Plesiosminthus aff. conjunctus Ziegler, 1994

Freudenthal, Matthijs & Martín-Suárez, Elvira, 2017, A revision of European Plesiosminthus (Rodentia, Dipodidae), and new material from the upper Oligocene of Teruel (Spain), Palaeontologia Electronica 9 (1), pp. 1-25 : 10-11

publication ID 10.26879/678

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scientific name

Plesiosminthus aff. conjunctus Ziegler, 1994


Plesiosminthus aff. conjunctus Ziegler, 1994

Locality. Mirambueno 2A, MP27, Spain.

Material. Collection Naturalis-Leiden: 16 m 1, RGM 558532–558547; 14 m 2, RGM 558548–558561; 15 m 3, RGM 558562–558567, 558569–558577; 2 P4, RGM 558632–558633; 27 M1, RGM 558578– 558604; 19 M2, RGM 558605–558623; 8 M3, RGM 558624–558631. Collection Zaragoza: 3 m 1,

MIR2A 82–84; 5 m 2, MIR2A 85–89; 5 m 3, MIR2A

90–94; 6 M1, MIR2A 95–100; 9 M2, MIR2A 101–

109; 8 M3, MIR2A 111–118.

Measurements. Appendix 1, Figure 6 View FIGURE 6 .

Description. Number of specimens in brackets.

m1—anteroconid absent (1), small (15), or with cingulum (2); anterolophulid absent (17) or present (1); metalophulid absent; protoconid hind arm transverse and high connected to the metaconid (18) or bent and high connected to the metaconid (1); ectolophid oblique; ectolophid complete (13), anteriorly interrupted (4), posteriorly interrupted (1), or isolated (1); mesoconid absent (9), weak (8), or strong (1); mesosinusid open (18) or closed (1); mesolophid reaches the border of the molar (11) or ends in a mesostylid (8); ectomesolophid absent; hypolophulid anterior oblique (1), anterior transverse (17), or transverse (1); hypoconid hind arm absent (15) or short (1); posterolophid continuous (14) or low connected (2); labial posterolophid absent (15) or small (2); in one specimen, there is a longitudinal connection metaconid-mesoconid.

m2—labial anterolophid present; metalophulid anterior complete (14) or connected to the anteroconid (4); protoconid hind arm absent (3), transverse and low connected to the metaconid (14), or bent and low connected to the metaconid (1); ectolophid longitudinal (11) or oblique (7); ectolophid complete (17) or anteriorly interrupted (1); mesoconid absent (12), weak (4), or strong (2); mesosinusid open (13) or closed (4); mesolophid reaches the border of the molar (16) or ends in a mesostylid (1); ectomesolophid absent (17) or weak (1); hypolophulid anterior oblique (2) or anterior transverse (16); hypoconid hind arm absent; posterolophid continuous (14) or low connected (1); labial posterolophid absent (12) or small (4); In one specimen, there is a longitudinal connection metaconid-mesoconid.

m3—lingual anterolophid long; labial anterolophid long; metalophulid absent (1), connected to the anteroconid (12), to anterolophulid (5), or to protoconid (2); protoconid hind arm absent (13), short and free (3), transverse and low connected to the metaconid (3), or long and ending free (1); sinusid open; sinusid narrow backwards (4) or broad backwards (16); mesosinusid open (3) or closed (16); mesolophid absent (1), of medium length (2), long (10), or reaching the border of the molar (6); ectomesolophid absent; entoconid absent (11), small (4), or large (2); hypolophulid anterior oblique (3) or anterior transverse (15); hypoconid hind arm absent; posterosinusid half closed (1) or closed (18); shape short triangle (5), long triangle (6), or trapezoid (8); in four specimens there is a longitudinal connection metaconid-mesoconid.

M1—anterocone absent; anterostyle absent; anterolophule continuous (31) or interrupted (1); antecingulum absent (11) or present (20); protolophule posterior plus a trace of an anterior connection (1) or posterior (32); sinus open (30) or there is an entostyle (2); sinus forward; mesosinus open; mesoloph reaching the border of the molar; entomesoloph absent; metalophule anterior (15) or transverse (18); posterosinus large and open (28), large and closed (1), or small and open (1).

M2—lingual anteroloph absent (10), weak (7), or strong (9); protolophule anterior (1), anterior plus incomplete posterior connection (2), transverse (4), or double (20); sinus open (27) or there is an entostyle (1); sinus strong forward (1) or forward (27); mesosinus open (15) or closed (10); mesoloph of medium length (1) or reaching the border of the molar (25), no mesostyle; entoloph-protocone connection high (3), low (17), or interrupted (5); metalophule anterior (13) or transverse (11);posterosinus large and open (17) or large closed (7).

M3—lingual anteroloph absent (14) or weak (1); protocone a distinct cusp (8) or a mere crest (7); protolophule to anterolophule; sinus absent (3), very small (6), small (4), or deep (2); neo-entoloph absent (2), low (2), or high (10); mesosinus open (6) or closed (9); mesoloph reaches the border of the molar (14) or connected to a mesostyle (2); old entoloph absent (9), curved spur (1), or complete (6); axioloph absent (2), short posterior spur (1), long posterior spur (6), complete (1), or = old entoloph (6); centroloph absent; centrocone absent (15) or isolated (1); metacone absent (5) or present (9); posterosinus open (1) or closed (12).

Plesiosminthus conjunctus from Herrlingen 8

is characterized by the primitive state of the pcdha of m2 (82% complete, never absent), combined with an advanced state of the protolophule of M2 (75% double). For an evaluation of "primitive" and "advanced" see the section on morphology values. These values are similar to those found in MIR2A (see Table 3 View TABLE 3 ). However, P. conjunctus from HERR8 is clearly larger than P. aff. conjunctus from MIR2A (see Figures 7-12 View FIGURE 7 View FIGURE 8 View FIGURE 9 View FIGURE 10 View FIGURE 11 View FIGURE 12 ). Other differences are: The protoconid hind arm of m3 is always absent in HERR8, and present, complete, or incomplete, in 35% of the specimens in MIR2A; the mesostylid is better developed in the m1, 2 from HERR8; the entoloph-protocone connection of M2 is more frequently interrupted in HERR8.













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