Peloribates species

Kim, Jiwon, Bayartogtokh, Badamdorj & Jung, Chuleui, 2016, A new record of Peloribates barbatus Aoki, 1977 (Oribatida: Haplozetidae) from Korea, Journal of Species Research 5 (3), pp. 364-367 : 5

publication ID 10.12651/JSR.2016.5.3.364

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Peloribates species


Key to adults of Peloribates species in Korea

1. Sensillus short or medium long, with clavate or club­shaped head ······························································ 2

- Sensillus very long, with spindle­like, sharply point­ ed head; body length 557­563 μm, width 397-410 μm ··················································· P. acutus Aoki, 1961 View in CoL

2. Notogastral setae very long, reaching to or extending beyond the insertions of next row setae ··················· 3

- Notogastral setae medium long, not reaching to the insertions of next row setae······································· 4

3. Prodorsum, anal and genital plates with large, round foveolae; notogaster with minute foveolae; pteromorpha finely striated transversely; sensillus with short stalk; body length 330­415 μm, width 234-300 μm ················································ P. barbatus Aoki, 1977 View in CoL

- Prodorsum, anal and genital plates smooth, without foveolae; notogaster with minute granules; pteromorpha smooth; sensillus with long stalk; body length 310­465 μm, width 260-330 μm ·································· ································· P. longisetosus Willmann, 1930 View in CoL

4. Whole prodorsum with large foveolae, the size of which increasing towards tip of rostrum; notogastral sacculus S 1 located closer to notogastral seta dp than lp; sacculus Sa located posterolateral to seta lm; sacculus S 2 located anteromedial to seta h 3; body length 375 μm ········································································· P. rangiroaensis asiaticus Aoki and Nakatamari, 1974 View in CoL

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