Chorebus (Stiphrocera) talpigo, Papp, 2005

Papp, J., 2005, Braconidae (Hymenoptera) From Mongolia, Xvi. Subfamilies Gnamptodontinae, Brachistinae, Euphorinae, Alysiinae, Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 51 (3), pp. 221-251 : 241-244

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.12586306

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scientific name

Chorebus (Stiphrocera) talpigo

sp. nov.

Chorebus (Stiphrocera) talpigo View in CoL sp. n. fm

( Figs 63–70 View Figs 63–74 , 75 View Figs 75–86 )

Material examined (1 f + 1 m). – Female holotype + male paratype: Mongolia, Central aimak, Ulan– Baator, Nucht in Bogdo ul, 1880–2000 m, 9 Juni 1966, leg. Z. KASZAB (loc. no. 508) .

Holotype and paratype are deposited in the Hungarian Natural History Museum ( Department of Zoology ), Budapest, Hym. Typ. Nos 10726 (holotype) and 10727 (paratype) .

Holotype is in good condition: right antenna apically damaged (with 34 antennomeres), fifth tarsomere of right fore leg missing; glued on a pointed card by its mesosternum. Paratype is in less good condition: left flagellum glued separately on the card, damaged apically (with 25 antennomeres); missing: tarsus of right hind leg, tarsomeres 3–5 of left hind leg; wings more or less creased; glued on a pointed card by its mesosternum.

The species name “talpigo ” is a phantasy name.

Description of the female holotype. – Body 4.2 mm long. Antenna as long as body and with 42 antennomeres. First flagellomeres 3.4 times, middle ones subcubic (i.e. just longer than broad) and penultimate flagellomere 1.4 times as long as broad. – Head in dorsal view ( Fig. 63 View Figs 63–74 ) transverse, 1.87 times as broad as long, eye a bit longer than temple, temple rounded, occiput excavated. Ocelli rather elliptic, far from each other, OOL clearly twice as long as POL. Head 1.5 times as broad as mesoscutum between tegulae. Eye in lateral view 1.8 times as high as wide, temple beyond eye somewhat wider than eye ( Fig. 64 View Figs 63–74 , see arrows). Mandible 1.5 times as long as broad between upper and lower teeth, teeth fairly strong ( Fig. 65 View Figs 63–74 ). Tentorial pit not reaching mandible. Head polished, face rugulose. Occiput and temple with disperse hairs.

Mesosoma in lateral view 1.5 times as long as high. Pronotum bald, hairy field restricted to fore part of its lateral wing, pronope deep. Notaulix evenly deep, reaching mesoscutal foveola and finely crenulate. Foveola of mesoscutum linear. Precoxal suture wide and crenulate ( Fig. 66 View Figs 63–74 ). Mesoscutum hairy along notaulix and laterally along margin. Propodeum and metapleuron densely rugulose and hairy, latter without rosette pubescence. – Hind femur 4.1 times as long as broad medially ( Fig. 67 View Figs 63–74 ). Hind tibia somewhat longer than hind tarsus.

Fore wing somewhat shorter than body. Pterostigma ( Fig. 68 View Figs 63–74 ) cuneiform, eight times as long as wide, issuing r near to its base, r 1.4 times as long as width of pterostigma, 1–R1 half as long as pterostigma; 3–SR + SR1 bent, SR1 S-form and ending far before tip of wing. Subdiscal cell closed distally albeit 2–1A distally less pigmented ( Fig. 69 View Figs 63–74 ).

First tergite ( Fig. 75 View Figs 75–86 ) beyond spiracles parallel-sided, twice as long as broad behind, pair of spiracles before middle of tergite, rugose, with long hairs, hairs laterally somewhat denser. Further tergites polished. Second tergite somewhat longer than third tergite, border between them almost indistinct. Ovipositor sheath in lateral view shorter than basitarsus, faintly upcurved ( Fig. 70 View Figs 63–74 ).

