Pilophorus cereolus (Ach.) Hellb.

Moisejevs, Rolands, 2015, Some New To Latvia Lichens And Allied Fungi, Acta Biologica Universitatis Daugavpiliensis 15 (2), pp. 285-292 : 290

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.12645054

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scientific name

Pilophorus cereolus (Ach.) Hellb.


Pilophorus cereolus (Ach.) Hellb. View in CoL

Morphology: Crustose, thallus minutely granular, containing soredia and cephalodia. Cephalodia with Nostoc . Pseudopodetia 3-5,7 mm high, containing black pycnidia at apices. K+ yellow.

Species distribution and ecology: Reported from Scandinavia, Estonia and Central Europe, Greenland, W and E coast of North America. Grows on siliceous stones and rocks in very shaded, moist places. ( Ahti & Stenroos 2013). P. cereolus is rare in Baltic region and was found only in Estonia previously ( Randlane et al. 2008). In Estonia species is red-listed.

Material examined: Latvia, Cēsu region , Priekuļu district , Gauja National Park , ĒrĢeļu (Ērgļu) Klintis, (57°21’N 25°15’E). On sandstone outcrops, about 2-3 m from the base ( Fig 3 View Fig ).. April 17, 2015 ( DAU 144001001 View Materials ) GoogleMaps

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