Chrysomya rufifacies ( Macquart 1844 )

Stotelmyre, Lyle Magee, 2024, Blow flies (Diptera: Calliphoridae) of the Baja California Peninsula, Zootaxa 5468 (2), pp. 308-330 : 315

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Plazi (2024-06-12 09:45:18, last updated 2024-11-26 05:55:27)

scientific name

Chrysomya rufifacies ( Macquart 1844 )


Chrysomya rufifacies ( Macquart 1844) View in CoL

Lucilia orientalis Macquart, 1844: 145 View in CoL . Junior synonym.

Lucilia rufifacies Macquart, 1844: 146 View in CoL , original description, attributed to Guérin. Type Location: “Nouvelle Hollande ”.

Lucilia pavonina Schiner, 1868: 305 View in CoL . Junior synonym.

Somomya melanifera Bigot, 1877b: 258 View in CoL . Junior synonym.

Somomyia barbata Bigot, 1877a: 39 View in CoL . Junior synonym.

Chrysomya cordieri Séguy, 1926: 303 View in CoL . Junior synonym.

Distribution: Austral- Asian, Old-World tropics, California, and throughout the southern US. It is abundant locally in collections and expanding throughout Baja and Southern California.

Remarks: It was first collected in Baja on 20 February 1987 from a restaurant in the port city of La Paz, Baja California Sur, along with Chrysomya megacephala . (Greenberg). This is a warm weather fly. The female produces unisexual progeny, an unusual feature among the higher Diptera ( Baumgartner 1993) . Field studies show it prefers large carcasses. Forensically, the hairy maggot is one of the most reliable indicators of post-mortem time intervals in human cadavers ( Baumgartner 1993). Common name: Hairy Maggot Blow Fly.

Material examined: BAJA CALIFORNIA: (literature review): El Mogor, Punta Colonet, Sierra Juarez, Sierra San Pedro Martir , Santa Catarina, Cerro Santo Tomas, Rio Hardy , San Felipe, Punta Final, representative voucher specimens 2017–19 Ketzaly Munguia-Ortega ( ECSR) ; Mx-BC Ensenada , coastal sand dunes, bait trap R. norvegicus 8–15 Nov 2018 L. Stotelmyre ( SDM) ; BAJA CALIFORNIA SUR: (literature review): La Paz , Baja California Sur, 20 Feb 1987 B. Greenberg (depository unknown), ( Greenberg 1988); Mx-BCS Sierra San Francisco, San Gregorio, 18 Oct 1997 D.K. Faulkner ( SDM) ; Mx-BCS Las Gatas , Rancho San Martin, bait trap 12–16 Apr 2018 MA Wall, JE Berrian, L Stotelmyre ( SDM) ; Mx-BCS Loreto , bait trap 10–16 Jan 2019 L. Stotelmyre ( SDM) ; Mx-BCS El Triunfo , bait trap 10–16 Jan 2019 L. Stotelmyre ( SDM) ; Mx-BCS Cabo San Lucas , dead dog on road, 11 Jan 2019 L. Stotelmyre ( SDM) .

Baumgartner, D. L. (1993) Review of Chrysomya rufifacies (Diptera: Calliphoridae). Journal of Medical Entomology, 30 (2), 338 - 352. https: // doi. org / 10.1093 / jmedent / 30.2.338

Bigot, J. M. F. (1877 b) Dipteres nouveaux ou peu connus. 8 partie, X: Genre Somomya (Rondani) Calliphora, Melinda, Mufetia, Lucilia, Chrysomyia (alias Microchrysa Rond.) Robineau-Desvoidy. Annales de la Societe Entomologique de France, Series 5, 7, 243 - 259. [30 October 1877]

Bigot, J. M. F. (1877 a) Dipteres nouvaux ou peu connus. 7 e partie. IX. Genre Somomyia (Rondani) Lucilia (Rob-Desv.) Calliphora, Phormia, Chrysomyia (id.). Annales de la Societe Entomologique de France, Series 5, 7, 35 - 48. [11 July 1877]

Greenberg, B., (1988) Chrysomya megacephala (F.) (Diptera: Calliphoridae) collected in North America and notes on Chrysomya species present in the New World. Journal of Medical Entomology, 25, 199 - 200. https: // doi. org / 10.1093 / jmedent / 25.3.199

Macquart, P. J. M. (1844) Dipteres exotiques nouveaux ou peu connus. Tome deuxieme. - 3 e partie. 1843, Roret, Paris, 304 pp.

Schiner, I. R. (1868) Diptera. VI. In: Wullerstorf-Urbair, B. von (in charge), Reise der osterreichischen Fregatte Novara. Zool. 2 (1). B. K. Gerold's Sohn, Wien, 388 pp., 4 pls.

Seguy, E. (1926) Description de quatre Calliphorines nouveaux (Dipt.). Bulletin de la Societe Entomologique de France, 1925, 303 - 304. https: // doi. org / 10.3406 / bsef. 1925.27577


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