where Sibiryakov’s factory was situated, 51°53´N, 105°04´E (see Drizhenko, 1908); specified here.

Diagnosis. Marginal prominences of head shorter than marginal prominences of pereonites, blunt ( Fig. 9 View FIGURE 9 b). Uronite 1 with dorso-lateral spine-setae ( Fig. 9 View FIGURE 9 c). Antenna 1 equal to or longer than half of body length (0.5−0.6 times body length) ( Fig. 9 View FIGURE 9 a). Antenna 1 peduncle segment 1 slightly shorter than segment 2. Antenna 2 peduncle segment 4 slightly shorter than segment 5 ( Fig. 9 View FIGURE 9 a). Mandibular palp segment 1 with one–three ventral setae; segment 3 with 24 to 45 short ventral spine-setae. Coxa 4 with convex distal margin ( Fig. 9 View FIGURE 9 a). Posterior margin of pereopod 6 basis clearly concave ( Fig. 10 View FIGURE 10 c). Uropod 3 about as long as urosome ( Fig. 9 View FIGURE 9 c). Uropod 3 rami subequal in length ( Fig. 10 View FIGURE 10 f).

Color greenish-yellowish, with dark-orange or brown spots. Pereonites 1−3 with wide dorso-lateral spots. Pereonites 4 and 5 without dorso-lateral spots. ( Fig. 8 View FIGURE 8 a, b).

Body length of adult individuals 21−36 mm.

Description of lectotype. Fitting the specific and generic diagnoses above, with following specifications. Marginal prominences of pereonites 1−5 blunt and hooked. Uronite 1 with two and three, uronite 2 and 3 with two dorso-lateral spine-setae on each side. Antenna 1 longer than half of body length (0.6 times body length). Antenna 1 peduncle segment 2 slightly longer than segments 1 and 3. Antenna 1 flagellum with 22 subsegments. Mandibular palp segment 1 with one ventral seta; segment 2 about as long as segment 3; segment 3 with 24 short ventral spine-setae. Uropod 3 exopod 1.1 times as long as endopod.

DNA. Mitochondrial DNA lineage typified by the sequence of a fragment of the COI gene deposited in GenBank with accession no GQ919202 View Materials (from a specimen from Sennaya Bay, MZH 53172), from which conspecific specimens may differ at up to 2.8 % of nucleotide sites, whereas any heterospecific individuals at least 15 %.

Allozymes. Distinguished from B. baikali by having electrophoretically slower allozymes of the enzymes ENO, MDH-1 and PGD, and electrophoretically faster ones of AAT-2, AP, ARK, IDH-1, IDH-2, MDH-2 and PGM (Table 1).

Distribution and habitat. Throughout the coasts of Baikal ( Fig. 1 View FIGURE 1 b), on sandy bottoms at 5−35 m depth, typically deeper than 10 m.

Barnard, J. L., Barnard, C. M. (1983) Freshwater Amphipoda of the World. Vol. 1 - 2. Hayfield Associates, Mt. Vernon, VA, 830 p.

Bazikalova, A. Ya. (1945) Amfipody ozera Baikala. Trudy Baikalskoi limnologicheskoi stantsii AN SSSR, 11, 1 - 440.

Dorogostaisky, V. Ch. (1922) Materialy dlya kartsinologicheskoi fauny ozera Baikala. Trudy Komissii po izucheniyu ozera Baikala, 1, 105 - 153.

Drizhenko. (1908) Altas Ozera Baikal. St. Petersburg, 30 p.

Kamaltynov, R. M. (2002) Amfipody (Amphipoda: Gammaroidea). In: Timoshkin O. A. (Ed.), Index of Animal Species Inhabiting Lake Baikal and Its Catchment Area. Vol. 1. Book 1. Nauka, Novosibirsk, pp. 572 - 831.

Stebbing, T. R. R. (1906) Amphipoda. I. Gammaridea. Das Tierreich, 21, 1 - 806.

Takhteev, V. V. (2000) Ocherki ob amfipodakh ozera Baikal (sistematika, sravnitelnaya ekologiya, evolutsiya). Izdatelstvo Irkutskogo Universiteta, Irkutsk, 335 pp.

Vainola, R., Kamaltynov, R. M. (1999) Species diversity and speciation in the endemic amphipods of Lake Baikal: Molecular evidence. Crustaceana, 72 (8), 945 - 956.

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FIGURE 1. Distributions of (a) Babr baikali (Stebbing, 1899) and (b) B. nigromaculatus (Dorogostaisky, 1922), based on the samples examined (molecular and morphological data). The map shows the 500 - m isobaths of Lake Baikal indicating the three main sub-basins N, C and S.

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FIGURE 5. Babr baikali (Stebbing, 1899), (a) specimen from Davsha Bay, (b), (c), (d) lectotype: (a) head with antennula and antenna, lateral view; (b) mandibular palp, medial view; (c) maxilla 2, medial view; (d) left maxilla 1; right maxilla 1. Scale bars 1 mm.

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FIGURE 8. Babr nigromaculatus (Dorogostaisky, 1922): (a) Olkhon Strait, Kurkut Bay, 0 3.07. 2009, 25 mm, lateral view, (b) Okhon Island, Uzury, 0 7.08. 2007, 32 mm, dorsal view.

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FIGURE 9. Babr nigromaculatus (Dorogostaisky, 1922), lectotype: (a) total body, lateral view (setae not shown); (b) anterior part of body (right half), dorsal view; (c) urosoma, lateral view. Scale bar 1 mm.

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FIGURE 10. Babr nigromaculatus (Dorogostaisky, 1922), lectotype: (a) mandibular palp, medial view; (b) basis and ischium of pereopod 5, lateral view; (c) basis and ischium of pereopod 6, lateral view; (d) basis and ischium of periopod 7, lateral view; (e) telson, dorsal view; (f) uropod 3, dorsal view. Scale bar 1 mm.


Russian Academy of Sciences, Zoological Institute, Zoological Museum


Finnish Museum of Natural History











