Aralius, Kuschel

Kuschel, Guillermo, 2008, Curculionoidea (weevils) of New Caledonia and Vanuatu: Basal families and some Curculionidae, Mémoires du Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle 197, pp. 99-250 : 111-112

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Felipe (2021-09-01 12:09:35, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-06 14:27:09)

scientific name



Genus ARALIUS Kuschel View in CoL

Aralius Kuschel, 1990b: 79 View in CoL (replacement name for Platycephala View in CoL , type species P. olivieri Montrouzier ). — Kuschel 2003: 21, 28. Platytycephala Montrouzier, 1861 b: 268 (not Fallén 1820). — Paulian 1944: 117.

DESCRIPTION. — Aralius is defined from the other two genera of Aglycyderinae ( Aglycyderes and Proterhinus ) by the following combined characters: antennae short, extending only to about middle of prothorax, with very short first segment. Ventrites 1-4 with lateral transverse impressions or shallow sulci.

Male: rostrum on underside behind postmentum with a conspicuous tuft of setae.

Female: tergite 8 denticulate with 7 or more teeth on apical margin.

REMARKS. — Three species occur in New Caledonia and one in New Zealand. Two species are known to be associated strictly with Araliaceae , adults and larvae living under bark of recently dead branches. The generic name has been inspired by the association of at least some species with the family Araliaceae .


1. Prothorax on sides evenly rounded, neither angulate nor knobby near apex or base. Antennae short, not extending to middle of prothorax; segments 4-9 not longer than wide. Head similar in male and female, very broad through to apex in both sexes. Length 2.5-3.3 mm. New Caledonia..... ....................................................................................................................................................................... gemellus View in CoL — Prothorax on sides subparallel, or uneven, angulate or knobby at least at apex. Antennae longer, extending at least to middle of prothorax; segments 4-9 elongate. Head sexually dimorphic, very broad throughout in male, distinctly rostrate in front of antennal insertions in female ..................... 2

2. Prothorax with one shallow dorsal impression. Prothorax on sides weakly angulate near apex. Head in dorsal view lacking distinct temples between eyes and constriction. Length 2.5 mm. New Caledonia................................................................................................................................................................. dispar — Prothorax with three, usually deep dorsal impressions. Prothorax on sides usually with protruding angle, or knob or tooth before apex. Head in dorsal view with distinct temples, these at least half the length of an anteroposterior diameter of eyes ............................................................................................... 3

3. Setae on elytra broad, expanded, obovate. Striae usually distinctly narrower than interstriae. Lateroapical tooth of prothorax distinctly protruding laterad. Male. Rostrum (all of head in front of eyes) converging from above antennal insertions to form a large, broadly rounded lobe. Female. Rostrum

converging from base to above antennal insertions, from then on subparallel. Length 1.8-2.7 mm. New

Caledonia ...................................................................................................................................................... olivieri

— Setae on elytra narrow, lineal. Striae usually much wider than interstriae. Lateroapical tooth of pro-

thorax not or hardly protruding laterad. Male. Rostrum (all of head in front of eyes) broad from base

to slightly beyond antennal insertions, from then on rather abruptly becoming subtruncate. Female.

Rostrum converging through to just behind mandibular sockets. Length 1.7-2.8 mm. New Zealand

................................................................................................................................................................ [ wollastoni ]

KUSCHEL G. 2003. - Nemonychidae, Belidae, Brentidae (Insecta: Coleoptera: MAY B. M. 1994. - An introduction to the immature stages of Australian Curculionoidea). Fauna of New Zealand, Volume 45. Manaaki Whenua Curculionoidea, in ZIMMERMAN E. C. (ed.), Australian Weevils (Coleoptera: Press, New Zealand, 97 p. Curculionoidea) 2. CSIRO, East Melbourne: 365 - 728.

ou expose methodique et critique de tous les genres proposes jusqu'ici MONTROUZIER X. 1861 a. - Essai sur la faune entomologique de la Nouvelledans cet ordre des insectes, vol. 7. Roret, Paris, 620 p. Caledonie (Balade) et des iles des Pins, Art, Lifu, etc. Annales de la Societe LANTERI A. A. 1986. - RevisiOn del genero Asynonychus Crotch (Coleoptera: Entomologique de France (3) 8 (4): 867 - 916.

Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova 22: 201 - 332. WANAT M. 2001. - Genera of Australo-Pacific Rhadinocybinae and PAULIAN R. 1944. - Les Aglycyderidae, une famille relicte (Col.). Revue Myrmacicelinae, with biogeography of the Apionidae (Coleoptera: FranCaise d'Entomologie 10: 113 - 119. Curculionoidea) and phylogeny of the Brentidae (s. lato). Mantis Publishers, PAULIAN R. 1945. - Les celeuthetides des Nouvelles-Hebrides (Col. Curculionidae). Olsztyn, Poland, 432 p.









