Dioxybracon vannoorti

Quicke, Donald L. J., Villemant, Claire & Butcher, Buntika A., 2019, The Afrotropical braconine genus Dioxybracon Granger with descriptions of four new species and new generic synonymy, Journal of Natural History 53 (27), pp. 1673-1689 : 1683-1687

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.1080/00222933.2019.1657975

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scientific name

Dioxybracon vannoorti

sp. nov.

D. vannoorti Quicke & Butcher sp. nov.

( Figures 6 View Figure 6 , 7 View Figure 7 )

Type locality

Holotype female: SOUTH AFRICA: ‘ Port St. John , Pondoland. July.10 – 31.1923 ’ and ‘ S. Africa, R. E. Turner, Brit. Mus. 1923 – 398 ’ (barcode-label, NHMUK010880749 About NHMUK ).

Paratypes. SOUTH AFRICA: 1 female, E . Cape Prov., Katberg, 4000ft. 14 – 26 .xi .1932, R. E. Turner, ‘ Brit. Mus. 1932 – 577 ’; 1 female, Port St . John, Pondoland, Sept. 1923, R. E. Turner, ‘ Brit. Mus. 1923 – 510 ’, (barcode-label, NHMUK010880741 About NHMUK ); 1 female, Port St . John, Pondoland, April 9 – 30 1923, R . E. Turner, ‘ Brit. Mus. 1923 – 286 ’, (barcode-label, NHMUK010880747 About NHMUK ); 1 male, E . Cape Prov., Katberg, 4000 ft., xii.1932, R. E. Turner, ‘ Brit. Mus. 1933 – 69 ’, (barcode-label, NHMUK010880748 About NHMUK ) .

Diagnosis. This and D. australiensis Quicke & Ingram comb. nov. are the only species with forewing vein C+SC+R and pterostigma dark (blackish) contrasting with remainder of venation which is yellowish. D. vannorti sp. nov. differs in having the posterior margin of tergite 6 narrowly and more or less deeply emarginate medially and in lacking an expansion of the lateral lamella of metasomal tergites 1 – 3 at level of tergite 3.

Description. Female: Length of body 3.3 – 4.3 mm (posterior of metasoma often strongly curved), of forewing 4.2, of antenna 4.7 mm, part of ovipositor exserted beyond apex of metasoma 0.6 – 0.8 mm.

Head. Antenna with 32 – 34 flagellomeres; terminal flagellomere weakly acuminate; median flagellomeres 1.2 × longer than wide; 1st flagellomere 1.2 × longer than both 2nd and 3rd, separately, the latter 1.7 × longer than wide; width of head: width of face: height of eye = 2.4: 1.25: 1.0; intertentorial distance 2.1 × shortest distance between tentorial pit and eye; face shiny, sparsely punctate, laterally with subparallel transverse striation; medially with sharply defined narrow ridge running from dorsal margin of clypeus to between antennal sockets; clypeus shiny with sparse punctuation, somewhat elevated away from face. Lower part of hypostomal carina (occipital flange) moderately developed; frons shiny with fine subtransverse striation; shortest distance between posterior ocelli: transverse diameter of posterior ocellus: shortest distance between posterior ocellus and eye = 1.0: 1.5: 3.2; length of head behind eye 0.25 × length of eye in dorsal view.

Mesosoma. 1.4 × longer than high; pronotum largely smooth, with some weak irregular rugae posterodorsally and narrowly posteriorly; propleuron with sculptured posterior lobe; mesoscutum setose with extensive transverse sculpture and deep setiferous punctures; middle lobe of mesoscutum with pair of weak but distinct submedial grooves; scutellar sulcus with 4 strong crenulae between outer ones; scutellum with numerous deep setiferous punctures that form, laterally, longitudinal confluent rows; axillae smooth and shiny; mesopleuron with anterodorsal crenulations, and otherwise with pattern of fine curved subhorizontal striations dorsally and subvertical striations ventrally; mesopleural furrow smooth; median area of metanotum with midlongitudinal carina protruding to form sharp point; propodeum with well-developed apophyses that give rise to lamelliform carina that runs to posterior margin; median carina strong and giving rise to numerous short transverse crenulae otherwise finely rugulose.

Wings Forewing. Lengths of veins r-rs: 3RSa: 3RSb = 1.0: 2.6: 5.7; veins 2RS: 3RSa: rs-m = 1.8: 2.4: 1.0.; vein m-cu 0.3 × (RS+M)b. Base of hindwing with large glabrous area distal to vein cu-a.

Legs. Lengths of fore femur: tibia: tarsus = 1.0: 1.0: 1.1; lengths of hind femur: tibia: tarsus = 1.0: 1.1: 1.1. Claws with acutely pointed basal lobe.

Metasoma. Coarsely reticulate. First tergite with dorsal carinae more or less distinct (somewhat irregular), converging to reach posterior margin; 2nd tergite 2.2 × wider posteriorly than medially long, marginally longer than 3rd tergite; 4th and 5th metasomal tergites basally with deep groove; apical margin of 6th metasomal tergite deeply and narrowly emarginate; ovipositor sheaths 0.9 × longer than hind tibia.

Colour. Body and legs entirely ochreous yellow except orbits slightly paler; antennae and ovipositor sheaths black. Wings hyaline, most venation and tegulae brownish yellow contrasting with nearly black forewing C+SC+R and pterostigma.

Male. As for females except posterior margin of 6th metasomal tergite more or less truncate, rather transparent.

Host. Unknown.

Distribution. Afrotropical ( South Africa).

Etymology. Named after Dr Simon van Noort in recognition of his major contribution to Hymenoptera research in Africa.


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile













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