Limonium crateriforme Erben & Brullo, 2016

Brullo, Salvatore & Erben, Matthias, 2016, The genus Limonium (Plumbaginaceae) in Greece, Phytotaxa 240 (1), pp. 448-450 : 448-450

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.240.1.1

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scientific name

Limonium crateriforme Erben & Brullo

sp. nov.

66. Limonium crateriforme Erben & Brullo View in CoL , sp. nov. ( Fig. 66 View FIGURE 66 )

Type :— GREECE. Dodecanese : Karpathos, Agios Theodoros, 30 June 2002, Brullo & Giusso s.n. (holotype MSB-164251!, isotypes CAT!, FI!, Herb. Erben!) .

Diagnosis: — Planta perennis, glabra, 15–55 cm alta, griseo-viridis ad glauca, foliis 8–40 × 1.5–5.0 mm, anguste spathulatis ad anguste oblanceolatis, 1-nerviis, caulibus pluribus, conspicue tuberculatis, proliferis, spicis 20–130 mm longis, spiculis 9.0– 10.5 mm longis, 1–4-floris, ad 1–4 in 2 centimetris dispositis, bractea inferiore 2.8–3.8 × 2.1–3.0 mm, triangulari-ovata, bractea media 3.0–4.0 × 2.0– 2.7 mm, bractea superiore 8.2–9.8 × 4.0– 5.2 mm, oblongo-obovata, margine late membranaceo, calyce 6.0– 7.2 mm longo, ex bractea superiore 1.0– 1.5 mm exserto, tubo glabro, lobis calycis ca. 0.7 × 0.9 mm, semi-ellipticis, interdum margines loborum calycis laceratis post anthesim.

Description: —Plant perennial, glabrous, forming a sub-shrub 15–55 cm tall, with several ascending to erect stems and a robust tap-root. Caudices 5–15 cm long, branched, densely spirally leafy in the upper half; living leaves at apices in rosettes. Leaves fleshy, grey-green to glaucous, flat or v-shaped in cross-section, tuberculate with many crateriform glands, 8–40 mm long and 1.5–5.0 mm broad, narrowly spathulate to narrowly oblanceolate, apex acute to rounded, retuse, with one central nerve, gradually tapering into the petiole. Stems 13–50 cm long, flexuous, constricted at the nodes, conspicuously tuberculate with many crateriform glands, branching begins near the base of the stems; normally repeatedly proliferating in axes. Inflorescence trullate or obtrullate in outline. Sterile branches numerous, 1–10 cm long, straight to curved, constricted at nodes, undivided or branched. Fertile branches 2–25 cm long, conspicuously tuberculate with many crateriform glands, flexuous, articulate, long branches arched, short branches straight, directed obliquely upwards or nearly spreading, forming branching angles of 20°– 70°, branched. Spikes 20–130 mm long, straight to arched, directed obliquely upwards; axis of spike with many crateriform glands. Spikelets 9.0– 10.5 mm long, composed of 1–4 flowers, very remotely arranged with 1–4 per 2 cm. Outer bract 2.8–3.8 mm long and 2.1–3.0 mm broad, triangular-ovate, acute to obtuse; bract margin broadly membranous; central part fleshy, with several crateriform glands, acuminate. Middle bract membranous, 3.0–4.0 mm long and 2.0– 2.7 mm broad, obovate-elliptic to oblong-obovate, rounded. Inner bract 8.2–9.8 mm long and 4.0– 5.2 mm broad, oblong-obovate, rounded; bract margin broadly membranous; central part fleshy, with many crateriform glands, 6.0– 7.8 mm long and 2.9–4.3 mm broad, oblong-obovate, acuminate, forming a narrowly triangular tip, 1.0– 1.5 mm long, not reaching the upper margin. Calyx often slender, 6.0– 7.2 mm long, exceeding the inner bract by 1.0– 1.5 mm; calyx tube glabrous, with 5 ribs ending above the base of lobes; calyx lobes ca. 0.7 × 0.9 mm, semi-elliptic; sometimes margin of calyx lacerate after anthesis. Corolla lilac.

