Glodianus, Cameron, 1902

Kasparyan, Dmitry R. & Khalaim, Andrey I., 2024, Two new species of Glodianus Cameron and Hylophasma Townes (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae: Cryptinae) from Mexico, Zootaxa 5437 (4), pp. 571-581 : 576

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5437.4.9

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Key to world species of Glodianus View in CoL View at ENA

1. Mesoscutum black. Hind femur red. Mexico............................................................... 2

- Mesosoma completely red. Hind femur black............................................................... 3

2. Tergite 2 with preapical white transverse band and hind margin darkened. Mesoscutum with a pair of large yellow spots laterally........................................................... 2. G. graciliventris (Cameron) View in CoL , sp. resurr.

- Tergite 2 with hind margin white. Mesoscutum entirely black............................... 1. G. delectus (Cresson) View in CoL

3. Metasomal tergites without white markings apically......................................................... 4

- Metasomal tergites with hind margins white................................................................ 5

4. Hind tarsus black, ♂........ G. dimidiatus ( Brullé, 1846) View in CoL [South America], or G. xanthostomus Cameron, 1911 View in CoL [ Guyana]

- Hind tarsus black but with white band on tarsomeres 2–4. [Metasomal tergites with hind margins pale reddish brown. Lateral lobes of mesoscutum partly strongly transversely striated. Propodeum with apophyses broad, moderately projected. Wings strongly iridescent. Ovipositor almost 0.8× as long as body.] Peru.................... G. bombycivorus Cameron, 1902 View in CoL

5. Metasomal tergites with postmedian whitish yellow mark on each tergite (mark lanceolate of tergite 2 and widened medially of following tergites). [Ovipositor slightly longer than half length of metasoma.] South America................................................................................................... G. peruvianus Szépligeti, 1916 View in CoL

- Metasomal tergites without postmedian white marks......................................................... 6

6. Ovipositor slightly longer than body. [Hind coxa and trochanter posteriorly red, hind trochantellus, femur and tibia black.] Guyana...................................................................... G. pallidiceps Cameron, 1911 View in CoL

- Ovipositor shorter than body............................................................................ 7

7. Ovipositor longer than metasoma. South America.................................... G. longicauda ( Brullé, 1846) View in CoL

- Ovipositor about 0.4× as long as metasoma................................................................ 8

8. Hind leg with basitarsus black in basal 0.7 and white in apical 0.3 ( Fig. 11 View FIGURE 11 ). Fore wing with areolet receiving vein 2m-cu at anteior 0.45 ( Fig. 11 View FIGURE 11 ). Venezuela............................................... G. areolatus ( Taschenberg, 1876) View in CoL

- Hind legs with basitarsus black in basal 0.2–0.3 and white in apical 0.7–0.8 ( Fig. 8 View FIGURES 6–10 ). Fore wing with areolet receiving vein 2m-cu at posterior 0.35 ( Fig. 5 View FIGURES 1–5 ). Mexico................................................... 3. G. rufithorax sp. nov.

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