Tygarrup takarazimensis Miyosi, 1957

Published, First, 2007, The Mecistocephalidae of the Japanese and Taiwanese islands (Chilopoda: Geophilomorpha), Zootaxa 1396, pp. 1-84 : 69

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Felipe (2021-07-07 02:12:39, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-03 06:22:56)

scientific name

Tygarrup takarazimensis Miyosi, 1957


Tygarrup takarazimensis Miyosi, 1957 View in CoL

Figs. 81–84

[1] Tygarrup takarazimensis Miyosi 1957 — Zool. Mag. Tokyo 66: 265 (original description); fig. 3

Tygarrup takarazimensis: Paik 1961 View in CoL — Kyungpook Univ. Theses Coll. 5: 78

Tygarrup takarazimensis: Shinohara 1961b View in CoL — Zool. Mag. Tokyo 70: 212

Tygarrup takarazimensis: Shinohara 1965 View in CoL — J. Coll. Arts and Sciences Chiba 4: 303 (key)

Tygarrup takarazimensis: Titova 1965 View in CoL — Zool. Zh. 44: 875 (key); fig. 2 (2)

Tygarrup takarazimensis: Murakami 1975a View in CoL — Bull. natn. Sci. Mus. Paris, ser. A Zool. 1: 85

Tygarrup takarazimensis: Titova 1983 View in CoL — Ann. Naturhistor. Mus. Wien 85B: 147

Tygarrup takarazimensis: Murakami 1993 View in CoL — List Animals Plants Japan 5: 105

Tygarrup takarazimensis: Bonato et al. 2003 View in CoL — Syst. Entom. 28: 550, 551

Diagnosis. A Tygarrup species with 45 leg­bearing segments. Body length of adults reaching at least about 3 cm. Head about 1.5 times as long as wide. Each side of the clypeus with about 10 setae. Forcipular articles I and III each with a tooth, article II and tarsungulum without teeth. Sternal pores lacking in both sexes.

Type material. Holotype: male, 27 mm long, adult ( Miyosi, 1957).

Type locality. ‘Takara­Zima’ [= Takarajima], Ryukyu Ids ( Miyosi, 1957).

Depository of type material. Unknown.

Material examined. 2 specimens: males, subadult (22 and 23 mm), from Nakanoshima Id. (Tokara Ids), Toshima­mura, Kagoshima­gun, Kagoshima Pref., Ryukyu Ids , 2. V .1987, S. Nomura leg., coll. AM .

Description. Body length of adults reaching at least 2,7 cm. Body colour yellow, with dark patches along the trunk; head and forcipular segment darker. Head 1.5 times as long as wide; frontal line rounded. Antennae about 3.8 times longer than the head width. Apical sensilla about 20 µm long. Clypeus with an entire plagula covering most of the clypeus, areolation only present along the anterior margin of the head; up to about 10 setae on each side, in the antero­medial part of the plagula. Labrum: anterior ala triangular, medial margin reduced to a vertex; posterior margin of each side­piece sinuous. Buccae without setae. Mandible: about 6–8 well­developed lamellae; first lamella with 5 teeth. First maxillae: anterior corners of coxosternum not projecting; each medial projection about 1.6 times as long as wide, internal margin with many setae, distal lobe curved inward; each telopodite about 3.5 times as long as wide, curved inward. Second maxillae: article I of telopodite about 3.8 times as long as wide; article III about 2.2 times as long as wide, densely covered with setae; apical claw in form of a tubercle with 2–3 spines. Forcipules: article I about 1.6 times as long as wide, with a distal tooth; article II and tarsungulum almost untoothed, article III with a small tooth. A total of 45 legbearing segments. Sternal sulcus apparently not furcate; sternal pores lacking in both sexes. Last leg­bearing segment: sternum subtriangular, about 1.3 times as wide as long.

Distribution in the considered area.

Ryukyu Islands: ‘Takara­Zima’ [= Takarajima] [1]; Nakanoshima Id. (new)

General distribution. Only known from the Tokara Islands, in the northern Ryukyu Islands.

Bonato, L., Foddai, D. & Minelli, A. (2003) Evolutionary trends and patterns in centipede segment number based on a cladistic analysis of Mecistocephalidae (Chilopoda: Geophilomorpha). Systematic Entomology, 28, 539 - 579.

Miyosi, Y. [as Miyoshi, Y.] (1957) Beitrage zur Kenntnis japanischer Myriopoden. 20. Aufsatz: U ber eine neue Gattung von Diplopoda, eine neue Art und eine neue Unterart von Chilopoda. Zoological Magazine, Tokyo, 66, 264 - 268.

Murakami, Y. (1975 a) The cave myriapods of the Ryukyu Islands. I. Bulletin of the National Science Museum, Tokyo, Series A (Zoology), 1, 85 - 113.

Murakami, Y. (1993) Arthropoda: Diplopoda, Pauropoda, Chilopoda, Symphyla. In: Environmental Agency Japan (Ed.), List of species of Animals in Japan: Invertebrates I. The Shizen-Kankyo-Kenkyu Center, Tokyo, 5, 95 - 107.

Paik, K. Y. (1961) The myriapods fauna of Quelpart Island, Korea. Theses Collection of Kyungpook University, 5, 75 - 88.

Shinohara, K. (1961 b) Taxonomical and morphological studies of Myriapoda: VII. Two new species of Mecistocephalidae (Chilopoda). Zoological Magazine, Tokyo, 70 (7), 212 - 216.

Shinohara, K. (1965) A new species of Chilopoda from Himalaya. Journal of the College of Arts and Science, Chiba University, Natural Science Series, 4, 303 - 306.

Titova, L. P. (1965) A new chilopod (Tygarrup muminabadicus Titova sp. n.; Mecistocephalidae-Chilopoda) from South Tajikistan. Zoologichesckii Zhurnal, 44, 871 - 876.

Titova, L. P. (1983) Two new Tygarrup Chamb. (Chilopoda Geophilida Mecistocephalidae) from Indochina. Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums, Wien, 85 B, 147 - 156.


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