Hymenogadus Gilbert and Hubbs, 1920

Iwamoto, Tomio, Nakayama, Naohide, Shao, Kwang-Tsao & Table, Hsuan-Ching Ho, 2015, Synopsis of the Grenadier Fishes (Gadiformes; Teleostei) of Taiwan, Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences 62 (3), pp. 31-126 : 78

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.11512126

persistent identifier


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scientific name

Hymenogadus Gilbert and Hubbs, 1920


Genus Hymenogadus Gilbert and Hubbs, 1920 View in CoL View at ENA

DISTINGUISHING FEATURES.— Snout low, relatively pointed and protruding; paired nasal bones in broad contact along median line, without gap around nostril cartilage; head about as broad as high; body and head somewhat cylindrical; head mucous canals moderately developed; head covering mostly transparent; light organ long, small lens on chest anterior to pelvic-fin bases connect- ed by a black streak to round posterior lens immediately before anus; ventral striae well developed; fine black lines on gular membrane oriented perpendicular to median line, not netlike; inner GR-I, lower limb 10–16; spinous ray of 1D weakly serrated; chin barbel present.

REMARKS.— Aside from the low, cylindrical body and head, pointed snout, fewer gill rakers, and the presence of serrations along the leading edge of the first dorsal fin, this genus is otherwise scarcely distinguishable from Hymenocephalus , in which it was originally included as a subgenus. Aside from the widely distributed H. gracilis , the genus contains only H. tenuis , which is known only from the single original record off Hawaii.









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