Phrator variegatum sardoum Reitter, 1907

Valainis, Uldis, 2009, A Review Of Genus Omophron Latreille, 1802 (Coleoptera: Carabidae) Mediterranean Fauna And Distribution, Acta Biologica Universitatis Daugavpiliensis 9 (1), pp. 63-72 : 9-2

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.12645740

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scientific name

Phrator variegatum sardoum Reitter, 1907


Phrator variegatum sardoum Reitter, 1907

Description: Elytral pattern has marked green gloss, it is formed from three bands. The surface of the body and legs are brown. The three-piece spot on pronotum has clear borders and angles with marked sides. The green spot on the vertex has two parts, the both parts almost converge opposite to the centre line of pronotum at the base of the head. Clypeus has markedly convex base.

Distribution: The sub-species is known only from the isle of Sardinia.

Fig. 4. Phrator multiguttatum Chaud. Processed material: ETHZ: Italy: Sardinia, Description: Elytral pattern is soft, almost Oristano, Asuni (3) ; Sardinia, Oristano (12); reduced. It has remained as longed spots in the Sardinia, Dargali (2); ISNB: Italy : Sardinia (2B&, middle part of elytra and vertex area and as dark 1@&); Sardinia, Oristano (8B&, 11@&) ZIN: Italy : line in width of one interval in the area of elytral Sardinia, Oristano (3) ; Sardinia, Oristano, suture. In the basic part of elytra the band is 22.09.1908 (3, Krausse leg.) ; Sardinia (1); ZMUC: markedly thin and soft. Spot on pronotum (Fig. Italy: Sardinia, Rio Sa Picocez , 29. V 1974 (1 @&, 5) is more marked than for P. variegatum seurati Bumarelli leg.); ZMUM: Italy : Sardinia (1) Alluaud. Intervals between elytral stria are markedly smooth. Clypeus has markedly convex

References: Bänninger, 1915; Hurka, 2003; basic side. The surface of the body and legs are Krausse, 1915; Reitter, 1907 lightly brown, almost yellow.

Phrator variegatum boiteli Alluaud, 1935 Distribution: East Tunis Processed material: ZMUC: Tunisia: Bizerte, Bänninger M. (1918). Zweiter Beitrag zur 18.08.1932 (1@&, Boitel leg.) (holotype); ISNB: Kenntnis der Carabinae View in CoL . Gattung Omophron View in CoL . Tunisia: Bizerte (1B&); Bizerte, 08.1932 (1B&, Deutsche Ent. Z.: 97-109

2@&, Boitel leg.)

Bänninger M. (1921). Vierter Beitrag zur

References: Alluaud, 1935; Hurka, 2003 Kenntniss der Carabinae (Col.) I. Gattung View in CoL

Omophron View in CoL . Entom. Mitteil. X (5): 112-120, Phrator variegatum seurati Alluaud, 1935 151-153

Description: Elytral pattern has marked base and Bänninger M. (1956). Omophron limbatus F. und middle bands, which stretch unbroken at least seine paläarktischen Verwandten. Ent. Blätt., till the 13 th interval. Vertex band has remained only 52: 61-66 as separate longed spots. Elytral pattern as in Fig. 7. In comparison with P. variegatum boiteli Beutel R. G. (1991) . Larval head structures of Alluaud transversal brown spot on pronotum is Omophron and their implications for the less marked and clypeus less convex in the basic relationships of Omophronini ( Coleoptera : part. Carabidae ). Entomologica scandinavica 22: 55-67

Distribution: West Tunis. Chaudoir M. (1852). Mémoire sur la famille des

Processed material: ISNB: Tunisia: Ouchtata, carabiques. 3e partie. Bulletin de la Société 06.1946 (1B&, Demoflys leg.) Impériale des Naturalistes de Moscow, 25 (1): 101

References: Alluaud, 1935; Hurka, 2003 Chaudoir M. (1868). Note monographique sur le genre Omophron . Revue et Magasin de

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Zoologie Pure et Appliquée 2, 20: 54-63

The author thanks the curators of the collections, Csiki E. (1927). Tribe Omophronini , especially Alain Drumont (ISNB), Franziska Coleopterorum Catalogus, W. Junk, Vol 1, Schmid (ETHZ), Ben Brugge (ZMAN), Boris Carabidae I, Part 92: 404-412

Kataev (ZIN) a.o., for the material given for the research. The authors thanks Aleksander Fauvel A. (1882). Les coléoptčres de la Nouvelle- Anichtchenko and Arvīds Barševskis - Calédonie et dépendences avec researchers of DU Institute of systematic Biology, descriptions, notes et synonymies for valuable advices and comments. nouvelles. Revue d’Entomologie, 1: 228

Gestro R. (1892). Appunti sul genere Omophron.

REFERENCES Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova, 10 [1890 – 1891]: 61

Alluaud C. (1935). Éstude sur les Omophron du

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d’Entomologie, 9: 1 – 10 Catalogue of the ground-beetles of Bulgaria ( Coleoptera View in CoL : Carabidae View in CoL ), Pensoft Series

Bänninger M. (1915). Zur Kenntnis des Gattung Faunistica No 2, Pensoft Publishers, Sofia –

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Hurka K. (2003). Omophroninae. - In: Catalogue of Palearctic Coleoptera, Vol. 1. (I. Löbl & Reitter E. (1907). Coleopterologische Notizen. Smetana A. eds.). Stenstrup. Apollo Books, Wiener Entomologische Zeitung, 26: 333 207-208 Roubal J. (1909) [Beschreibung dreier

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Russian Academy of Sciences, Zoological Institute, Zoological Museum


Zoological Museum, University of Copenhagen


Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium


Zoological Museum, University of Amoy














Phrator variegatum sardoum Reitter, 1907

Valainis, Uldis 2009

Phrator variegatum boiteli

Alluaud 1935

Phrator variegatum boiteli

Alluaud 1935

Phrator variegatum seurati

Alluaud 1935

Phrator variegatum seurati

Alluaud 1935

Phrator variegatum sardoum Reitt.

Reitter 1907






Latreille 1802

Omophron Latr.



Latreille 1802


Linnaeus 1758
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