Alysiinae (Marshall, 1888)

Papp, J., 2005, Braconidae (Hymenoptera) From Mongolia, Xvi. Subfamilies Gnamptodontinae, Brachistinae, Euphorinae, Alysiinae, Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 51 (3), pp. 221-251 : 225-229

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.12586306

persistent identifier

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scientific name



Alysiinae : Dacnusini

Chorebus (Chorebus) affinis (NEES, 1814) View in CoL – 1 f: No. 967. 1 f: No. 1000. – In Europe frequent to common ( SHENEFELT 1974: 1035), in Asiatic Russia reported from Far East ( TOBIAS 1998: 410). New to the fauna of Mongolia.

Chorebus (Stiphrocera) andizhanica ( TOBIAS, 1966) – 1 f: No. 1046. – Described and hiherto known only in Uzbeghistan ( TOBIAS 1966: 129). New to the fauna of Mongolia.

Chorebus (Stiphrocera) badius View in CoL sp. n: for its description see the chapter “Description of the new species”.

Chorebus (Phaenolexis) brevifemur ( TOBIAS, 1962) View in CoL – 1 m: No. 771. – Described from the European Russia (Leningrad district), reported from Hungary ( PAPP 2004b: 135). New to the fauna of Mongolia.

Chorebus (Phaenolexis) brunnipes TOBIAS, 1998 View in CoL – 1 f: No. 1126. – Antenna with 23 antennomeres, hind femur 3.3 (and not 3.5 times) as long as broad distally; hind pair of legs and metasoma (except black first tergite) brown. Described from the Maritime Territory of Asiatic Russia (Spassk) ( TOBIAS 1998: 400). New to the fauna of Mongolia.

Chorebus (Stiphrocera) canace TOBIAS, 1998 View in CoL – 1 f: No. 514. 1 f: No. 771. 1 f: No. 855. 1 m: Yellow Gobi, l. IX. 1977, leg. G. MOLNÁR. – Deviating features of the Mongolian females from the description ( TOBIAS 1998: 357): (1) first tergite 1.3–1.6 times as long as broad hehind, broadening posteriorly; (2) pterostigma 1.6 times to almost twice as long as 1–R1; (3) hind femur 4.1–4.5 times as long as broad distally. Metasoma (except dark coloured first tergite) testaceous, apically more or less brown to dark brown; antenna with 21–22 (3 ff) and 23 (1 m) antennomeres. Described by four females from the Maritime Territory of Asiatic Russia. New to the fauna of Mongolia.

Chorebus (Phaenolexis) compressiventris ( TELENGA, 1934) 1 m: No. 939. 1 m: No. 1069. 1 m: No. 1071. 2 ff: No. 1072. – Described from Ukraine (Lugansk) by TELENGA (1934: 119), reported from Azerbaidjan by TOBIAS (1986: 200). New to the fauna of Mongolia.

Chorebus (Stiphrocera) detorqus View in CoL sp. n.: for its description see the chapter “Descriptions of the new species”.

Chorebus (Stiphrocera) diremtus (NEES, 1834) View in CoL – 1 m: No. 1150. – Known in several countries of Europe ( SHENEFELT 1974: 1045), Azerbaidjan and Asiatic Russia: Maritime Territory, Sakhalin ( TOBIAS 1998: 358). New to the fauna of Mongolia.

Chorebus (Stiphrocera) flavipes (GOUREAU, 1851) View in CoL (= Dacnusa raissa NIXON, 1937 ) – 1 m: No. 973. – In Europe known in seven countries ( SHENEFELT 1974: 1047), in the eastern Palaearctic Region reported from Kazakhstan and Far East of Asiatic Russia ( TOBIAS 1998: 373). New to the fauna of Mongolia.

Chorebus (Phaenolexis) fumimembris TOBIAS, 1998 View in CoL – 1 m: No. 961. – My female is identical with the female paratype housed in Budapest Museum by exchange of braconids. Described on the basis of 13 ff + 2 mm specimens from several localities in the Maritime Territory of Asiatic Russia ( TOBIAS 1998: 392). New to the fauna of Mongolia.

Chorebus (Phaenolexis) gedanensis (RATZEBURG, 1852) View in CoL (= Dacnusa anguligena NIXON, 1937 ) – 1 f: No. 433. – In Europe ( SHENEFELT 1974: 1048; TOBIAS 1986: 203) and Far East of Asiatic Russia ( TOBIAS 1998: 407) widely distributed. New to the fauna of Mongolia.

