Limonium amopicum Erben & Brullo, 2016

Brullo, Salvatore & Erben, Matthias, 2016, The genus Limonium (Plumbaginaceae) in Greece, Phytotaxa 240 (1), pp. 448-450 : 448-450

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.240.1.1

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scientific name

Limonium amopicum Erben & Brullo

sp. nov.

23. Limonium amopicum Erben & Brullo View in CoL , sp. nov. ( Fig. 23 View FIGURE 23 )

Type: ― GREECE. Dodecanese: Karpathos, Amopi , 30 August 1996, Brullo & Guarino s.n. (holotype MSB-164249!, isotypes CAT!, FI!, Herb. Erben!) .

Diagnosis: — Planta perennis, griseo-glauca, 10–40 cm alta, foliis 10–60 × 1.5–5.0 mm, anguste oblanceolatis ad anguste spathulatis, mucronulatis, rigidis, carinatis, tuberculatis, caulibus tuberculatis, interdum proliferis, ramis sterilibus pluribus, spicis 1–12 cm longis, spiculis 8.5–10 mm longis, 2–6-floris, ad 1–6 in 2 centrimetris dispositis, bractea inferiore 2.7–3.5 × 2.3–3.0, anguste triangulari-ovata, apice rotundata, bractea media 2.6–3.5 × 1.8–2.5 mm, bractea superiore 7.4–8.2 × 3.8–5.1 mm, oblongo-obovata, margine late membranaceo, calyce 6.0– 7.4 mm longo, ex bractea superiore 0.9–1.2 mm exserto, tubo glabro vel sparsim piloso prope basim, lobis ca. 0.8 × 1.1 mm, subtriangularibus ad semi-ellipticis.

Description: —Plant perennial, glabrous, forming a sub-shrub 10–40 cm tall, with few to several ascending to erect stems and a robust tap-root. Caudices 1–11 cm long, densely branched, more or less densely spirally leafy in the upper half. Leaves coriaceous, grey-glaucous, rigid, tuberculate with many crateriform glands or verrucate with crescent-shapes glands, 10–60 mm long and 1.5–5.0 mm broad, narrowly oblanceolate to narrowly spathulate, apex obtuse to acute, mucronulate, v-shaped in cross-section, with one central nerve, gradually tapering into the petiole. Stems 10–35 cm long, grey-glaucous, tuberculate with many crateriform glands, straight to slightly flexuous, branching begins above the lower quarter, sometimes proliferous. Inflorescence broadly obtrullate to obtriangular in outline. Sterile branches several per stem, 5–55 mm long, straight, unbranched. Fertile branches 1–14 cm long, sometimes slightly articulate, often tuberculate with many crateriform glands, straight to slightly arched, directed obliquely upwards, forming branching angles of 35°–75°, branched or unbranched. Spikes 10–120 mm long, straight to slightly arched, erect to directed obliquely upwards; axis of spike with many crateriform glands. Spikelets 8.5–10 mm long, composed of 2–6 flowers, very remotely arranged with 1–6 per 2 cm. Outer bract 2.7–3.5 mm long and 2.3–3.0 mm broad, more or less narrowly triangular-ovate, obtuse; bract margin broadly membranous; central part slightly fleshy, sometimes only on the base, acuminate. Middle bract membranous, 2.6–3.5 mm long and 1.8–2.5 mm broad, oblong-elliptic, rounded. Inner bract 7.4–8.2 mm long and 3.8–5.1 mm broad, oblong-obovate, rounded; bract margin broadly membranous; central part fleshy, 5.6–6.8 mm long and 2.6–3.8 mm broad, oblong, acuminate, forming a narrowly triangular tip, 0.9–1.2 mm long, not reaching the upper


Phytotaxa 240 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press • 67 margin. Calyx 6.0– 7.4 mm long, exceeding the inner bract by 0.7–1.8 mm; calyx tube glabrous or covered with few hairs near the base, with 5 ribs ending above the base of lobes; calyx lobes ca. 0.8 × 1.1 mm, nearly triangular to semi-elliptic. Corolla lilac.

68 • Phytotaxa 240 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press


Chromosome number: —2n = 43 (Erben Li–1574, Li–1709, unpubl.).

Distribution: —This species is very common on Karpathos and rare on Kasos ( Fig. 88A View FIGURE 88 ).

Habitat: — L. amopicum is widespread along the rocky coast, where it grows on various substrates.

Etymology: —The species is named after Amopi, a locality in the southeast coast of Karpathos.

Taxonomic remarks: — L. amopicum belongs to a group of taxa distributed in the southeastern Aegean area including L. carpathum , L. monolithicum and L. sitiacum , all of which are characterized by having glaucous stems and leaves, only a few (or none) sterile branches, and quite long spikes with remotely arranged spikelets. It differs from all other taxa of L. carpathum group with except of L. sitiacum by having longer inner bracts and from L. sitiacum by having smaller leaves and longer calyces.

