Osteoglossum ferreirai Kanazawa, 1966

L, María Doris Escobar, Farias, Izeni P., Taphorn B, Donald C., Landines, Miguel & Hrbek, Tomas, 2013, Molecular diagnosis of the arowanas Osteoglossum ferreirai Kanazawa, 1966 and O. bicirrhossum (Cuvier, 1829) from the Orinoco and Amazon River basins, Neotropical Ichthyology 11 (2), pp. 335-340 : 337-338

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.1590/S1679-62252013000200011



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scientific name

Osteoglossum ferreirai Kanazawa, 1966


Osteoglossum ferreirai Kanazawa, 1966 View in CoL

DNA Diagnosis. This species can be distinguished from O. bicirrhosum combinations of the following nucleotide characters: COII region: 528C, 561T, 567T, 582G, 585A, 603T, 606T, 612C, 618T, 648A. Lysine tRNA region: 22C, 41T, 45A. ATP8 region: 6G, 12T, 15C, 27A, 30G, 33A, 37C, 54A, 72T, 84T, 112G. ATP6 region: 87T, 96C, 111T, 114T, 138G, 150C, 192A, 198T, 213C, 217C, 219A, 226A, 249T, 258A, 265C, 267G, 282T, 285C, 294A, 300A, 312A, 313C, 318A, 324C, 330A, 333T, 339C, 351G, 363G, 393A, 394A, 410T, 429T, 447T, 448T, 450A, 474T, 489C, 495T, 508C, 528T, 552C, 576A, 583G, 585C, 586C, 591C, 600G, 607T, 625A, 627C, 633G, 654A, 657G.

Morphological features (data from Kanazawa, 1966). Tip of snout to anus 48.5; snout to origin of dorsal fin 53.6; snout length 6.4; eye diameter 7.0; head length 22.6; body depth 13.9. These data are given in percentages with respect to standard length. Branched dorsal fin rays 52 to 57; unbranched anal fin rays 61 to 66; pectoral rays i, 6; scales along the lateral line to base of caudal fin 37 to 40; pre-dorsal scales 15 to 19. Adult color is dark bluish, paler ventrally.

Distribution: Negro River basin, including the affluent Branco River; Orinoco River basin.

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