Neozavrelia Goetghebuer & Thienemann, 1941

Orel, Oksana V., 2021, Revision of the genus Neozavrelia Goetghebuer, Thienemann, 1941 (Diptera Chironomidae) from Eastern Siberia and the Russian Far East, with the description of new species, Zootaxa 4938 (3), pp. 251-297 : 252-253

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.4938.3.1

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Neozavrelia Goetghebuer & Thienemann, 1941


Genus Neozavrelia Goetghebuer & Thienemann, 1941 View in CoL View at ENA

Neozavrelia Goetghebuer & Thienemann, 1941: 106 View in CoL .

Neozavrelia Goetghebuer & Thienemann View in CoL ; Pinder & Reiss 1983: 324; Pankratova 1983: 104; Pinder & Reiss 1986: 335; Cranston, Dillon, Pinder & Reiss 1989: 392; Cranston 1998: 107; Guo & Wang 2005: 188.

Type species: Neozavrelia luteola Goetghebuer & Thienemann, 1941 , by monotype.

Generic diagnosis (emended). Adult male. Small species, with length wing 1.69–2.72 mm. Body green to dark brown, vittae from yellowish to dark brown fused or separate.

Head. Antenna with 8–13 flagellomeres. AR 0.20–1.15. Eye bare or pubescent or hairy, without dorsal extension. Frontal tubercles minute or absent. Maxillary palps well developed.

Thorax. Antepronotal lobe widely separated. Scutum without tubercle. Antepronotals absent; 5–22 acrostichals, 3–13 dorsocentrals, 1–3 prealars, 0–13 scutellars.

Wing. Membrane yellow brownish, with setae becoming denser toward to apex, sometimes with only 3–4 apical setae, sometimes bare. Costa not extended; R 2+3 indistinct, evanescent before costa; R 4+5 ending only slightly distal to apex of M 3+4; FCu well distal to RM. R, R 4+5, M 1+2 with setae; R 1, M 3+4, Cu 1, An with or without setae. Anal lobe not developed or slightly developed. Squama bare.

Legs. Fore tibia with elongate, slender apical spur. Mid and hind tibia with well separated combs, sometimes completely absent, one or more usually both bearing spur. Basitarsus of mid leg with 0–5 sensilla chaetica. Pulvilli absent.

Hypopygium. Anal tergite bands absent or separated or fused at the middle, forming V, T or Y shape. Anal point broadly rounded, sometimes pointed, covered with microtrichia, with or without spines. Superior volsella rounded or oval; digitus strongly developed and projecting beyond margin of superior volsella, sometimes not projecting out. Inferior volsella extending well beyond middle of gonostylus, with orally curved apical setae. Median volsella rather short to extending beyond apex of anal point to almost reaching to the apex of the inferior volsella with clump of slender, lamelliform to petiolate setae distally. Gonostylus rounded short or tapering at distal third or half of its length.

Pupa. Small pupae, 2–3 mm long. Cephalothorax and abdomen of exuviae extensively dark brown in color, sometimes pale brown or yellowish color.

Cephalothorax. Frontal seta elongate, rarely absent; cephalic tubercles absent or only weakly developed. Frontal warts absent. Thoracic horn elongate, with a few minute teeth apically or bare, oval or triangular form, rarely absent; base oval or round shape. Thorax weakly granulose anteriorly and along dorsal suture. Prealar tubercle rounded, smooth; scutal tubercle lacking. Wing sheath with prominent nose; pearl row absent. Three precorneals, which may be very different in size, 2 antepronotals and 4 dorsocentrals (in 2 well-separated pairs) present.

Abdomen. Tergite I without shagreen; II–VI with pair of transversely arranged point patches anteriorly, usually extended anterolaterally by means of shagreen. Tergite VII with or without shagreen, without point patches. Hook row continuous, occupying ½–¾ width of segment. Conjunctives and pleura, without shagreen, sometimes conjunctives with bifurcated plumose setae. Pedes spurii A absent; pedes spurii B weakly developed on segment II; segment I without spurii B. Sternite I without anterolateral and anteromedian tubercles. Sternites without conspicuous armature. Segment VIII with posterolateral comb of 4–12 moderately long, dark marginal teeth and numerous small teeth dorsally. Abdominal setation: present only L setae, LS absent. Anal lobe usually well developed, with minute teeth dorsally and 4–16 lamelliform setae, rarely anal lobe without lamelliform setae.

Larva. Small larvae, up to 4 mm long.

Antenna 5 segmented, placed on low pedestal without apical projection; basal segment usually about as long as flagellum, with ring organ and seta in proximal half part. Segment 2 wedge-shaped, usually not sclerotized distally, bearing style and opposite Lauterborn organs. Blade arising from tip of basal segment. Lauterborn organs median to large, placed on broad or conical pedicels which extended at most to slightly beyond antennal apex, sometimes short.

Labrum. S I comb-like, S II plumose, situated on tall pedestal; S III small, simple; S IV present. Labral lamella well developed. Pecten epipharyngis consisting of 3 distally toothed plates. Premandible distally bifid, with additional pale slender tooth laterally and well developed brush.

Mandible. Dorsal tooth brown or yellowish, apical tooth and 2 inner teeth dark brown. Seta subdental long, slender. Seta interna with 4 plumose branches. Pecten mandibularis well developed, with many long lamellae.

Mentum. Median teeth rounded or weakly crenate; with 4 or 5 lateral teeth, regularly decreasing in size laterally; fifth pair lateral teeth very small. Ventromental plates very close together medially, about 1.2 times the width of the mentum.

Body. Claws of posterior parapods all more or less simple hooks.


















Neozavrelia Goetghebuer & Thienemann, 1941

Orel, Oksana V. 2021


Cranston, P. S. 1998: 107
Cranston, P. S. & Dillon, M. E. & Pinder, L. C. V. & Reiss, F. 1989: 392
Pinder, L. C. V. & Reiss, F. 1986: 335
Pinder, L. C. V. & Reiss, F. 1983: 324
Pankratova, V. Ya. 1983: 104
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