Specimens examined (Paratypes): — GREECE. Dodecanese: Karpathos, 27 May 1886, Forsyth Major 255 (Z); Insula Karpathos (Scarpanto): In saxosis calc. litoreis ad Phiniki, 18 June 1935, K. H. & F. Rechinger 8298 (M); Karpathos, Vourgounda, Strandgeröll, 1 m, 16 May 1982, Greuter 19125, Pleger & Raus 6437 (B); Karpathos, Felswand zwischen Arkassa und Finiki, 2 June 1982, Pleger 899 (B); Karpathos, Kleininsel Ammui, 43 m, 10 June 1982, Pleger 935a (B); Karpathos, 2 km NW von Ammopi, flache Felsküste, 5–10 m, 14 May 1983, Raus 8227 (B); Karpathos, Proni, 6 m, 20 June 1983, Pleger 1044 (B); Karpathos, Westküste gegenüber der Kleininsel Proni, Felsstrand, Kalkgestein, 5–15 m, 22 May 1984, Raus 9966 (B); Karpathos, Kleininsel „Stomata- Südwest“, 0–5 m, in der Tristomon-Bucht, 28 May 1986, Höner & Potthoff 488 (B); Karpathos, Höhen über der Bucht zw. Kap Volakas und Amopi, 0–40 m, Strandfelsen, 6 April 1995, Kalheber 95–074 (Herb. Kalheber); Karpathos, Höhen über der Bucht zwischen Kap Volakas und Amopi, 0–40 m, Strandfelsen, unter Überhängen, 6 April 1995, Kalheber 95–082 (Herb. Kalheber); Karpathos, Akro Scopi, 30 August 1996, Brullo & Guarino s.n. (CAT, herb. Erben); Karpathos, Finiki, 30 August 1996, Brullo & Guarino s.n., sheet 1 (CAT, Herb. Erben); Karpathos, Amopi, 30 August 1996, Brullo & Guarino s.n. (CAT, MSB, Herb. Erben); Karpathos, Makris Gialos, 30 August 1996, Brullo & Guarino s.n. (CAT); Karpathos, Akr. Kastello, 30 August 1996, Brullo & Guarino s.n. (CAT); Karpathos, Felsplateau zwischen dem Ormos Amorfos und dem Ort Amopi, 15–30 m, Felsplatten am Strand, 1 June 1998, Kalheber 98–764A–B (Herb. Kalheber); Karpathos, Küstenfelsen in dem Ort Amopi und seiner näheren Umgebung, 1–30 m, Felsen am östlichen Ortsrand, 1 June 1998, Kalheber 98–786 (Herb. Kalheber = Li–1574); Karpathos, Küstenfelsen in dem Ort Amopi und seiner näheren Umgebung, 1–30 m, Felsen hinter den Strandtavernen, 1 June 1998, Kalheber 98–787, 98–788 (Herb. Kalheber); Karpathos, Küstenfelsen in dem Ort Amopi und seiner näheren Umgebung, 1–30 m, Felsen am westlichen Ortsrand, 1 June 1998, Kalheber 98–789 (Herb. Kalheber); Karpathos, Küstenfelsen in dem Ort Amopi und seiner näheren Umgebung, 1–30 m, Felsen am Strand der kleinen Halbinsel mit Kapelle, 1 June 1998, Kalheber 98–790 (Herb. Kalheber); Karpathos, Lefkos, Strand und kleines Halbinselchen nordwestlich des Ortes, Strandfelsen, 2 June 1998, Kalheber 98–864 (Herb. Kalheber); Karpathos, Arkasa, Bucht südl. des Ortes, am Felsen von Agios Nikolaos, Landseite, 9 June 1998, Kalheber 98–1131 (Herb. Kalheber); Karpathos, Akro Skopi, rupi calcaree, 29 June 2002, Brullo & Giusso s.n., sheet 1 (CAT, Herb. Erben = Li–1709); Karpathos, Amopi, costa rocciosa calcarenitica, 29 June 2002, Brullo & Giusso s.n., sheet 1 (CAT, MSB, Herb. Erben); Karpathos, Diakofotis, Akro Castellou, 30 June 2002, Brullo & Giusso s.n., sheet 1 (CAT, MSB, Herb. Erben); Flora della Grecia, Karpathos, Vata, 30 June 2002, Brullo & Giusso (CAT, Herb. Erben); Flora della Grecia, Karpathos, Akro Pronj, 1 July 2002, Brullo & Giusso (CAT, Herb. Erben); Karpathos, Lefkos, Promontori marnoso-arenacei, 4 July 2002, Brullo & Giusso s.n., sheet 1 (CAT, Herb. Erben); Karpathos, Bucht von Amopi, Felsklippen an der Küste im Ortsteil der Siedlung Lakki, 27 September 2002, Kalheber 02–1628 (Herb. Kalheber); Karpathos, Promont. Nord Finiki, C. Proniou, 22 August 2003, Brullo & Bacchetta s.n. (CAT, Herb. Erben); Karpathos, Lefka, C. Liani Pounda, 22 August 2003, Brullo & Bacchetta s.n. sheet 2 (CAT); Karpathos, Amopi, Akr. Kimi, 23 August 2003, Brullo & Bacchetta (CAT, Herb. Erben); Kasos, südexponiertes Tal 0.5 km südlich Agios Georgios, Juniperus-phoenicea -Gebüsch über Neogenmergel, 120 m, 16 April 1983, Raus s.n. (B); Kassos, Ostspitze der Insel, Felsküste und windgeschorenes Juniperus-phoenicea- Gebüsch mit einigen alten Kulturterassen über Kalkgestein, 5–50 m, 27 May 1983, Raus 8450 (C).

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