Antenna black. Head, mesosoma and first tergite black, tergites blackish brown, sternites brown. Mandible dark rusty, palpi brown. Tegula black, parategula brown. Coxa + trochanters of fore leg dark brown, coxae + trochanters of middle and hind legs black. Fore femur + tibia yellow, fore femur above with brown streak. Middle femur black, distally with yellow pattern, tibia yellow. Hind femur black, tibia yellowish and distally infuscate. Tarsi infuscate. Wings hyaline, pterostigma greyish brownish, veins light brown.

Description of the male paratype. – Similar to the female holotype. Body 4 mm long. Antenna with 46 antennomeres, middle flagellomeres somewhat though clearly longer than broad. Head in dorsal view 1.8 times as broad as long. Dark colour of legs more extended.

Host unknown.

Distribution: Mongolia.

With the help of TOBIAS’ s key (1998: 354–410) to the Chorebus species the new species, Chorebus (Stiphrocera) talpigo , runs to Ch. (S.) nobilis GRIFFITHS and to Ch. (S.) cylindricus (TELENGA) considering their elongate mesosoma and parallel-sided first tergite. Its common feature with Ch. nobilis is the well distinct and finely crenulated notaulix, the specific distinction between them is presented as follows:

1 (2) First tergite narrow, 2.3 times as long as broad behind, longitudinally striate ( Fig. 76 View Figs 75–86 ). Head in dorsal view less transverse, 1.7–1.75 times as broad as long, temple a bit longer than eye ( Fig. 71 View Figs 63–74 ). Face laterally densely hairpunctured. Teeth of mandible slightly less strong ( Fig. 72 View Figs 63–74 ). Precoxal suture narrow, mesopleuron finely granulate ( Fig. 77 View Figs 75–86 ). Legs yellow. fm: 3–3.2 mm. – Ireland, Germany, Switzerland, Poland, Hungary

Ch. (S.) nobilis GRIFFITHS, 1968

2 (1) First tergite less narrow, twice as long as broad behind, rugose ( Fig. 75 View Figs 75–86 ). Head in dorsal view transverse, 1.8–1.87 times as broad as long, eye a bit longer than temple ( Fig. 63 View Figs 63–74 ). Face rugulose. Teeth of mandible slightly stronger

(S.) cylindricus (TELENGA) : 73 = head in dorsal view, 74 = mandible

( Fig. 65 View Figs 63–74 ). Coxae and hind femur black, legs rather dark coloured. f: 4.2 mm, m: 4 mm. – Mongolia Ch. (S.) talpigo sp. n.

The new species is also near to Ch. (S.) cylindricus (TELENGA) considering their broad and parallel-sided first tergite, however, the two species are clearly distinct by the features as follows:

1 (2) Notaulix missing, at most indicated by a row of hairs. Precoxal suture narrow (cf. Fig. 77 View Figs 75–86 ). Head in dorsal view less transverse, 1.6–1.65 times as broad as long ( Fig. 73 View Figs 63–74 ). Face hairpunctured. Mandible with slightly less strong teeth, second tooth spiky ( Fig. 74 View Figs 63–74 ). Antenna with 32–38 (f) and 34–42 (m) antennomeres. Ovipositor sheath more or less longer than hind basitarsus, upcurved ( Fig. 8 View Figs 1–12 in Nixon 1937: Plate XVIII). Legs yellow, hind femur + tibia more or less infuscate. fm: (2.5–) 3.5–4.5 mm. – Europe, Palaearctic Asia Ch. (S.) cylindricus ( TELENGA, 1934)

head of male in dorsal view, 86 = head of female in dorsal view

2 (1) Notaulix distinct, fairly deep and finely crenulated. Precoxal suture wide ( Fig. 66 View Figs 63–74 ). Head in dorsal view transverse, 1.8–1.87 times as broad as long ( Fig. 63 View Figs 63–74 ). Face rugulose. Mandible with somewhat stronger teeth, second tooth less spiky ( Fig. 65 View Figs 63–74 ). Antenna with 42 (f) and 46 (m) antennomeres. Ovipositor sheath shorter than basitarsus of hind leg, less upcurved ( Fig. 70 View Figs 63–74 ). Legs blackish to black, fore femur and all tibiae yellowish with more or less dark pattern. f: 4.2 mm, m: 4 mm. – Mongolia Ch. (S.) talpigo sp. n.













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