Chorebus (Chorebus) gracilipes (THOMSON, 1895) View in CoL 2 ff: No. 1000. 1 m: No. 1119. – My three specimens match the redescription of the species by GRIFFITHS (1968b: 110). Its known distribution shows a disjunct area: Sweden, Poland Asiatic Russia (Maritime Territory, Kamchatka) . New to the fauna of Mongolia.

Chorebus (Phaenolexis) gracilis (NEES, 1834) – 1 f: No. 514. 1 m: No. 519. 1 f: No. 523. 3 ff: No. 961. – Widely distributed in the Palaearctic Region. New to the fauna of Mongolia.

Chorebus (Phaenolexis) interstinctus TOBIAS, 1998 View in CoL – 1 f + 1 m: No. 523. – Deviations of the Mongolian female + male from the original description ( TOBIAS 1998: 404): (1) mesosoma 1.8 times as long as high, (2) antenna with 30 antennomeres, (3) first tergite 2.2 times as long as broad behind and subparallel-sided, i.e. posteriorly slightly broadening, (4) body 2.2 mm long. Described from the Maritime Territory of Asiatic Russia. New to the fauna of Mongolia.

Chorebus (Phaenolexis) karelicus TOBIAS, 1986 View in CoL – 1 f: No. 926a. – Known in Russia in two distant localities: Karelia and Far East Maritime Territory. New to the fauna of Mongolia.

Chorebus (Stiphrocera) lissopleuris TOBIAS, 1998 View in CoL – 1 f: No. 931. – Deviating features of the Mongolian female from the original description: (1) antenna with 25 (and not 23) antennomeres; (2) first tergite 1.4 times (and not somewhat) longer than broad behind; (3) tergites 2–3(–4) reddish yellow. Described on the basis of the female holotype specimen from the Maritime Territory of Asiatic Russia. New to the fauna of Mongolia.

Chorebus (Stiphrocera) meracus TOBIAS, 1998 View in CoL – 1 f: No. 523. – The Mongolian female deviates from the original description ( TOBIAS 1998: 361) as follows: (1) head in dorsal view twice (and not 1.7 times) as broad as long; (2) first tergite twice (and not 4 times) as long as broad behind; (3) mesoscutal dimple linear (and not oval). Antenna with 43 antennomeres, body 2.3 mm long. Described from the Maritime Territory of Asiatic Russia. New to the fauna of Mongolia.

Chorebus (Stiphrocera) misellus (MARSHALL, 1895) View in CoL – 1 f: No. 547. 1 f: 921. 1 f: No. 926a. – Widely distributed in the Palaearctic Region ( SHENEFELT 1974: 1056, TOBIAS 1998: 356). New to the fauna of Mongolia.

Choebus (Stiphrocera) monfreya sp. n.: for its description see the chapter “Descriptions of the new species”.

Chorebus (Stiphrocera) mucronatus ( TELENGA, 1934) View in CoL – 1 m: No. 331. – Known in European Russia, Ukraine, Azerbaidjan and Kazakhstan ( TOBIAS 1986: 177); SHENEFELT (1974: 1056) listed from Germany and Poland (Silesia). New to the fauna of Mongolia.

Chorebus (Stiphrocera) mufrius TOBIAS, 1998 View in CoL – 1 f: No. 312. 1 f: No. 331. 1 m: No. 486. 1 f: No. 794. 1 f: No. 900. 1 f: No. 908. 1 f: No. 978. 1 f: No. 1 O69. 1 f: No. 1126. 1 f + 1 m: No. 1150 (a total of nine females and two males). – The Mongolian series deviates in a few features from the single female holotype served for the original description: Female holotype: antenna with 22 antennomeres, mesoscutal dimple distinct and elongate, first tergite 1.5 times as long as broad behind; Mongolian series: antenna with 16–22 antennomeres (16: 1 f, 17: 2 ff, 18: 2 ff, 19: 1 f, 20: 1 f, 21: 1 f + 1 m, 22: 1 f + 1 m), mesoscutal dimple less distinct and hardly elongate, first tergite 1.4–1.5 times as long as broad behind. Described from the Maritime Territory of Asiatic Russia ( TOBIAS 1998: 356). New to the fauna of Mongolia.

Chorebus (Phaenolexis) nigriridis TOBIAS, 1998 View in CoL – 1 m: Yellow Gobia, 1. IX. 1977, leg. G. MOLNÁR. – Described from Sakhalin (Asiatic Russia) ( TOBIAS 1998: 399). New to the fauna of Mongolia; the Mongolian locality is the second known one.

