Neurolyga taigensis, Jaschhof & Jaschhof, 2020

Jaschhof, Mathias & Jaschhof, Catrin, 2020, An update of Micromyinae (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) taxonomy, with descriptions of a new genus and 13 new species from Northern Europe, Zootaxa 4750 (3), pp. 349-369 : 362-363

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.4750.3.3

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scientific name

Neurolyga taigensis

sp. nov.

Neurolyga taigensis View in CoL sp. nov.

Figs 22–23 View FIGURES 19–23

Diagnosis. This new species, of which we obtained only two males in many years of screening Malaise trap samples taken in boreal forest, is distinguished as follows ( Fig. 23 View FIGURES 19–23 ). The ventroposterior edge of the gonocoxal synsclerite has a small, U-shaped emargination medially (↓ 4). Of the tegmen, the broadly rounded apex is reinforced by strong sclerotization (↓ 5) and the basal portion is parallel-sided (holotype) to slightly bulged (paratype). Of the aedeagal apodeme, the base is strongly, laterally compressed (which is hard to appreciate in ventral view), while the apex is widened into a largely membranous funnel whose edge bears a pair of sclerotized, bi- to tridentate protuberances (↓ 6). The genitalia of N. ovata Jaschhof resemble that of N. taigensis , but in N. ovata the gonocoxal edge has no emargination medially; the tegminal apex is less strongly convex and markedly pointed laterally; and the apex of the aedeagal apodeme is differently shaped and armed ( Jaschhof 1996: fig. 6). Females and preimaginal stages of N. taigensis are unknown.

Other male characters. Body size 1.9 mm. Head. Eye bridge lacking lateral ommatidia, 3–4 ommatidia long dorsally. 3–4 inconspicuous postocular bristles. Neck of fourth flagellomere shorter than node; node with 1 complete and 3 incomplete crenulate whorls of sensory hairs and, in apical half, numerous hair-shaped translucent sensilla ( Fig. 22 View FIGURES 19–23 ). Palpus shorter than head height, 4-segmented, apical segment longest of all. Wing. R 1 5 times as long as Rs. Legs. Claws with about 3 fine teeth. Genitalia ( Fig. 23 View FIGURES 19–23 ). Ninth tergite subtrapezoid; lateral portions prolonged, embracing the gonocoxae laterally. Gonocoxal synsclerite broader than long, densely setose ventrally except for a narrow, non-setose stripe medially; dorsal bridge subrectangular with slightly sinuous anterior edge, protrudes slightly beyond ventrobasal gonocoxal edge. Gonostylus compact, slightly dorsoventrally flattened; apex broadly rounded; outside with dense setae of various sizes and dense, large microtrichia along the edge; inside somewhat concave, with setae and 2–3 large bristles. Aedeagal apodeme longer than gonostylus and gonocoxa together. Ducts of accessory glands well discernible, forming a part of the membranous funnel at the apex of the aedeagal apodeme.

Etymology. The species name, an adjective, is derived from taiga, the Russian word for the boreal forest, where the two specimens known of this new species were collected.

Type material. Holotype. Male, Russian Federation, Republic of Karelia, Kondopoga, Kivach Strict Nature Reserve , old-growth mixed boreal forest, 14 June–15 July 2005, Malaise trap, N. Kutenkova & M. & C. Jaschhof (spn. CEC 2684 in SDEI) . Paratype. 1 male, Sweden, Norrbotten, Boden, Storhuvudet NR, Krokliden , old-growth mixed boreal forest, 13 June–20 July 1994, MT over aspen log, B. Viklund (spn. CEC 2685 in NHRS) .


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