Hoploseius mariae, Gwiazdowicz, 2002

Gwiazdowicz, D. J., 2002, New Species Of Hoploseius Berlese 1914 (Acari: Gamasida, Ascidae) From Poland, Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 48 (3), pp. 219-224 : 220-223

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.12587456

persistent identifier


treatment provided by


scientific name

Hoploseius mariae

sp. nov.

Hoploseius mariae sp. n.

( Figs 1–8 View Figs 1–2 View Figs 3–6 View Figs 7–8 )

Holotype: 1 female collected from the fruiting body Trametesversicolor (L. ex Fr.) Pil. on 18.04. 1998 in Wałcz Forest District , leg. P. Łakomy.

Paratypes: 327 females obtained from fruiting body Trametesversicolor, 144 females from fruiting body Bjerkandera adusta (Willd ex Fr.) P. Karst. , 106 females collected from Deadalea quercina L. ex Fr ., 22 females from Fomitopsis pinicola (Swartz ex Fr.) P. Karst. All fruiting bodies were obtained in Wałcz Forest District on 18.04.1998, leg. P. Łakomy. One female was extracted from a litter sample collected from the Karkonosze National Park (compartment 214 G), on 12.06. 2000, leg. D. J. Gwiazdowicz.

Holotype and same paratypes are deposited in the author’s collection; other paratypes in the Canadian National Collection of Insects and Arachnids.

Description of female. Length of idiosoma 570–600 µm, width 350–370 µm. Body oval, egg-shaped, holodorsal shield with distinct ornamentation ( Fig 1 View Figs 1–2 ). Holodorsal shield bearing 35 pairs of setae. Most setae similar in length to that of i4 (20 µm). Only setae r1 and J5, with length 10 µm, are markedly shorter. Setae Z2 (30 µm), J4 (45 µm), Z3, S4 (55 µm), S5 (75 µm), Z4, Z5 (90 µm) are longer. All setae are simple, only Z2, Z3 and J4 are occasionally weakly tricarinate. Pores, e.g. ip3, ip4, zp1, JP3, JP2, ZP3, ZP4, SP4 situated typically for the genus Hoploseius .

Idiosomal venter with reticulate sternal shield, which bears simple setae st1–3 and pores stp1–2 ( Fig. 2 View Figs 1–2 ). Metasternal plates drop-shaped with simple seta st4. Epigynial shield punctured, bearing simple seta st5. Simple seta ZV1 anterior to ventrianal shield on soft cuticle. Ventrianal shield (235×270 µm) subcordate, reticulate, punctured in posterior third, with five pairs of simple ventral setae JV1–3, ZV2–3, paranal setae and postanal seta. Setae JV1 (10 µm) markedly shorter than setae JV2 (20 µm). Located posteriorly to anal opening is a narrow cribrum of two rows of denticles. Seta JV5 (30 µm), posterior to ventrianal shield, is markedly longer than JV4 (10 µm). Peritrema situated on peritrematic shield, which extends from coxa I to coxa IV. This shield is markedly longer than peritrema and elongated below stigma. On peritrematic shield posterior to stigma there is a post-stigmatic pore.

Ventral side of hypostome ( Fig. 3 View Figs 3–6 ) with horn-like corniculi and 4 pairs of simple setae, the longest among them being C3 (40 µm), then C1 (30 µm), C2 and C4 (15 µm). Deutosternum with 8 distinct transverse rows, of which 7 have denticles Q1 (0), Q2 (5–8), Q3 (6–8), Q4 (6–8), Q5 (6–8), Q6 (6–9), Q7 (13–16), Q8 (13–16). Tectum ( Fig. 4 View Figs 3–6 ) is smooth and subtriangular. Tritosternum (85 µm) with strongly plumose laciniae (50 µm) ( Fig. 5 View Figs 3–6 ). Fixed digit of chelicera with row of 11 teeth and distal rasp with 3–4 teeth and spine-like pilus dentilis. Movable digit with three teeth ( Fig. 6 View Figs 3–6 ).

Legs of varying length, I (420 µm), II (360 µm), III (310 µm), IV (420 µm). Setation of leg I: coxa (2), trochanter (5), femur (12), genu (11), tibia (11); leg II: coxa (2), trochanter (5), femur (9+1), genu (10+1), tibia (9+1); leg III: coxa (2), trochanter (5), femur (5+1), genu (8+1), tibia (8); leg IV: coxa (1), trochanter (5), femur (7), genu (9), tibia (10). Femur II, genu II tibia II, tarsus II as well as femur III and genu III bearing spine-like setae ( Figs 7, 8 View Figs 7–8 ).

Hoploseius mariae sp. n. resembles H. australianus and H. bakeri . According to WALTER (1998), the major difference between these species are the spine-like setae on leg III. H. bakeri has no such setae on leg III. In H. australianus only femoral seta av is spine-like, while in H. mariae both femoral and genual seta av are spine-like. Moreover, the species differ in body size: H. australianus (480–540 µm), H. bakeri (447 µm), H. mariae (580–600 µm). These differences also concern setal length both on dorsal and ventral side, e.g. in H. mariae setae Z4 and Z5 are of equal length (length of up to 90 µm), while in H. australianus setae Z4 (90 µm) is markedly longer than Z5 (75 µm). In H. australianus , length of setae S4 equals that of S5 (50–60 µm), while in H. mariae S5 (75 µm) is markedly longer than S4 (55 µm).

Etymology: The species is dedicated to my daughter MARIA MAGDALENA GWIAZDOWICZ.


Acknowledgement – Special thanks to Dr. E. E. LINDQUIST for his assistance during the determination of material and for valuable comments concerning differences between Hoploseius australianus and H. mariae .













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