Chorebus (Chorebus) nixoni BURGHELE, 1959 View in CoL – 6 mm: No. 1000. 1 f: No. 1126. – My female specimen from Mongolia deviates in a few features from the original description: (1) antenna with 19 antennomeres, (2) mesoscutum glabrous, (3) pair of lateral tubercules of first tergite less distinct, (4) body 2 mm long. Deviating features of the six Mongolian males: (1) antenna with 22 (1 m), 23 (3 mm) and 24 (2 mm) antennomeres, (2) mesoscutum glabrous, (3) body 1.8–2 mm long. Described from Romania: Oltenia ( BURGHELE 1959: 121) on the basis of “Hundreds of males and females bred… from pupae of Hydropota View in CoL (=Hydrellia) griseola (FALL.)”; reported from Spain, Azerbaidjan and Maritime Territory of Asiatic Russia ( TOBIAS 1998: 408).

Chorebus (Stiphrocera) orisellus View in CoL sp. n.: for its description see the chapter “Descriptions of the new species”.

Chorebus (Chorebus) ruficollis (STELFOX, 1957) View in CoL – 1 f: No. 395. – Up to now known in two countries of Europe: Ireland and Romania ( SHENEFELT 1974: 1063) and Spain. New to the fauna of Mongolia.

Chorebus (Stiphrocera) rufimarginatus ( STELFOX, 1954) View in CoL – 3 ff: No. 900. 1 f: No. 915. – Deviating features of the Mongolian four females from the original description ( STELFOX 1954: 178): (1) antenna with 27 (and not with 25–26) antennomeres; (2) temple in dorsal view moderately (and not “strongly”) broadening behind eyes; (3) temple in lateral view somewhat, i.e. 1.2 times (and not “much”) wider than eye; (4) tergites 2–3 faintly (and not “dull reddish”). Described from Ireland by two females and two males, and from England by one male (STELFOX l.c.).

Chorebus (Stiphrocera) rufiventris TOBIAS, 1998 View in CoL , male new – The male deviates from the original description of the female as follows: (1) antenna with 29 antennomeres (f: 28); (2) head in dorsal view 1.8 times as broad as long (f: 1.7 times); (3) metacarp 1.6 times as long as pterostigma (f: twice). Described by the female holotype from the Maritime Territory of Asiatic Russia. New to the fauna of Mongolia.

Chorebus (Phaenolexis) serenus TOBIAS, 1998 View in CoL – 1 f: No. 94. 1 f: No. 316. 1 f: No. 331. 1 f: No. 349. 1 m: No. 973. – My two females match the original description ( TOBIAS 1998: 388); deviations of the two further females are as follows (in brackets the holotype feature): (1) antenna with 28–30 antennomeres (27); (2) penultimate flagellomere 1.8–2 times as long as broad (1.3–1.5 times); (3) hind tarsus just shorter than hind tibia (“shorter”); (4) upper tooth of mandible somewhat less large in one female (very large). Described from the Jewish Autonomous District in Asiatic Russia on the basis of the female holotype. New to the fauna of Mongolia.

Chorebus (Stiphrocera) singularis ( TOBIAS, 1962) View in CoL – 1 f: No. 514. – Described by a pair of female and male from European Russia (Leningrad district) and reported from Far East of Asiatic Russia (Kamchatka, Kuril Islands) ( TOBIAS 1962: 130, 1998: 358). New to the fauna of Mongolia.

Chorebus (Stiphrocera) subampliator TOBIAS, 1998 View in CoL – 1 m: No. 281. 1 m: No. 284. 1 m: No. 349. 5 ff + 6 mm: No. 724. 1 f + 2 mm: No. 732. 1 m: No. 819. 1 f: No. 926. 2 ff: No. 926a. 1 m: No. 931. 1 m: No. 1082. 1 m: No. 1136 (a total of nine females and fifteen males). – My specimens agree in every respect with the original description ( TOBIAS 1998: 355). Described from Sakhalin Island and Chita Region of Asiatic Russia on the basis of 3 ff + 5 mm specimens. New to the fauna of Mongolia.

Chorebus (Phaenolexis) subnerissa TOBIAS, 1998 View in CoL – 1 f: No. 939. – Described from the Asiatic Russia: Chabarovsk, Maritime Territory, Sakhalin, Kuril Islands ( TOBIAS 1998: 396). New to the fauna of Mongolia .

Chorebus (Stiphrocera) talpigo View in CoL sp. n.: for its description see the chapter “Descriptions of the new species”.

