CAMPICHOETIDAE, Griffiths, 1972

Papp, L., Merz, B. & Földvári, M., 2006, DIPTERA OF THAILAND A summary of the families and genera with references to the species representations, Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 52 (2), No. 2, pp. 97-269 : 203-206

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.12586111

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In the CDO (MCALPINE 1977) only two species of Campichoeta MAC-

QUART, 1835 are mentioned: one from Nepal and one undescribed sp. from the

Philippines. As far as we know, eleven species have hitherto been described worldwide, the eleventh one very recently (PAPP 2005).

We were lucky enough to capture one male of Campichoeta in Thailand, representing the first record of this family for the country. As mentioned in the description of C. (Campichoeta) spinicauda from Taiwan, Thryptocheta RONDANI , 1856 is regarded as a subgenus of Campichoeta .

Campichoeta (Thryptocheta) flavicauda L. PAPP , sp. n.

( Figs 90–93 View Figs 90–93 )

Holotype male ( HNHM, abdomen with genitalia in a plastic microvial with glycerol): THAILAND: Mae Fang N. P., over and along a forest brook, Nov 1, 2004, No. 14, leg. L. PAPP & M. FÖLDVÁRI.

Measurements in mm: body length 2.15, wing length 1.85, wing breadth not precisely measurable, ca. 0.76.

Head and thorax dark graphite grey with thick brownish microtomentum, scutum almost black. Abdomen dark brown, basal two segments yellowish brown. Epandrium yellow.

Frons dark, shiny, anterior margin (in 0.07 mm length) yellow, alike antennal bases as well as scape and pedicel (scape, however, grey dusted). First flagellomere very long, 0.30 mm, black with light cilia. Cephalic setae as in C. griseola : a more laterally placed proclinate pair of fronto-orbitals, a large reclinate ors just behind and medially to the proclinate one and a third short thin reclinate ors anteriorly and medial to the proclinate ors. Ocellars, inner and outer verticals very long, postocellars comparatively short (0.13 mm), cruciate. Frons with some minute setae behind lunule. Vibrissae comparatively short, apices almost meet. Gena 0.04 mm broad, only 3 thin peristomials present. Also subgenal seta thin. Longest (dorsal) aristal cilia comparatively long, 0.054 mm.

Mesonotum moderately humped. Thoracic setae: 1 pprn, 2 np, 1 large prst, 0+2 dc, 1 large prealar, 1 large sa, 1 small pa, 2 sc; 1 dorsal smaller and 1 larger ventral kepst. Prescutellars indistinct, only 0.09 mm.

Wing uniformly dark brown, veins even darker. Longest costal setae distally to H (mg1) 0.04 mm, 0.04 mm on mg2, the longer seta at break 0.07 mm. M vein sections 0.38, 0.72, ratio 1.89. Terminal section of Cu 0.30 mm. Anal cell very small. Anal (A1) and axial (A2) veins present as shadows of veins only. Squamal cilia black. Halteres whitish yellow.

Legs yellow; incl. coxae. Fore femur posteroventrally with 7 peg-like black thornlets, the 5th one much longer. Mid femur with a long anteroventral seta. Preapicals on tibiae comparatively weak, ventroapical of mid tibia 0.087 mm long.

Preabdominal sternites ( Fig. 90 View Figs 90–93 ) similar to those of C. griseola . Tergite 5 on caudal margin with 3 pairs of 0.10–0.13 mm long thick setae. Tergite 6 bare, tergite 7 ( Fig. 92 View Figs 90–93 ) 0.05 mm, 0.12 mm deep, finely sclerotized, forming little more than half-of-a-ring, with a pair of dorsomarginal setae.

Subepandrial sclerite 0.04 mm broad, less sclerotized, connecting base of cerci to hypandrium ( Fig. 91 View Figs 90–93 ), but not fused with hypandrium, broadening there to 0.08 mm. Cerci rather short rounded, with a number of longer setae. Male surstylus ( Fig. 93 View Figs 90–93 ) rather large, with broad base and narrow but not sharp apical part. Surstylus not fused to epandrium ( Figs 91, 93 View Figs 90–93 ), so this a species of the subgenus Thryptocheta RONDANI. The main distinctive features of the nominate subgenus is that their males have no true surstyli but only ventromedial (“surstylar”) lobe on epandrium. Surstylus without long setae but with a row of dense upcurving setulae on posterior margin. Aedeagal apodeme robust, rather short. Gonopod ( Fig. 91 View Figs 90–93 ) with two pairs of thick thorns ventrally. A pair of broad caudal hypandrial processes present. Parameres rather narrow, slightly curved.

Female unknown.

Remarks – This new species is related to the Palaearctic C. griseola (ZETTERSTEDT, 1855) but frons and scutum of C. griseola are much lighter, its fore femur with more numerous medioventral pegs, and its prescutellar setae are very long. The male genitalia show also distinctive features.

As far as I am informed, there is no described species of Campichoeta (Thryptocheta) in the Oriental region. MCALPINE (1977) mentioned an undescribed sp. from the Philippines and C. (C.) obscuripennis ( MEIGEN, 1830) was listed (from Nepal). Recently PAPP (2005) described C. (C.) spinicauda from Taiwan. The new species, by its evenly fumose wings, and the similar anteroventral row of spines on fore femur, is related to C. griseola . However, C. griseola has a pair of dark brown stripes on its lighter grey dusted yellowish brown mesonotum and dorsal side of abdomen is also rather light. C. griseola is with tergite 7 much longer, strongly convex with a number of short setae, setae on marginal caudal edge of tergite 5 shorter and thinner, its surstylus is different and it bears several long setae, contrary to C. flavicauda . All in all, I do not think that these two spp. are closely related.


Hungarian Natural History Museum (Termeszettudomanyi Muzeum)











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