Chromosome number: —2n = 34 (Erben Li–1715, unpubl.).

Distribution: —Widespread on Karpathos and Kasos; very rare in northeastern Crete ( Fig. 86D View FIGURE 86 ).

Habitat: —Rocky coast on various substrates.

Etymology: —The epithet “ crateriforme ” refers to the shape of the glands found on the plants of this species.

Taxonomic remarks: —The occurrence of numerous crateriform glands covering the whole plant, its glaucous stems with numerous sterile branches, and the remotely arranged spikelets indicate that L. crateriforme is closely related to L. proliferum and L. stenotatum . However, it may be differentiated from both species most of all by having longer outer and inner bracts.

Specimens examined (Paratypes): — GREECE. Crete: Creta, Akro Mavromouri , calcareniti conglomeratiche, 28 June 2002, Brullo & Giusso s.n. (CAT, Herb. Erben); Creta, Akr. Mavromouri (Sitia), 28 June 2002, Brullo & Giusso s.n. (CAT, Herb. Erben).— Dodecanese: Insula Karpathos: Ad austro-occidentem pagi Arkasa, pone sinum Ajios Nikolaos, alt. 20 m, in rupestribus calcareis occidentem spectantibus, 11 May 1963, Greuter 5164 plant b (Herb. Greuter); Insula Karpathos: In ditione Fondi inter Arkasa et promontorium Ajios Theodoros, alt. 30 m, in dumulosis sublitoreis, abundans, 5 June 1963, Greuter 5805 (Herb. Greuter); Karpathos, Küstenbereich gegenüber Sokastro, 2–20 m, 27 April 1982, Pleger 782 (B); Karpathos, SW-Küste zwischen Arkassa

