Scaphobaeocera papuana CSIKI , 1909

Ivan Löbl, 2017, New species and records of Scaphobaeocera CSIKI from New Guinea (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Scaphidiinae), Mitteilungen der Münchner Entomologischen Gesellschaft 107, pp. 33-41 : 38-39

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.1098156


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scientific name

Scaphobaeocera papuana CSIKI , 1909


Scaphobaeocera papuana CSIKI, 1909 View in CoL

Scaphobaeocera papuana CSIKI, 1909 View in CoL : 342. Type locality: Papua New Guinea, Astrolabe Bai, Friedrich- Wilhelms Hafen [= Madang]. Lectotype male, HNMB.

Scaphobaeocera papuana ; LÖBL, 1975: 414-416, figs 71, 72. LÖBL (1975) designated as holotype the single original specimen preserved in HNMB. It is deemed to be a lectotype, according to the ICZN, Art. 74.6. Material examined. 16, PAPUA NG Morobe, Biaru Rd, Mt. Kolorong, 2250m, 02.VI.1992, G. Cuccodoro #14F [moss Nothophagus forest ]; 6, same data but 2200 m, 31.V., #12 [montane forest, vegetational debris]; 5, same data but 01.VI., #13A [moss on trunks, Nothophagus forest ]; 1, same data but #13B and 1, same data but #13C [under bark or on fungi]; 3, same data but 02.VI., #14C [vegetational debris]; 5, same data but 04.VI., #16C [on basidiomycetes]; 1, same data but 06.VI., #17B [old moist rotting trunk and debris]; 6, same data but 07.VI., #18C [moss on tree]; 14, same data but 2000m, 03.VI.1992, #15C [old moist rotting trunk]; 3, same data but 08.VI.,#19A [montane rain forest, moss on ground and vegetational debris] [dry debris and rotting trunk] and 1, #19C [debris on moss]; 2, same data but 01.VI.-11.VI, # BRFS; 2, same data but 2250 m, 10.VI., #21 [moss on trees and on ground]; 3, same data but Biaru Rd, Kaisenic 1050m, 28.V., #11 [gallery forest] and 3, 11A [basidiomycetes and bark]; 1, same data but #11D [vegetational debris]; 1, Morobe, Mt. Mission, Bitoi Rd , 1350 m, 22.V.1992, G. Cuccodoro #6B [lower montane rain forest, under rotting trunk]; 3 ex, same data but 6A [oak pine plantation]; 1, same data but #5B [rotting trunk and debris]; 2, Morobe, Bulldog Rd. 2000-2400 m, 16.VI.1992, G. Cuccodoro #23E [basidiomycetes]; 19, Papua NG Morobe Mt. Kaindi 1350m, 24.VI.1992, G. Cuccodoro #7 [garden bordering lower montane rain forest, debris and rotten trunk]; 1, same data but 2350m, 18.V.1992 #3C [moss forest, debris]; 1, Morobe, Wau, 1150m, 27.V.1992, G. Cuccodoro #10B [degraded forest, rotting trunk] (all MHNG); 2; NEW GUINEA /NE/ Wau, Golden Ridge 3.II.1968 / No. NG-W-B.68 leg. Dr. J. Balogh ( HNMB); 1, NEW GUINEA /NE/ Wau, Mt. Kaindi, 19.-24.VIII.1969 / No. NGW-U.15. leg. J. Balogh ( HNHM), 1, same data but 24.VIII.1968 / No. NG-W.C.8. ( HNMB).

Comments. The species is quite variable in size and colour. The body-length varies from 1.0 to 1.35 mm, the width from 0.54 to 0.78 mm, and the dorsoventral diameter from 0.58 to 0.85 mm. The head, pronotum and elytra are usually uniformly reddish dark brown or black, the apical margins of the elytra may be lightened, the abdomen and the legs are lighter than the thorax and most of the elytra, the apical abdominal segments usually light brown, the tibiae and tarsi as light or lighter than the femora, and the antennae distinctly lighter than the legs. The length/width ratios of the antennomeres are about as: III 25/10: IV 30/10: V 35/10: VI 33/10: VII 42/13: VIII 27/12: IX 40/18: X 40/20: XI 55/21. The scutellum is in some specimens almost completely concealed, the elytra may be not or weakly iridescent, the metanepisterna are 0.05-0.07 mm wide. The aedeagus is as in Figs XY, 0.26-0.40 mm long.


University of Newcastle


Hungarian Natural History Museum (Termeszettudomanyi Muzeum)
















Scaphobaeocera papuana CSIKI , 1909

Ivan Löbl 2017

Scaphobaeocera papuana CSIKI, 1909

Csiki 1909
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