Neuroptera Linnaeus, 1758

Hsiao, Shih-Hsiang & Lai, Bao-Cheng, 2022, Fig. 4 in Fig. 3 in Historical Biogeography of the Group (Anura, Leptodactylidae): Identification of Ancestral Areas and Events that Modeled their Distribution., Zoological Studies (Zool. Stud.) 61 (55), pp. 1-8 : 3-5

publication ID 10.6620/ZS.2022.61-55

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scientific name

Neuroptera Linnaeus, 1758


Order Neuroptera Linnaeus, 1758 View in CoL View at ENA Family Ithonidae Newman, 1853 Genus Rapisma McLachlan, 1866

Rapisma McLachlan, 1866: 353 View in CoL .

Type species: Hemerobius viridipennis Walker, 1853: 276 (original designation).

Generic characters : See Liu (2018).

Distribution: China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Thailand, Taiwan.

Rapisma taiwanense sp. nov. Hsiao and Lai ( Figs. 1–3 View Fig View Fig View Fig )

Material examined: Holotype: male, Taiwan, Xinbei , Mt. Badaoer, 1110 m, 24.852859°N, 121.514524°E, 2020-VI-26, Shih-Hsiang Hsiao ( NMNS) GoogleMaps . Paratypes: 1 female, same collecting site as holotype, but collecting by Kai-Wei Chan ( NMNS); 1 female, Taiwan, Hsinchu, Beidelaman Trail, 2018-VI-25, Jhen-Ruei Lin and Yu-Chun Lin ( NCHU).

Etymology: The specific epithet is named after the type locality: Taiwan.

Diagnosis: Body and forewings generally greenish in both male and female. Forewing with sparse small grayish brown spots in the female. Head medially with dark markings on vertex. Antenna moniliform. In the male, gonocoxites 9 paired, glabrous; each with subtrapezoidal lobe, which dorsally bears a subtriangular accessory lobe, and with a slender, arcuately curved lateral arm; fused gonocoxites 11 generally arched, anteriorly broadly concaved, posteriormedially truncate, posteriorlaterally produced in dorsal view; gonostyli 11 with a pair of dorsal lobe and a single ventral lobe; each dorsal lobe subtriangular, distally and posterolaterally with a few long setae; ventral lobe flat, distally with a pair of tufts of long setae.

Description: Male ( Fig. 1A, C View Fig ). Body length 17.1 mm; forewing length 23.7 mm, hindwing length 21.4 mm. Head nearly semiglobular, largely retracted under prothorax, barely visible in dorsal view. Head yellowish; vertex dark brownish; a narrow blackish stripe present around compound eye; two blackish parallel stripes present between antennae; frons and clypeus medially with a brown marking. Compound eyes blackish brown; EI ratio 0.8. Antenna partly damaged, nearly moniliform, short, at least 3.91 mm long, with at least 28 flagellomeres; yellowish throughout; a black spot on scape in ventral part. Mandibles with tips black. Thorax greenish, with few brownish markings. Legs yellowish throughout; pretarsal claws reddish brown with base yellowish. Forewing greenish, immaculate. Trichosors present only along costal margin. A proximal nygma present between RP+MA and MP, brownish. RP with 8 pectinate branches. Hindwing paler than forewing. A proximal nygma present between RP+MA and MP, greenish. RP with 7 pectinate branches. Abdomen yellowish green, with terga brownish in margin.

Male genitalia ( Fig. 2 View Fig ): Tergum 9 moderately setose. Sternum 9 nearly as long as tergum 9, about 1.5 times as wide as long, subtrapezoidal. Ectoprocts nearly as long as tergum 9; callus cerci present. Gonocoxites 9 paired, glabrous; each with subtrapezoidal lobe, which dorsally bears a subtriangular accessory lobe, and with a slender, arcuately curved lateral arm. Fused gonocoxites 11 generally arched, anteriorly broadly concaved, posteriormedially truncate, posteriorlaterally produced in dorsal view. Gonostyli 11 with a pair of dorsal lobes and a single ventral lobe; each dorsal lobe subtriangular, distally and posterolaterally with a few long setae; ventral lobe flat, distally with a pair of tufts of long setae.

Female ( Fig. 1B, D View Fig ). Body length 17.4–21.4 mm; forewing length 25.4–31.3 mm, hindwing length 23.0– 26.8 mm. Head nearly semiglobular, largely retracted under prothorax, barely visible in dorsal view. Head pale yellowish green; a bow-tie-like blackish brown marking present on anterior portion of vertex and a narrow blackish stripe present around compound eye; frons medially with a brown marking. Compound eyes blackish brown; EI ratio 0.84. Antenna moniliform, 6.15 mm long, with 40 flagellomeres; pale yellowish, but on distal 1/5 of flagellum slightly darker. Mandibles with tips dark brown. Thorax entirely greenish, metathorax slightly paler than pro- and mesothorax, without any distinct markings. Legs pale yellowish; slightly darkened on apices of tibiae and all tarsomeres; pretarsal claws reddish brown with base yellowish. Forewing greenish, with sparse small grayish brown spots. Trichosors present only along the costal margin. A proximal nygma present between RP+MA and MP, blackish, covered with a blackish spot. RP with 7 pectinate branches. Hindwing much paler than forewing, immaculate. A proximal nygma present between RP+MA and MP, pale greenish. Costal space with a few interlink veinlets among costal crossveins on proximal half. RP with 8 pectinate branches. Abdomen yellowish green.

Female genitalia ( Fig. 3 View Fig ): Sternum 7 large, posteromedially with a narrow groove. Gonocoxites gonapophyses 8 fused, broadly subtrapezoid, notched distally, with a pair of weak projections and a weak median projection. Gonocoxites 9 nearly semicircular in lateral view; a pair of setose ovoid gonapophyses 9 present posteriad gonocoxites 8 and beneath gonocoxites 9. Ectoprocts nearly semicircular in lateral view.

Distribution: The three specimens in the type series were found in Xinbei and Hsinchu, northern region of Taiwan at middle altitude.

Remarks: This species is similar to Rapisma xizangense Yang, 1993 . The former has gonocoxites 9 with subtrapezoidal lobes, while the latter has gonocoxites 9 with ovoid lobes. Observing the specimens of both genders, it seems that this new s p e c i e s s h o w s s e x u a l d i m o r p h i s m. T h e f e m a l e forewings have lots of sparse small grayish brown spots while the male absent.

Molecular: The present study generated 5 sequences of 658 bp each, with an average nucleotide composition of 42.0% thymine ( T), 15.3% cytosine (C), 27.9% adenine (A), and 14.8% guanine (G). The above COI sequences belong to 2 species of Rapisma . Intraspecific distances ranged from zero to 0.15%. Interspecific distances ranged between 9.27% and 9.42%. The genetic distance of COI between male and female is apparently smaller than 1%, which indicates likely intraspecific divergence.


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Neuroptera Linnaeus, 1758

Hsiao, Shih-Hsiang & Lai, Bao-Cheng 2022


McLachlan 1866: 353
Darwin Core Archive (for parent article) View in SIBiLS Plain XML RDF