Dentigaster medeirosi, Dias & Penteado-Dias, 2024

Dias, Manoel Martins & Penteado-Dias, Angélica Maria, 2024, Two new species of the genus Dentigaster Zettel (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Cheloninae) from Brazil, Zootaxa 5496 (1), pp. 140-146 : 140-143

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5496.1.10

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scientific name

Dentigaster medeirosi

sp. nov.

Dentigaster medeirosi sp. nov. Dias & Penteado-Dias

( Figs 1–10 View FIGURES 1–6 View FIGURES 7–10 , 18 View FIGURE 18 )

Holotype: body length, 5.94 mm.

Color. Scapus and pedicellus orange; first flagellomere and basal half of second, light yellow; remaining flagellomeres dark brown. Head black, with a triangular anterior orange patch below the base of the antennae and extended downwards. Propleuron light orange. Pronotum black, with anterior and lower parts light yellow. Scutellum black from the anterior area to the scutellar sulcus and orange on the disc and remaining areas. Other parts of the mesosoma and legs orange; coxa and trochanter of fore and mid legs orange yellow. Tegula dark brown and humeral plate light yellow. Fore wing ( Fig. 7 View FIGURES 7–10 ) orange in the basal third, brown transverse band crossing the first discal and first subdiscal cells, transverse white band at the parastigma and basal part of pterostigma; wide brown transverse band with a white bulla in r-m; whitish subapical area and border apical light brown. Dark brown veins in the brown bands and orange veins in the other parts of the fore wing. Hind wing hyaline, with orange veins, in basal half and light brown, with brown veins, in the apical half. Metasoma: first tergite orange; second tergite black, with a large anterior light yellow band; third tergite black ( Figs 1, 2 View FIGURES 1–6 ).

Head: Antenna with 46 flagellomeres. Scapus 2.43x as long as maximally wide; 1.09x longer than first flagellomere. First flagellomere 4.27x as long as wide, 1.34x as long as the second one. Penultimate flagellomere 1.5x as long as wide, 0.06x as long as first flagellomere, 0.5x as long as apical flagellomere. Head 1.17x as wide as its median length. Eye with with the same length of temple (in dorsal view) and 2.44x as high as wide. Head coarsely punctate. Clypeus moderately swollen in lateral view, with two blunt teeth in lower margin; its surface moderately punctate. Malar space 0.81x basal width of mandible, 0.32x eye height. Face moderately convex, with slightly protruding median carina. Temple not swollen in dorsal view. Frons flat, not concave. POL 1.25x ocellar diameter, 0.33x OOL. Occipital carina present, complete.

Mesosoma: Mesosoma 1.95x as long as wide in lateral view, 1.92x as long as wide in dorsal view. Pronotum coarsely punctate. Mesoscutum anteriorly prominent and rounded, coarsely punctate. Notauli slightly apparent. Scutellar sulcus with ten transversal complete carinae. Mesopleuron, metapleuron and propodeum coarsely punctate; propodeum with small protrusion on each side and medium longitudinal carina, slightly protruding. Fore wing ( Fig. 7 View FIGURES 7–10 ) with stigma 5.0x as long as wide. Marginal cell distally closed. Vein r 0.34x as long as vein 3-SR, 0.10x as long as vein SR 1, 0.19x as long as vein 2-SR. Vein 1-SR+M present. First discal cell 3.25x as long as wide. Vein r-m present, with a bulla. Vein m-cu postfurcal. Vein cu-a present, postfurcal. Vein Cu1b present. First subdiscal cell distally closed. Vein 2-1A long. Hind wing: Vein 1-SC+R present. Subbasal cell medium sized. Vein M+CU 0.78x as long as vein 1-M. Legs: Hind coxa large. Hind femur 3.13x as long as wide. Hind tibia 7.22x as long as wide, 2.03x as long as the hind basitarsomere. Hind basitarsomere 8.0x as long as wide, 1.01x as long as tarsomeres 2–5.

Metasoma: Carapace with two transversal areolate sutures ( Fig. 2 View FIGURES 1–6 ); the one between first and second tergites wider, mainly in the middle area of the tergite. First and second tergites rugose-areolate, with irregular longitudinal striae, poorly defined. Third tergite finely rugose-areolate ( Fig. 10 View FIGURES 7–10 ). First tergite with anterior prominent median knob and 1.35x as long as apical width, in dorsal view. Median length of second tergite 1.10x its basal width, 0.81x as long as first tergite. Carapace 3.32x as long as wide, in dorsal view. Third tergite with apex not denticulated in dorsal view. Postero-ventral rim, on third tergite in lateral view, angular, with posterior half directed upward ( Fig. 9 View FIGURES 7–10 ).

