Chrysis monticola Linsenmaier, 1999

Rosa, Paolo, Livory, Alain & Baldock, David, 2015, Chrysis monticola Linsenmaier, 1999 (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae), a new species for the European fauna, Natural History Sciences 2 (2), pp. 89-94 : 90

publication ID 10.4081/nhs.2015.235

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scientific name

Chrysis monticola Linsenmaier, 1999


Description of Chrysis monticola Linsenmaier, 1999

Female: 7-8 mm (6-7 mm in the original description) ( Fig. 3A View Fig ).

Colouration: head metallic blue, frons and vertex in ocellar area greenish; pronotum, scutellum, metanotum mesopleuron, metapleuron and partially propodeum metallic red to golden-red; metasoma metallic red, T1 anteriorly metallic blue to greenish; antennae blackish, with very feeble blue metallic reflections on pedicellus and base of F1. Head: malar spaces more subparallel than in Linsenmaier line drawing ( Linsenmaier, 1999: 170, fig. 224) and about 1.1 MOD long ( Fig. 3B View Fig ); subantennal space a little longer than 1 MOD; OOL: 2.3 MOD; POL: 2.2 MOD; TFC distinct and vaguely M-like; scapal basin medially micropunctate, with punctures confluent and forming transversal lines; clypeus medially slightly incised. Mesosoma: with large punctures and smooth intervals ( Fig. 3C View Fig ), propodeal tooth narrow and pointing downward. Metasoma: apical teeth elongated ( Fig. 3D View Fig ) and spiniform, the median pair close together and the lateral well developed and pointed; pit row with relatively large and deep pits, the two median pits larger, laterally partially fused; black spots on S2 large ( Linsenmaier, 1999: 170, fig. 227).

Male: 7-8 mm ( Fig. 4 View Fig ). Differs from female by colouration: the red and golden parts of mesosoma are greenish, contrasting with the rest of head and mesonotum. In both sexes there are two greenish to bluish rounded spots laterally on pronotum. Malar spaces evidently convergent and about 1.1 MOD long; TFC distinctly M-like; scapal basin micropunctated, with long whitish hairs; apical teeth shorter and smaller, with subequal intervals.













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