SIMULIIDAE, Newman, 1834

Papp, L., Merz, B. & Földvári, M., 2006, DIPTERA OF THAILAND A summary of the families and genera with references to the species representations, Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 52 (2), No. 2, pp. 97-269 : 121-122

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.12586111

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SIMULIIDAE View in CoL View at ENA

In the CDO (CROSSKEY 1973) only three species, S. (Simulium) griseifrons BRUNETTI, 1911 , S. (Simulium) hackeri EDWARDS, 1928 and Simulium indicum BECHER, 1885 were listed from Thailand.

Since Thailand is rich in fast running waters and other habitats proper for the development of simuliids, the fauna is rather rich. And indeed, after 1973 a number of high quality papers were published with descriptions of new spp. and new records. As a consequence, by now the family Simuliidae is one of the better known dipterous families in the fauna of Thailand.

In their summary on the blackflies of Thailand, beside a number of new records, TAKAOKA & SUZUKI (1984) described two spp. of S. ( Gomphostilbia ): S. (G.) inthanonense, p. 18, S. (G.) siamense and five spp. of S. ( Simulium ): S. barnesi , p. 31, S. chamlongi , p. 27, S. chiangmaiense, p. 38, S. naknonense, p. 33, S. thailandicum , p. 37. TAKAOKA & ADLER (1997) described a new subgenus, Simulium (Daviesellum) , and a new species, S. (D.) courtneyi , from Thailand and the Peninsular Malaysia. KUVANGKADILOK et al. (1999) published new records in their paper on the distribution of the larvae of blackflies at Doi Inthanon National Park. TAKAOKA & KUVANGKADILOK (1999) described four new spp. from Thailand. KUVANGKADILOK & TAKAOKA (2000) recorded several spp. and described a new species. TAKAOKA (2001) described S. (Simulium) weji from Thailand. TAKAOKA & CHOOCHOTE (2002) described two new spp. of the S. griseifrons species group from Thailand. TAKAOKA & CHOOCHOTE (2004 b) in their list and keys to black flies in Thailand 45 species of Simulium LATREILLE s. l. are listed, and keys to subgenera and species within each subgenus are provided for adults, pupae and mature larvae. That included their former description ( TAKAOKA & CHOOCHOTE 2004 a) of two new species of S. ( Simulium ) from Thailand ( S. suchariti and S. setsukoae, Doi Inthanon National Park, Chiang Mai Province).

We selected and pinned 34 indiv. in 2004, 43 indiv. in 2003, but for lack of expertise, we did not try to identify them.











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