Papp, L., Merz, B. & Földvári, M., 2006, DIPTERA OF THAILAND A summary of the families and genera with references to the species representations, Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 52 (2), No. 2, pp. 97-269 : 150

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.12586111

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ASILIDAE View in CoL View at ENA

In the CDO (OLDROYD 1975) 12 spp. of 9 genera are listed from Thailand ( Maira 1 sp., Pogonosoma 1 sp., Coplinopoda 1, Astochia 2 spp., Clephydroneura 2 spp., Machimus 1sp., Neomochtherus 1 sp., Philodicus 2 spp. and Promachus 1 sp.). Of them, Astochia inermis siamensis RICARDO, 1919 (p. 68) and Philodicus fuscipes RICARDO, 1921 (p. 188) were described from that country.

A number of papers on Thai asilids were published since that time. In the insula species group, Merodontina thaiensis SCARBROUGH & HILL, 2000 was described. SCARBROUGH & MARASCIA’ s (2000) synopsis of the Oriental and Australian species of Emphysomera SCHINER is also with records from Thailand. TOMASOVIC & GROOTAERT (2003) described five new asilid species from the area from Na Haeo, Loei prov., NE Thailand ( Anacinaces nahaeoensis , Clephydroneura promboonae , Michotamia siamensis , Saropogon thailandensis and Laloides tigris ) and designated the lectotype for Laloides phalaris (OSTEN SACKEN, 1882) . SCARBROUGH in SCARBROUGH & BIGLOW (2004) described three new species of Astochia BECKER from Thailand ( A. lancealata , A. nigranta and A. flava ). They reported A. jayarami JOSEPH & PARUI , an Indian species, from Thailand (increasing the number of spp. to five) and they keyed the known species from Thailand. SCARBROUGH & DUNCAN (2004) first recorded the genera Heligmoneura BIGOT and Orophotus BECKER from Thailand and described three new spp. ( H. calceolaria , O. gracilis and O. pilosus ) from the country. Recently SCARBROUGH in SCARBROUGH & SILVERMAN (2004) described Cleptohydroneura finita (p. 221), C. furca (p. 223), C. involuta (p. 223) and C. valida (p. 226) and they recorded C. sundaica (JAENNICKE, 1967) from Thailand. In their paper on a new Merodontina sp. from Vietnam, SCARBROUGH & CONSTANTINO (2005) gave a key to the regional species of the insula species group of Merodontina , with new locality records.

Our material is rich in species (42 indiv. from 2004 and 20 indiv. from 2003) but in for lack of expertise, they were left unnamed.











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