Polydictya robusta Gerstaecker, 1895

Constant, Jérôme, 2024, Polydictya lanternflies of Java: New species, taxonomy and identification key (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha: Fulgoridae), Belgian Journal of Entomology 147, pp. 1-26 : 21-24

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https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.12639118

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scientific name

Polydictya robusta Gerstaecker, 1895


Polydictya robusta Gerstaecker, 1895 View in CoL

Figs 11-13 View Fig View Fig View Fig

Polydictya robusta GERSTAECKER, 1895: 26 View in CoL (described; compared to P. basalis ( Hope, 1843) View in CoL and P. fervida Gerstaecker, 1895 View in CoL ). — SCHMIDT, 1912: 62 (in comparative note between Polydictya View in CoL , Holodictya Gerstaecker, 1895 View in CoL and Coelodictya Jacobi, 1910 View in CoL ). — METCALF, 1947: 87 (catalogued). — LALLEMAND, 1963: 17 (keyed), pl. 1 figs 14-17 (tegmen, anal tube, gonostylus and aedeagus). — NAGAI & PORION, 1996: 14 (catalogued), pl. 2 fig. 27 (holotype illustrated). — CONSTANT, 2016: 4 (listed from Sumatra).

non Polydictya robusta View in CoL – NAGAI & PORION, 1996: pl. 2 fig. 27 (holotype of P. javanensis View in CoL illustrated – based on erroneous synonymy!).


The closest species are P. sumatrana Schmidt, 1910 from Sumatra and P. javanensis from Java. However, P. robusta can be separated

1. from P. sumatrana (see illustration in NAGAI & PORION, 1996: fig. 23) by its green-brown abdomen (bright red in P. sumatrana ), entirely brown pronotum (yellow in posterior portion in P. sumatrana ) and olivaceous head (yellow-brown in P. sumatrana ).

2. from P. javanensis by its entirely brown pronotum (yellow in posterior portion in P. javanensis ), olivaceous head (yellow-brown in P. javanensis ) and the characters of the male terminalia, including the sinuate laterodorsal lamina of the endosomal process (ep – Fig. 13 E View Fig ; more or less straight in P. javanensis – Fig. 7 E View Fig ).

view. F, head and prothorax, lateral view.



INDONESIA • ♂; Sumatra; [no date given]; ZIMG.


INDONESIA • 1 ♂, 1 ♀; Sumatra, Aceh, S of Langsa ; [4°27’56”N, 97°58’54”E]; Apr. 2005; local collector; I.G.: 33.093; RBINS GoogleMaps .


Male terminalia ( Fig. 13 View Fig )

Pygofer (Py – Fig. 13 View Fig A-B) strongly higher than long (without lateral lobe), with posterior margin showing a broad, elongate, laminate lateral lobe (llp) in dorsal half, strongly incurved and with dorsal margin slightly twisted, directed dorso-posteromesad, distal portion slightly broadened and posterior margin of lobe rounded; anterior margin of pygofer concave in lateral view ( Fig. 13A View Fig ). Anal tube (An – Fig. 13 View Fig A-C) in dorsal view elongate, 1.40 times as long in midline, as broad (at widest point), with lateral margins sinuate from base towards apex, rather strongly widening in distal portion and broadest at 3/4 of total length ( Fig. 13 B View Fig ); in lateral view, rather strongly curved ventrally and slightly sinuate, directed posteroventrad, in distal portion (area of anal opening) ( Fig. 13A View Fig ); apical margin slightly rounded in caudal view ( Fig. 13 C View Fig ). Gonostyli in lateral view ( Fig. 13A View Fig ) elongate, about 1.86 times as long as high with posterior half broader; strong lateral hook (lhg) directed posteroventrad at about half-length, under dorsal margin; apical margin oblique, slightly emarginate in middle portion with dorsal and ventral angles rounded; dorsal and ventral margins moderately sinuate. Aedeagus ( Fig. 13 View Fig D-E) with endosomal processes (ep) elongate with distal portion curved mesad and slightly twisted, and apical margin obliquely truncate; dorsolateral lamina on distal 2/3, vertical basally, then twisted to become horizontal at about midlength of process, looking sinuate in dorsal view with distal half (horizontal portion) with lateral margin irregularly, weakly undulate/dentate (blunt teeth); lamina sinuate in lateral view.


Indonesia: Sumatra.


Zoologisches Institut und Museum Greifswald


Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences














Polydictya robusta Gerstaecker, 1895

Constant, Jérôme 2024

Polydictya robusta GERSTAECKER, 1895: 26

CONSTANT J. 2016: 4
NAGAI S. & PORION T. 1996: 14
LALLEMAND V. 1963: 17
METCALF Z. P. 1947: 87
SCHMIDT E. 1912: 62
GERSTAECKER C. E. A. 1895: 26
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