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Phytotaxa 240 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press • 147 und Agios Georgios, gegenüber der Klippe Halikas, Sandstrand und Juniperus macrocarpa -Dünen, 1–5 m, 29 April 1982, Raus 5984, 5986 & Pleger (B); Karpathos, Kap Lingi, östl. des Flughafens, Kalksandsteinfelsen in der Salzwasser-Spritzzone, 1 m, 3 May 1982, Raus 6084 & Pleger (Herb. Greuter); Karpathos, Felswand zwischen Arkassa und Finiki, 2 June 1982, Pleger 899 (B, Herb. Greuter); Karpathos, Agios Theodorus, 5 km südwestlich Arkassa, Felsküste, Neogen-Mergel, 30 m, 4 May 1983, Raus 8084 (B); Karpathos, Lefkos (bei der Insel Sokastro), Küstenfelsen, 10–20 m, 29 May 1983, Raus 8462 (B); Karpathos, Südspitze, Bucht nördlich des Berges Kastello, Sand- und Felsstrand und strandnahe Kleinstrauchgarigues mit kleinen Lehmsenken, 2–10 m, 13 May 1984, Raus 9679 (B); Karpathos, Halbinsel Lettoporo an der W-Küste der Insel, sublitorale Felstrift und Phrygana, 0–50 m, 22 April 1985, Höner 87 (B); Karpathos, SW-Küste der Halbinsel Paleokastro (bei Arkasa), Übergangsbereich zwischen Halophytenfluren, Phrygana und Kalkfelstriften, 0–30 m; 28 May 1985, Höner 198 (B); Karpathos, West-Küste, Arkasa, Dorf und Küste beim Arkesia Felsen, 13 April 1995, Kalheber 95–602 (M, Herb. Kalheber) and 95–611 (Herb. Kalheber); Karpathos, Finiki, 29 August 1996, Brullo & Guarino s.n. (CAT, Herb. Erben); Karpathos, Finiki, 30 August 1996, Brullo & Guarino s.n. (CAT, Herb. Erben); Karpathos, Lefkos, Strand und kleines Halbinselchen NW des Ortes, Felsküste, 2 June 1998, Kalheber 98–860 (Herb. Kalheber); Karpathos, Arkasa, Bucht südlich des Ortes, am Felsen von Agios Nikolaos, Landseite, Felshänge, 9 June 1998, Kalheber 98–1124, 98–1132, 98–1133 (Herb. Kalheber); Karpathos, Westküste, bei Lefkos vorgelagertes Inselchen Sokastro, Felsphrygana im Ruinenbereich auf dem Plateau, 10 June 1998, Kalheber 98–1149, 98–1161, 98–1165 (Herb. Kalheber); Karpathos, Psoriari Plaka (presso l´aereoporto), 30 June 2002, Brullo & Giusso s.n. (CAT, Herb. Erben); Karpathos, Agios Theodoros, 30 June 2002, Brullo & Giusso s.n., sheet 2 (CAT, Herb. Erben = Li–1715); Karpathos, Agios Nikolaos (Arkasa), 30 June 2002, Brullo & Giusso s.n., sheet 2 (CAT, Herb. Erben); Karpathos, Damatria, 30 June 2002, Brullo & Giusso s.n., sheet 2 (CAT, Herb. Erben); Karpathos, Arkasa, 30 June 2002, Brullo & Giusso s.n. (CAT, Herb. Erben); Karpathos, Akro Kastellou, 30 June 2002, Brullo & Giusso s.n. (CAT, Herb. Erben); Karpathos, Diakofotis (Akro Castellou), 30 June 2002, Brullo & Giusso s.n. (CAT, Herb. Erben); Karpathos, Adia, 1 July 2002, Brullo & Giusso s.n. (CAT, Herb. Erben); Karpathos, Lefkos (costa marnosa), 1 July 2002, Brullo & Giusso s.n. (CAT, Herb. Erben); Karpathos, Lefkos (Promontori marnoso-arenacei), 4 July 2002, Brullo & Giusso s.n.,sheet 3 (CAT, Herb. Erben); Karpathos, Westküste, Lefkos, Felsen am Strand westlich des Ortszentrum, Kalkgestein, 30 September 2002, Kalheber 02–1658, 02–1659 (Herb. Kalheber); Karpathos, Lefka, C. Liani Pounda, 22 August 2003, Brullo & Bacchetta s.n., sheet 4 (CAT, Herb. Erben); Karpathos, Westküste der Insel, Arkasa, Felsklotz am Strand südlich des Akropolisfelsens, 3 October 2002, Kalheber 02–1681, 02–1685 (Herb. Kalheber); Insula Kasos: Prope pagum Fri, alt. 2–3 m, in ruderatis ad litus, 27 April 1962, Greuter 4343 (Herb. Greuter); Kasos, Nordküste, 2 km westl. von Fri, Sandstrand, 2 m, 24 April 1982, Raus 5706 & Pleger (B, Herb. Greuter); von Kasos, Westspitze der Insel („Punta Avlaki“), Küstenfelsen und salzbeeinflusster Kalkschutt, 5–20 m, 15 April 1983, Raus 7427 (B); Kasos, Insel Armathia, Südostküste der Insel, Sandstrand und Felsküste, 2–10 m, 19 April 1983, Raus 7608 (B); Kasos Ostspitze der Insel, Felsküste und windgeschorenes Juniperus phoenicea -Gebüsch mit einigen alten Kulturterassen über Kalkgestein, 5–50 m, 27 May 1983, Raus 8449 (B); Kasos, Insel Kuriko (-Süd) vor der Westspitze von Kasos, Felsküste und Halophytengebüsch, 5–30 m, 6 June 1983, Raus 8555 (B); Kasos: Insel Porianisi zwischen den Inseln Armathia und Makra vor der Nordküste von Kasoss, Felsküste und Halophytengebüsch, 5–30 m, 6 June 1983, Raus 8652 (B).

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