Buobellenden Yin & Nomura

Yin, Zi-Wei & Zhao, Shûhei Nomura Mei-Jun, 2009, Buobellenden jingyuanensis gen. et sp. nov. of the subfamily Pselaphinae (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) from Northwestern China, Zootaxa 2083, pp. 65-68 : 65-66

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.187377

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scientific name

Buobellenden Yin & Nomura


Buobellenden Yin & Nomura View in CoL , gen. nov.

Type species: Buobellenden jingyuanensis Yin & Nomura , sp. nov.

Description. Head and pronotum narrow, elytra divergent and broadened posteriorly, abdomen broad.

Head longer than wide, clypeus invisible in dorsal view, frons broadened and projecting anteriorly, with a longitudinal groove in the middle, vertex shallowly concave between eyes, with a pair of large, oval tentorial pits on dorsal surface, postgenae broad just behind eyes, then constricted toward cervicum, sparsely covered with pubescence, gular area smooth. Antennae long and slender, 1st segment large, elongate and tubular. Maxillary palpi long (relatively shorter than in allied genera), slender and geniculate, 1st very short, 2nd slender, gradually broadened from the middle toward apex, 3rd short, about as long as wide, nearly triangular, 4th the longest, broadened throughout length, densely covered with long setae.

Pronotum about as long as wide, widest before the middle, glabrous medially, otherwise covered with pubescence. Elytra wider than long, narrowed anteriorly, nearly trapezoidal, gently convex, with pubescence medially, especially dense at base, each elytron with a basomedian and two basolateral foveae, and with sutural and median longitudinal carinae. Legs short, femora thickened, tibiae and tarsi slender.

Abdomen wider than long, 4th abdominal segment largest, 4th tergite smooth, broadened posteriorly, with a pair of broad paratergites, 5th to 8th each short and transverse. Aedeagus strongly sclerotized at apex, parameres paired and symmetrical, elongate, each with two long setae at apex; median lobe tridentate along apical margin in ventral and dorsal views, basal capsule bulbous, with an elliptical membranous part, apical margin asymmetrical, endophallus bottleshaped.

Remarks. This genus can be easily separated from other Palaearctic genera of Pselaphini by a combination of the following characters: relatively large oval tentorial pits between eyes; maxillary palpi with 4th segments broadened throughout length; the apical margin of parameres each with two long setae (absent in its allies). Based on the similar shape of the maxillary palpus, it is probably related to Bellenden Chandler, 2001 from Australia, but the structure of aedeagus is completely different.

This genus is probably not closely related to any genera of Pselaphini in the Palaearctic region because of the unique form of the maxillary palpus and aedeagus.

Etymology. The generic name is formed from the name of Dr. Yun Bu who provided the type material and a related genus name, “ Bellenden ”, for sharing the similar shape of the maxillary palpi. Gender masculine.











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