Adetus michoacanensis Pérez-Flores & Altamirano, 2024

Altamirano, Janeth, Pérez-Flores, Oscar, Escalante-Jiménez, Ana Leticia & Jurado-Vargas, Cesar Marco, 2024, Diversity of nocturnal Cerambycidae (Coleoptera: Chrysomeloidea) from seven localities in Michoacán, Mexico, with description of a new species, Zootaxa 5471 (3), pp. 329-342 : 337-339

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5471.3.3

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Adetus michoacanensis Pérez-Flores & Altamirano

sp. nov.

Adetus michoacanensis Pérez-Flores & Altamirano , sp. nov.

Figs. 14, 15, 16, 17 View FIGURES 14–17

Description. Female. Integument mostly reddish brown, darker on some areas; anteclypeus, postclypeus, and apex of palpomeres orangish brown; anterior half of mandibles dark brown, almost black on apex; antenomeres IV–XI and tarsi dark brown; elytra with dark-brown areas along suture, irregularly interspersed with lighter areas; apex of profemora, apical 2/3 of meso- and metafemora, tibiae, sides of prothorax, mesanepisternum, mesepimeron, metanepisternum, and sides of abdominal ventrites dark reddish brown.

Head. Frons abundantly, coarsely punctate; with abundant pale yellowish-orange pubescence partially obscuring integument near eyes. Vertex and area behind eyes with sculpturing as on frons, punctures shallower and slightly sparser behind eyes; with pale yellowish-orange pubescence, except pale-yellow pubescence close to eyes. Genae about twice as long as lower eye lobe; sparsely, coarsely punctate; with pale yellowish-orange pubescence, sparser behind lower eye lobes. Antennal tubercles basally with sculpturing as on frons, gradually finer toward smooth apex; with pale yellowish-orange pubescence. Median groove distinct from middle of frons to area close prothorax. Postclypeus with punctures slightly shallower and finer than on frons on wide central area, smooth laterally; with bristly pale-yellow pubescence on wide central area, nearly glabrous laterally; with abundant, long, erect pale yellowish-orange and orange setae, slightly denser laterally. Labrum abundantly, finely punctate, inclined anteriorly; with abundant pale yellowish-orange pubescence, denser on inclined area, with long, erect setae of same color interspersed on anterior half; anterior margin with dense fringe of long, erect golden setae. Distance between upper eye lobes 1.21 times length of scape; in frontal view, distance between lower eye lobes 1.70 times length of scape. Antennae 0.68 times elytral length, reaching about base of second third of elytra; scape, pedicel, and antennomere III with pale yellowish-orange pubescence on dorsal surface and pale yellow pubescence (white on some areas) on ventral surface; basal 2/3 of antennomere IV as on previous, and remaining surface with yellowish-brown pubescence; remaining antennomeres with yellowish-brown pubescence and a few short pale-yellow setae interspersed; pedicel and antennomeres III–IX with sparse, long, erect, dark setae ventrally, sparser toward IX. Antennal formula (ratio) based on length of antennomere III: scape = 0.60; pedicel = 0.16; IV = 0.60; V = 0.38; VI = 0.35; VII = 0.34; VIII = 0.30; IX = 0.28; X = 0.25; XI = 0.27.

Thorax. Prothorax slightly rounded laterally from anterolateral angles to posterior sixth, parallel-sided on remaining area; anterior margin narrower than posterior one and distinctly arcuate. Pronotum abundantly, coarsely punctate except nearly smooth on narrow, longitudinal central area; sides with dense pale yellowish-orange pubescence; central area with sparse pale yellowish-orange pubescence, sparser on posterior half, with narrow longitudinal pale-yellow pubescent band centrally and a few sparse white setae. Sides of prothorax with sculpturing as on pronotum; with dense pale yellowish-orange pubescence, pale-yellow on some areas; with a few long, erect yellowish setae on posterior half. Prosternum with pale-yellow pubescence, slightly denser laterally. Prosternal process with pale-yellow pubescence, slightly sparser toward apex. Mesoventrite abundantly, finely punctate; with pale-yellow pubescence, except pale yellowish-orange pubescence close to mesoventral process; with two glabrous, semicircular spots centrally. Mesanepisternum and mesepimeron abundantly, coarsely punctate; with dense pale yellowish-orange pubescence. Mesoventral process with two elevated callous on anterior half; with dense pale-yellow pubescence. Metanepisternum and sides of metaventrite abundantly, coarsely punctate; central area of metaventrite abundantly, finely punctate; with pale yellowish-orange pubescence on metanepisternum and sides of metaventrite and pale-yellow pubescence on remaining surface of metaventrite. Scutellum with sparse pale yellowish-orange pubescence, except white pubescence from about middle to apex of central area. Elytra. Abundantly, coarsely punctate on anterior third, gradually sparser toward apex; apices individually rounded; centrobasal gibbosity moderately elevated; mostly covered with pale yellowish-orange pubescence, with both paleorange and white pubescence interspersed on posterior fifth, with one longitudinal, wide band of white pubescence close to suture from centrobasal gibbosity to after middle, and mostly white pubescent on suture from middle to posterior fifth, with small white pubescent spot dorsolaterally just after middle, and sides with one irregular macula on apex of anterior third. Legs. Mostly covered with pale yellowish-orange pubescence; trochanters with a long erect seta ventrally; profemora wider than meso- and metafemora, with white pubescence ventrally; all femora with both pale-yellow and white setae interspersed; protibiae slightly arched inward on apical third; tibiae with pale-yellow pubescence on ventral surface and with yellowish (darker toward apex) tuft of pubescence ventrally from about middle to apex, also dorsally on mesotibiae; tarsi with a few brown setae interspersed, mostly apically.

Abdomen. Ventrites sparsely, coarsely punctate on sides, and abundantly, finely punctate on central area; with both pale yellowish-orange and pale-yellow pubescence irregularly distributed, mostly pale yellowish-orange on central area of ventrite 1, and mostly pale yellow on ventrite 5; with fringe of slightly longer pale yellowish-orange setae on apex of 1–4; apex of ventrite 5 with long, erect yellowish setae, mostly brown centrally, apex truncate, slightly emarginate.

Dimensions (mm). Total length 8.30; prothoracic length 1.90; anterior prothoracic width 1.70; posterior prothoracic width 1.65; widest prothoracic width 1.75; humeral width 2.10; elytral length 6.00.

Type material. Holotype female: MEXICO: Michoacán, Taretan , 19°20’3.32’’ N, 101°55’3.02’’ O, trampa de luz, 30/Junio/2018, C. M. Jurado Vargas col. ( CNIN). GoogleMaps

Etymology. The specific epithet “ michoacanensis ” alluding to the state of Michoacán, México where the holotype was found, combined with the Latin suffix –ensis, meaning “from.”

Remarks. Adetus michoacanensis sp. nov. differs from the other species of the genus by the general pubescence pattern, especially on the central region of elytra. By the pubescence pattern on the pronotum and pubescence of the posterior fifth of elytra, Adetus michoacanensis resembles A. tibialis Breuning, 1943 and A. alboapicalis Breuning, 1943 (see photographs on Bezark 2024). However, these species differ by the coarse punctation on the pronotum (finer in A. michoacanensis ), sparse sutural punctation (more contiguous in A. michoacanensis ), and pubescence on the wide central area of the elytral suture similar to contiguous areas (distinctly different in A. michoacanensis ).


Coleccion Nacional de Insectos, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico













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