Chorebus (Stiphrocera) thusa ( NIXON, 1937) View in CoL – 1 f: No. 519. 1 m: No. 535. – Described from England ( Nixon 1937: 72), reported from Sweden, Germany and European Russia (Leningrad district). New to the fauna of Mongolia.

Chorebus (Stiphrocera) trilobomyzae GRIFFITHS, 1968 View in CoL – 1 f + 1 m: No. 855. – In Europe known in four countries: England, Sweden, Germany and Poland ( SHENEFELT 1974: 1069), in Asiatic Russia in Maritime Territory ( TOBIAS 1998: 376). New to the fauna of Mongolia.

Chorebus (Stiphrocera) tumidus ( TOBIAS, 1966) View in CoL – 1 f: No. 494. – Described and so far known only in Turkmenia. New to the fauna of Mongolia.

Chorebus (Chorebus) uliginosus (HALIDAY, 1839) View in CoL 2 ff + 1 m: No. 1000. 1 f: No. 1002. – In Europe widely distributed ( SHENEFELT 1974: 1069), in Asiatic Russia (Maritime Territory , Kamchatka) recently discovered ( TOBIAS 1998: 408). New to the fauna of Mongolia.

Chorebus (Stiphrocera) xanthaspidae GRIFFITHS, 1968 View in CoL – 1 f: No. 1046. – Described from Denmark ( GRIFFITHS 1968a: 37, 49 in key) and reported from Asiatic Russia (Irkutsk, Mariritime Territory, Sakhalin) ( Tobias 1998: 377). New to the fauna of Mongolia.

Dacnusa (Pachysema) megastigma TOBIAS, 1998 View in CoL – 1 m: No. 967. – My single male deviates from the original description in a few features as follows: (1) antenna with 26 antennomeres (and not 28–31); (2) eye in dorsal view 1.4 times as long as temple (and not 1.8 times); (3) hind femur 4.8 times as long as broad distally (and not 5 times). The species was described on the basis of four males (including the holotype) and one female specimens from Asiatic Russia (Irkutsk, Ussurisk and Maritime Territory ). New to the fauna of Mongolia.

Dacnusa (Aphanta) sasakawai TAKADA, 1977 View in CoL – 1 f: No. 552. – My specimen is a melanic form against the nominate form, the colour differences between them are as follows: (1) legs yellowish brown – legs yellow; (2) first tergite blackish brown, tergites 2–3 dark brown – first tergite yellowish brown to testaceous, tergites 2–3 yellowish brown. The species is widely distributed in the Palaearctic Region: Japan, Russia (Far East, European part), Hungary. New to the fauna of Mongolia.

Protodacnusa aridula (THOMSON, 1895) View in CoL – 1 f: No. 281. 2 ff: No. 331. 1 f: No. 349. 1 m: No. 1018. – Reported from Mongolia by me (PAPP 2004: 249), however, the single male proved to represent a new species allied to P. aridula View in CoL , see also P. cubiceps View in CoL sp. n. in this paper. The single male listed here deviates from the nominate form by its less broadening first tergite, i.e. first tergite 1.4 times as long as broad behind (usually 1.2 times). Metasoma of the female dark reddish to brown (3 ff).

Protodacnusa subparallela PAPP, 2004 , female new – 1 f: No. 33l. 1 f: No. 381. 1 m: No. 416. 1 f: No. 476. 1 f: No. 523. 1 m: No. 771. – Additional features to the original description ( PAPP 2004 a: 266): female similar to the male: (1) antenna with 17 (3 ff) and 19 (1 f) antennomeres; (2) head in dorsal view 1.75 times (1 f) and 1.8 times (3 ff) as broad as long; (3) metacarp (1– R1 ) somewhat more than one-third length of pterostigma ( Fig. 103 View Figs 103–107 ); (4) first tergite 1.15–1.2 times as long as broad behind, beyond pair of spiracles less broadening ( Fig. 104 View Figs 103–107 ). Known only in Mongolia.













Papp, J. 2005

Chorebus (Phaenolexis) brevifemur ( TOBIAS, 1962 )

PAPP, J. 2004: 135

Chorebus (Phaenolexis) subnerissa

TOBIAS, V. I. 1998: 396

Chorebus (Phaenolexis) gedanensis (RATZEBURG, 1852)

TOBIAS, V. I. 1998: 407
TOBIAS, V. I. 1986: 203
SHENEFELT, R. D. 1974: 1048

Chorebus (Chorebus) ruficollis (STELFOX, 1957)

SHENEFELT, R. D. 1974: 1063

Chorebus (Stiphrocera) andizhanica ( TOBIAS, 1966 )

TOBIAS, V. I. 1966: 129
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