Male: Unknown

Variations: Head of D. medeirosi has anterior orange patch near the base of the antennae ( Fig. 5 View FIGURES 1–6 ) or expanded downwards in some specimens ( Fig. 6 View FIGURES 1–6 ). Pronotum is black in the superior area, adjacent to the mesoscutum and mesopleuron; light yellow in the remaining parts ( Fig. 1 View FIGURES 1–6 ). About a third of the specimens examined have pronotum almost completely black, with median dorsal patch light yellow, which can be reduced or laterally widened ( Figs 3, 4 View FIGURES 1–6 ). Small brown or dark brown blackish patch on the upper part of mesopleuron ( Fig. 3 View FIGURES 1–6 ) occurs in some specimens, generally poor defined. A dark brown patch on each side of the first tergite was observed in only one specimen ( Fig. 8 View FIGURES 7–10 ).

Etymology: In honour to our friend José Honorato Gago da Câmara do Botelho de Medeiros (In memoriam).

Habitat: Atlantic Forest.

Material examined:

Holotype, female. BRAZIL. Rio de Janeiro: Teresópolis, Parque Nacional da Serra dos Órgãos, 22 o 28’36”S – 42 o 59’31”W, Malaise 4a, 563 m, VIII.2015, R.F. Monteiro e eq. col. ( DCBU 473.862 View Materials ) GoogleMaps . Paratypes, females. Same data, 22 o 29’40”S – 42 o 59’52”W, Malaise 3b, 332 m, VIII.2015, R. F. Monteiro e eq. col. ( DCBU 473.849 View Materials ) GoogleMaps . Same data, 22 o 28’35”S – 42 o 59’29”W, Malaise 4b, 544 m, IX.2015, R.F. Monteiro e eq. col. ( DCBU 495.369 View Materials ) GoogleMaps . Same data, Malaise 1, 3.XI.2009, R.F. Monteiro col. ( DCBU 495.362 View Materials ) . Angra dos Reis, Parque Estadual da Ilha Grande , Pico do Papagaio , Malaise 5, 441 m, X.2017, L. Campello e eq. col. ( DCBU 495.363 View Materials , DCBU 495.367 View Materials ) . Same data, Malaise 3, 336 m, X.2017, L. Campello e eq. col. ( DCBU 495.365 View Materials ) . Same data, Pico do Soldado, Malaise 1, 160 m, X.2017, L. Campello e eq. col. ( DCBU 495.368 View Materials ) . Itatiaia, Parque Nacional de Itatiaia , 22 o 26’1.4”S – 44 o 36’49.5”W, Malaise 1, 1.070 m, 5.XII.2014, R.F. Monteiro col. ( DCBU 113.181 View Materials ) GoogleMaps . Same data, 22 o 26’1.4”S – 44 o 36’49”W, Malaise 1, 21.XI.2013, R.F. Monteiro col. ( DCBU 473.847 View Materials ) GoogleMaps . Paraty, Estação Ecológica de Tamoios, continente, Moericke , 14–17.VIII.2019, A.S. Soares col. ( DCBU 496.364 View Materials ) . Same data, Ilha Sandri, Malaise , 20.VI.2018, A.S. Soares col. ( DCBU 473.846 View Materials ) . São Paulo: Pindamonhangaba, Usina Izabel, Malaise 8, 800 m, 23.XI a 10.XII.2001, S.A. Gomes e eq. col. ( DCBU 495.366 View Materials ) . Same data, Malaise 13, 1.300 m, 27.IX a 12.X.2002, S.A. Gomes e eq. col. ( DCBU 473.848 View Materials ) . Espírito Santo: Domingos Martins, Mata Pico do Eldorado, 20 o 22’17”S – 40 o 39’29”W, Malaise 17, 26.XI–3.XII.2004, M.T. Tavares e eq. col. ( UFES 63.718 View Materials ) GoogleMaps . Santa Maria de Jetibá, Fazenda Clarindo Krüger, 20 o 4’27.9”S – 40 o 44’51.3”W, Malaise T5, 29.XI–6.XII.2002, M.T. Tavares, C.O. Azevedo e eq. col. ( UFES 68.599 View Materials ) GoogleMaps . Bahia: Serra da Gibóia , 14.III.2001, I.F. Castro col. ( MZUEFS 44.606 ) .













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