APOCRITA Gerstaecker, 1867

Haas, Michael, Burks, Roger A., Janšta, Petr & Krogmann, Lars, 2020, Redescription and phylogenetic placement of the Cretaceous wasp Parviformosus wohlrabeae (Hymenoptera: Proctotrupomorpha), Palaeontologia Electronica (a 05) 23 (1), pp. 1-10 : 3

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.26879/1031

persistent identifier


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scientific name

APOCRITA Gerstaecker, 1867


Suborder APOCRITA Gerstaecker, 1867 Infraorder PROCTOTRUPOMORPHA sensu Rasnitsyn, 1988 , incertae sedis

Type. Parviformosus wohlrabeae Barling et al. 2013 ( Figures 1-3 View FIGURE 1 View FIGURE 2 View FIGURE 3 ), holotype female

Diagnosis. Pronotum large, almost as long as half of mesoscutum ( Figure 1.1-2 View FIGURE 1 View FIGURE 2 ). Metanotum medially long, about half as long as propodeum ( Figure 1.1- 2 View FIGURE 1 View FIGURE 2 ) and submedially overlapping propodeum ( Figure 2.2 View FIGURE 2 ). Propodeum smooth with distinct median carina ending posteriorly in transverse adpetiolar strip ( Figure 2.2 View FIGURE 2 ). Propodeal spiracle large, kidney-shaped with distinct rim ( Figure 2.1 View FIGURE 2 ). Petiole small, transverse. Metasoma with vaguely indicated segmentation, metasoma length subequal to mesosoma ( Figure 1.1, 1.3 View FIGURE 1 ). Ovipositor elongate and ventrally curved ( Figure 1.1 View FIGURE 1 ).

Specimen condition. The antennae are missing. The left fore- and midleg are embedded under the specimen and are not visible. Other legs are preserved only in part (see description). Wings are poorly preserved, being at most represented by small remnants in their sockets, except for a large piece of wing membrane on the right side of the body. The specimen itself is heavily deformed from possible dorsolateral force effect, either through taphonomy or before fossilization. The head and ventral metasoma suffered severe breakage, with the head being only partly preserved and metasomal sterna not discernable. The ovipositor is embedded within a small limestone ridge, which has partly been broken, seemingly by scratches with a tool.

Redescription. Total body length excluding ovipositor 3.5 mm; ovipositor length about 2.8 mm.

Head: Height about 0.68 mm, severely damaged and distorted ( Figure 1.1 View FIGURE 1 ), at least right and frontal part of head missing. Left eye partly identifiable. Left mandible distinguishable, broad, with three teeth, ventral tooth broadest with ventral margin straight. Inner structure, possibly pharynx, visible. Antennal insertion as described in Barling et al. (2013) not recognizable. Left labial palp mentioned by Barling et al. (2013) visible, covered by setae, but identity not certain.

Mesosoma: Length 1.3 mm, without sculpture, appearing smooth, dorsolaterally depressed from right side ( Figure 1.2 View FIGURE 1 ). Pronotum long, with moderately long collar, posterolateral corner distinctly overlapping mesopleuron ( Figure 1.6 View FIGURE 1 ). Right procoxa partly visible at lateroventral pronotal margin. Mesoscutum with right notaulus faint, but straight and solid, reaching posterior mesoscutal margin. Axilla reaching transscutal articulation mesad of notaulus. Mesoscutellum deformed but convex. Metanotum about one-third the length of propodeum as indicated on the left side by straight suture ( Figure 2.2 View FIGURE 2 -4), overlapping propodeum submedially ( Figure 2.2 View FIGURE 2 ). Metanotal area on right side submedially very strongly deformed and forced in. Metascutellum probably large. Propodeum about one-fourth the length of mesosoma, smooth, with distinct median carina ending posteriorly in transverse adpetiolar strip ( Figure 2.2 View FIGURE 2 ), partly cracked and distorted ( Figure 1.2 View FIGURE 1 ), original form hardly assessable, lateral and hind margin bordered by strong carina. Right spiracle situated close to anterior propodeal margin, kidney-shaped with distinct rim ( Figure 2.1 View FIGURE 2 ). Mesopleuron concave, smooth to lightly sculptured, dorsally marked by deep and broad groove, possibly mesopleural line. On both sides area adjacent to postalar process marked by deep mesoscutellar trough, delimitated posteriorly by broad posterior mesoscutellar arm ( Figure 2.1 View FIGURE 2 ). Only fore wing articulation most probably preserved, marked by small remnant of (probably) wing membrane attached to mesosoma ( Figures 2.1 View FIGURE 2 , 3 View FIGURE 3 , rfw?). Large piece of seemingly detached wing membrane located at left hindwing articulation, folded over right meso- and metapleuron, identity uncertain ( Figure 2.1 View FIGURE 2 , 3 View FIGURE 3 , wf). Remnant of left meso- or metatibia located between propodeum and metasoma ( Figures 2.3 View FIGURE 2 , 3 View FIGURE 3 , lti 2/3). Right metafemur and trochanter bent forwards over metapleural area ( Figures 2.1 View FIGURE 2 , 3 View FIGURE 3 ).

Metasoma: Length 1.6 mm, without sculpture, smooth ( Figure 1.3 View FIGURE 1 ), with at least seven vaguely indicated separate terga, artificially dorsolaterally depressed from right side, tip broken. Petiole small, transverse. Mt 2-4 ( Figures 1.3 View FIGURE 1 , 3 View FIGURE 3 ) subequal in length, Mt 5 occupying one-third of metasoma, Mt 6 damaged posteriorly, Mt 7 indicated by a visible layer of cuticle at the breakage point ( Figure 1.5 View FIGURE 1 ). All terga not emarginated medially. Ovipositor curved, partly broken, traceable on limestone and encompassed in limestone ridge ( Figure 1.4 View FIGURE 1 ), apex not clearly delimited. Piece of ovipositor mounted on a second SEM stub mentioned by Barling et al. (2013) not present.

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